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Posts posted by Christian_DE

  1. Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Nvidia propritary drivers - same issue like micellux, but even worse.

    There is a severe difference for me, if time acceleration is on (lvl 2+) or off (lvl 1). If time is accelerated, all numbers behave as you would expect, if time is standard, they are rapidly changing.

    This affects:

    - maneuver node count down as described below. Accelerated it descreases as expected, if not it's just stuck

    - maneuver node speed change (the yellow bar), if I accelrated immediately after creating the node, the number will be as expected, i.e., small change 7m/s. If I set time to normal however, that number will rapidly increase, up t 400m/s+ even for smallest changes, while engines are off the entire time. I can switch this on and off with the acceleration setting. while 2+, number is constant, with time normal, it's starts increasing again

    - weirdest effect: image you have two objects in the same orbit with all engines off. There distance should be absolutely stable, and while time is accelerated, they are. In normal time however, you can suddenly observe the non-controlled object speeding up or slowing down rapidly. This will instantly stop when accelrating time, and instantly start again, when having normal time. I can freely reproduce this behavior. Restarting game, reloading, all doesn't change this.

    - all other parts of the game work as expected, no glitches, no crashes. I succesfully landed on the mün. Just 2 weeks ago when I started to use maneuver nodes and trying to dock at a station, I noticed this completely weired behavior.


    Hello, I'm running KSP in Fedora and globally it works very well, but I'm having a issue when I set a maneuver node.

    I set the maneuver, and the time to reach that point appears at the bottom right of the navball, but that time doesn't decrease, it only changes if I do time warp. At normal time, it doesn't move a single second. Even if I go into map view and put the mouse over the maneuver node, the indicated time doesn't decrease

    Is anyone experiencing the same issue? Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you.

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