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Everything posted by Jintetsu

  1. Ok, problem solved: apparently the fuel crossfeed didn't work, I have fixed it with a fuel duct....
  2. Hello everyone! For first, I'm sorry for my terrible english! I'm new in Kerbal universe, and trying to fly a plane, the jet engine always go "flame-out" as I activate it... I've tried to add some intakes, but with no results. It's obvious that I didn't understand something... What am I doing wrong?
  3. Hi everyone! I'm new in the forum and in the game. Taking inspiration from this thread, i made this rovers: the "Millepiedi" (it's like centipede in italian) and the "Tartaruga" (turtle) the first one is little slow (13m/s) and i noticed too late that there is no stairs to come back inside the rover...
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