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Posts posted by Saint-Stanislas

  1. Hi there

    Thank you for the awesome mod, I have been using it since 0.90 

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add a radiator module that would react accordingly to the size of the wing. I have been messing around with MM a lot, but this is above my understanding as i dont have any clue of how a dll is built. 


    So, there is probably a bunch of equations in the dll that determine the weight of the wing depending on its general shape and size, is it possible to add a line there and output maybe two new arbitrary variable, like fuel volume and radiator capacity, that could be used by a tank or radiator module if it needs to? 

    I'm quite unsure if it's possible thought, MM is patching everything at loading, and it seems like Pwing dll is outputing the weight value in the VAB. So it means that the dll would need to output a radiator capacity value in the VAB as well, could it be as simple as copying the line, multiplying by a ratio, and giving the value a name. Or do we have to code a whole bunch of stuff to make sure the value get outputed in the right field ? 


    Anyways, It would be great to have such an option, as much as a compatibility with interstellar fuel switch (wich would probably require the same kind of work ) 

  2. Yes I have both latest version of these

    I also have throttle controled avionics, could it conflict with FAR?

    Plus mechjeb and RKE joystick, wich I guess are both messing with control input somehow, but i've been using both without any problem before ...

    EDIT: Nevermind, not even an issue

    As I was saying I haven't played for a while and I forgot a lot of stuff , just builded a plane to try it out and I have been setting the control limitations to -100% instead of zero. So it is totally my fault, haven't payed enought attention to what I was doing before thinking it was a bug. Thank you anyways !

  3. I've been trying to find something realted to my issue but I'm not even sure of the name of the feature.

    So, I would always set pitch,roll and yaw % for each wings so they respond diferently to each input. like Yaw at zero for the elevators, Roll at zero for tailfins etc. I can set all of this in the VAB but it doesn't change anything once the craft is on the runway. All control surface are responding to all input. I don't know what is causing this behavior, I'm wondering if the feature is linked to the techtree maybe (not unlocked yet even though i can see it on the parts in SPH).

    If not it would be a conflict with another mod ? Or I'm just dumb and I'm doing something not right. I have not played since 0.90 early days so I am not sure if some stuff are handled diferently now, is there a button to enable this feature somewhere maybe ?

  4. Hey

    Great mod, again ! Thank you for the awesome work !

    It's funny to see all these trolls making it a pain in the ass to update our mods everytime squad is updating their game! Over 6 pages of trolling and there is like 5 relevant comments! All the other are just these silly imperative and irrelevant request and complaint about the update of the mod. I am choosing the funny side, cause on another hand it is the biggest pain in the ass in the world to read throught that garbage to get actual information about the ETA of the mod and the specific incompatibilities. Internet is somehow proving that mankind is hopeless, or at least that freedom of speech should be limited...

    Anyways, thank you for not giving up on us and to keep working on this mod!

  5. So, when you right click a part in flight, the window gets the good lenght by default, adpating to the number of lines of info/buttons it has to show. But can we adjust somewhere how wide it is ? On stock KSP it is not really problematic, but a lot of mod are showing some long lines of information that the window is just clipping and then you can't read half of it. I'm mostly reffering to KSPI, where the first info line for generators is sometimes plasma/laser consumption rate and you just can't see the numbers because they are clipped by the window ....

    I'm pretty sure this has already been solved, I just can't find it anywhere on the forum through google.

  6. So you were able to reproduce the Fusion reactor problem. But were you able to make the toolbar button work. I can see the GUI from each separate reactor but I can't get any window from the toolbar button still. I would help you more if I could, but I'm doing my reading right now during the christmas vacation.

    I'm coding on mills and laythe IRL, so there some similarity, but I mostly have to go throught everything that is computer related.... coordinates systems handling is kind of a joke compared to unity... And there's a huge difference between 3d modelling for games and 3d modeling for actual physicals parts. So I'm still totally lost when it comes to unity, but I'm slowly making my way up there and hopefully I'm gonna be able to do my share of support in a few months.

  7. Well in fact, I just realise the toolbar "megajoule power manager" button was not doing anything. I would say that as long as I can't make that button work, means something is broken with the thermal mechanics dll. As I was saying, I'm gonna try it on a fresh install right now and try to outline the mod that could cause it.

    EDIT: Here's a screen of the results (tweakscale1.50 and modulemanager2.5.6 only). Actually, it's only happening with the Fusion reactors. They don't have any power output... I don't have the log right now, my game booted with -nolog and I'm leaving for shopping. I'll make one tonight.


  8. The dev link still give 404 by the way

    I'm still trying your fix, I have a bunch of other mods, mostly USI stuff, and It seems like I have some problem with the thermal turbojet. It doesn't seem to understand when he's hook on a reactor. The reactor is online at 0% and the turbojet gives 0 thrust. I'm just wondering what kind of mods could mess with kspi thermal mechanics. There's a lot of new stuff related to ressources and I'm not sure if it could conflict with how KSPI handles them. I'm thinking about regolith and CRP maybe even EPL. What kind of interaction is messing with interstellar ?

