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    Deep Space Designer
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  1. So I was talking to someone about not seeing the 1.1 release on the KSP website . He then said... Sqaud is unable to provide a download link because of "high bandwidth costs" . So im stumped . i wish I could be moved to Steam but cant anymore. I really dont want to buy the game again .
  2. In response to changing fashion trends amongst the youth of Ben Union, new recruits to the military have petitioned the government to update the army's dress code accordingly.
  3. Lets say its 1971 and your are in charge of deciding the last Apollo mission . The mission can be ranging from lunar polar landing or A flyby of a planet. You have to use whats available bellow for the last Apollo mission. Good luck 1x Saturn V 1x Saturn IB 1x Apollo Lunar lander (long duration) 1x Apollo Command module 1x Mini Skylab Rules: No suicide missions. Crew must return safety back to earth.
  4. All i have a chrome book and it doesn't allow me to open or even extract files . And i forget mono develop can work too.
  5. I currently don't have a PC to do it . Its going to stay like this for a while
  6. I don't have that PC anymore i will split it up tough
  7. Thanks sal_vager , i will tried to limit it. But you need all tools for it to function correctly and it only works with Visual C# 2010 Express
  8. How to code in C# Hello Everyone after 6 hours of uploading here it is. This is a C# tutorial split up into 10 days with 2-3 hours of Video instruction each day. There are also bonuses included in the file to with other languages to learn there are E-Books. But I will suggest learning C# first then the others. Learning C# will enable you to make mods for KSP and is just helpful over all to know. Requirements: \/ Visual C# 2010 Express \/ You will need a Microsoft account . http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9709939&clcid=0x409&wt.mc_id=o~msft~vscom~download-body~dn469506&campaign=o~msft~vscom~download-body~dn469506 Want for more than 90 day trial? Go on a Legal site and search for this Visual C# 2010 Express \/ Download Link \/ You also need 7-zip to extract the file https://mega.co.nz/#!DcQmhD5R!XoO_t16w2uca4T6OTS7aDyqm9SqKJzvzpunJNaFw8v4
  9. Does Squad have to pay the developers of the mod to implement it in the game?
  10. Is there any way to get this working for 64 bit of ksp .25?
  11. When you transmit data it taunts at you that your not learning anything please add the ability to use things like buildings in sandbox.
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