    Anyway, don't bother trying to reproduce it, I'm gonna install from scratch and reboot until I find some culprit... If I can't find anything I'll output the log later today

  9. Hi there ,

    I've been running ksp on a Hptouchsmart since my desktop broke ( liquid spilling ).

    With a Intel Duo1.2Ghz, 4Gb Ram, and a 512mbATImobHD5450 GPU it's as awfull as expected. With Atm scalling everything at 1/8, 0.25 was runnable and playable with craft under a hundred parts.

    With the 0.90 version, I don't know whats happening, but even with 2gb of gamedata, 1/2 scalling, graphics setting at default, I get double fps than before, without sacrificing 7/8 of the textures !!!! It really feel like I'm playing the game on my desktop.

  10. @Khataar: look in the ActiveTextureManagerConfigs folder and take these as example. Write one config per mod folder, since there a folder field at the beginning of each config files, I'm not sure your */textures/* method will work.Determine each textures path properly, they are not all in a folder named ''texture''.

    @MGCJerry : Have you tried without openGL ? I found that the new ATM versions are kind of making it less mandatory. My GPU doesn't like openGL (don't, I've cheked everything, it's an enduro build :( ), so I had to deal with that. And anyway, what are you doing with squad's folder !!! You should just leave it as it is from the start. Or at least try a clean install instead of reporting a bug your likely the author...

    @jdavis : ...

    @Elthy : good question, you could look if after deleting the part(and it's texture, ATM is loading every texture he's finding, useful or not ) and rebooting there is still a texture for the part you deleted in the cache folder inside ATM folder ( it's easy to browse trought it ). Then you would know if ATM realised that there was no more texture at that address, or if he's not aware of it. Then you would have either to reload all the cache, or to just manually remove the compressed texture of the deleted part form it

  11. I came up with 82% because i'm picky :D

    It a excellent idea to use rescale factor on a new part, I'll try it too. I didn't spend too much time testing it yet, so it might be a cfg error or something that kept the part from moving at 1.45 and stuff. Let me know if you get the same behavior when you put all the scales on the same part.

    EDIT: Ok, I'm dumb, didn't retry it but anyways, the ''bug'' I was expperiencing with part bigger than 1.22 scale was most probably due to the fact that I didn'T respect the IR building scheme ( attaching part always on the good node, not reversing them without using a reverse mount )

    EDIT: Tried to assemble it correctly, still translating instead of rotating, i'll try with a new part like you suggested.


  12. It's normal...

    You can help yourself with airbrakes, but with deadly reentry you have to make that kind of trajectory if you don't wan't to burn or to crush your kerbals. It's a matter of how many G of deceleration and how much heat you're ship can take. You can tweak your reentry to get a shorter path, but there's no way you can deorbit less than .25 orbit from where you wan't to go ( actually yes , but lets talk only about common situations ).

    I personnaly love airbrakes, they automatically go in the break action group, and then you can control pretty well your deceleration by playing with them. You could also make sure that spoilers/flap are enabled on your wings and to link them to some key in the action group to augment your deceleration power ( be careful though to test your plane reaction while all spoilers are on ). I understand your feeling about chute, I'm not using them either on spaceplanes.

    A third option I used one time on a 300t spaceplane ( it was a bit to heavy for conventionnal breaking only) was to put some retroengines; I had two precooler body per side, one with a conic adapter on the back and intake in front, and one with engines on both sides. It's creating a lot of drag though, but it's manageable and pretty cool. I was using KSPinterstellar too, it make it easier to build over powered stuff.

  13. Hi there

    Just wanted to report a small interaction issue with another mod. I know it's probably not in your list of priority, but anyways. With RoverDude's Survival pack (he's including mm config for your mod ), there's one part that get his chute changed for a RC one. Once the module is changed, it's causing the picture of the part in the VAB/SPH to explode/zoomin until it take the whole screen and then disappear.

    It was an issue in the past, on squad side, related to the number of module or something. But now it's back, with that part only . According to roverdude, it's an issue he had in the past with your mod, but he does seem to have any idea of what would cause it. At the same time, it might be that Squad never really fixed the original problem but just hid it, and this specific part is breaking their fix.

    It's pretty simple to just use the stock chute module and pretend there's no problem for now, but I guess that on a long term dev perspective it's better to know about it right know than later.

    Your mod got updated pretty quickly after the new release and therefore it tempted me. I never tried it before and it is absolutly great. Actually, I had made a cross on chute a long time ago and was always relying on propulsion/lift to save my crew. Now I can do more dangerous missions, since I have a escape plan that is actually working thanks to you.

  14. First Thing tomorrow !!! NOW !!! :D

    More seriously, I was thinking of something for the next version:

    When you add a wing on the tip of another wing, it auto center and auto root-size. I was just wondering if this feature could be togglable. I can't remember in wich circumstance I thought about it correctly, I think I had two wings and I wanted the tip wing root to go over both or something like that. Just an idea, I don't know how easy it would be to implement. In my head it sounds easy since it's probalby a feature that you made in your mod because it was damn annoying to have these wing never aligned perfectly, having to replace everything each time you scale it.

    Thank you for the great mod ! Since B9 is kinda stuck with his dependancies update and that squad included a few more spaceplane parts, you're mod is going to be the final touch to my Ssto aimed carreer. I never found any thought of how it was interacting with FAR though. I know it's working to have used both on .25, but I'm not sure if it's working because FAR ignores it or if because all the things that needed to be setted up to make it work nicely were. It's beyond my comprehension, but is there a modular FAR module with MAC and everything in the wings... or it's just jumping over it ?

  15. Ok, youhou then it means it's actually working.

    Any idea of why scaling over 1.22 prevent part from moving ( there like translating just a bit, wich make no sense ).

    Zodius since it's your stuff and your models, would you mind giving the exact proportion between the outside and inside joint of the foldatron insert. I made it visually at 82%, but I feel like the lack of precision is probably breaking the bigger scales because of parts interferences.

  16. The firespitter.dll you can download from the github repo, is version 7. Lokk at it's version info, it's like 7.5463 or something, B9 still include 7.53.

    If you aready replaced FS dll by the one from the repo, then you have the good version, it's just the avc version file in FireSpitter folder that still has the info of the older version. Just open it and change the FS version to the new one and avc should stop buggin you ( it's just a warning, it can'T cause an issue itself )

  17. Right lol !

    Thank you for the precision K3 , but my post was mostly aiming to highlight the fact that all these mods have read me and therefore, it should be possible to anyone who's wondering what is what to get a clear answer if they put the time in it .... took me a minute to make these conclusion without opening anything, so I'M sur ethat reading, as usual, is an infinite source of complementary info :D

    @Hyomoto, obviously your right, but we should not forget that B9 has been out there forever and that it's been builded with the API avaible at each stage of its devellopement. The author could not guess wich API would lose support and wich would become more and more important in the modders community. Rebuilding from scratch with different api something that took years to put together is likely taking years.... you can'T just cut and paste, you have to rethink everything through.

    I'm pretty confident though that you guys that are develloping B9 are gonna be able to save as much as possible, probably by making a few sacrifices on functionnality not supported anymore.

    With the new mk3 part, I almost feel like squad was jealous and they decided to break B9 and it's nicer spaceplane parts, by making sure all it's dependencies would get messed up :P

  18. It would make a lot of sense if it was those packed with it.... I'm just wondering wich one are adding only functionnality and wich one are kinda core, and without them you'll encouter bugs

    CrossFeedEnabler : not core ? put fuel line everywhere, or use stock module ( there's definitely a reason for not using them )

    Firespitter : updated

    JSI : maybe not core, as long as you don't plan to EVA

    KinetechAnimation : Core ; it's for cargo doors and generators I guess

    Klokheed martian: Not core, but you probably have to put back a stock MODULEGimbal on engines that we're using it. It may be essential for VTOL engine too.

    MP_Nazari: ?BOGUS_NODE? good question

    ResGen: I would say core, I haven't had time to read the extended docs yet

    Smokescreen : Updated

    VirginGalactic : it's a ressource management plugin, I don'T know how it's used in B9

    So if you read each read me in these respective folder you'll have plenty of information on what is what! And you can also go see on these mods respective thread ! I think some are not develloped anymore though ?

  19. Since I saw the Athlete Thruss I wanted to do this :


    I'm pretty sure IR is messy while tweakscaling and there are some special config to make for it if we want to use tweakscale. Probably with the node adjustement.

    This is probably really messy, I didn't reloaded a ship with it yet, but it's already buggy in the VAB: the node attach are returning to normal as soon as you copy the part, or open a ship file ( an overscaled will have the node inside the part, and an underscaled will have the node outside of it ).

    I just messed with your scaling definition for the foldatron ( scaleFactors = 0.45, 0.54, 0.67, 0.82, 1.0, 1.22). Over 1.22 it seem to get even more buggy as the part are not moving, and they dont look like they'Re stuck togheter.

    I'm not asking for help or anything, I know where to find the IR documentation and it is in my plans to go through it. Since there's a special guide for creating IR parts, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna find all the explanation for these behaviors in the docs. I'm just sharing the idea right now because it's been itching me since I saw the Foldatron and the thrusses !

    And your parts are absolutly beautiful !!! I'm really eager to get the new ones you are working on, they are gorgeous as well ( yes, gorgeous robotic parts ! )

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