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Posts posted by Saint-Stanislas

  1. Any tutorial on how to build a basic plane? I just added this mod and i'm in the middle of my career (didn't find stock parts enough to build a decent plane) and now i'm overwhelmed by parts. I wanted to make a basic atmospheric plane with the Mk2 cockpit

    EDIT: how is it possible that i find only videos featuring the VTOL engine?!


    And you have to install ferram aerospace research as well to make b9 spaceplane behave properly

  2. Voila, j'ai tout fait pour tuer mon ordinateur et il tient encore la route avec cette liste mise a jour! Grace a ActiveTextureManger et DDSloader! J'essaie ATM 4.0 maintenant et les premier resultat sont extremement encourageant.


  3. On my install (63 folders in GameData, AVC reports 29 mods and I've removed many similar parts), I usually sit at 1.78G on the startup screen, with ~1.8G in the VAB in an otherwise empty sandbox save with a modified cfg with scale & normals_scale set to 8.

    With the aggressive 4.0 beta installed with scale back up to the default of 2, I'm now sitting at 628MB(!) on startup screen and 950MB(!) in the VAB.

    Generation of the cache took well over an hour, and it was well worth it. I'll report back later today after having played a while if I notice any issues.

    Are you using DDS loader at the same time ?

    My atm configs are as low as before the installation, scale and normal resize to 8, and no mipmap, but You get stronger effects somehow. Maybe some texture I ddsified would have been handled better by atm?

    I have not much understanding in this, but I guess I could exclude dxt files when I convert to dds so they would be managed by atm again. Could this be the difference explaning our performance difference ?

  4. Get the firespitter.dll from the firespitter dowload not the one packed with B9(I think you can get just the dll from the github repository). I think I had that problem at some point when reinstalling without firespitter's part and it fixed it

    I don't know if it will help.... but there is a version difference between the two files ( well according to window B9 is v7.05398.27328 and FS is v7.0.5356.35478 )

  5. Similar Result here ( with 4.0 )

    Scaled down from 2.3Gb/2.6Gb to 1.7Gb/1.9b. It took around an hour and a half to load, I'm restarting too see how's the second loading time. Also, I have tried exiting the game from space center, and when I press " Back to Main Menu" the small menu screen stays on while a loading screen appears in the back. You can still resume the game and it's going back to space center...

    I don't have a log and use tons of mods, there are good chances it's something else that I installed at the same time ( UbioZurWelding tool or VesselViewer ).

  6. Yes !

    This is awesome

    DDS texture support would be really helping too, and I'm wondering if there's a way to just not load the texture until you click the part or load the vessel ? I saw a few bugs where the game wouldn't load correctly and all part in the VAB/SPH where blank, just a 3D shape.

    I'm always spending some time deleting parts that I am not using to lower my memory usage, and a few hour later I realise I deleted something I need. It would be awesome to keep everything, but load only what we use on demand. Then user could auto-load some parts ( the most used ) by opening a .craft containing the parts they chose when they start the game. There would be a bunch of white stuff in the VAB, but i guess it depends on the memory gain we could get from that. I don't know how much difference it would do, but i feel like between ''preloading resized'' and ''which texture?'' there is some place for good memory gain.

  7. Hi everybody,

    I'm new to the forum but I'm on ksp since 0.16 or so... I just subscribed to the forum because I was able to find everything by just reading through them until now ! I'm a french canadian, so excuse my not so fluent english ( past tence and stuff )!

    So I am using the "search this thread tool" a lot before posting, to find out if somebody would have asked about something similar earlier.

    Maybe I am just blind, but I can't see any way to order the results by date. For recent thread it's not really a problem, but in the case of, as an example, a plugin thread that is out there since 0.18 or so, there is thousands of pages to look through. So when you search for a specific bug or something, the page that are coming up are often reporting the bug on a previous version of the game/mod and it's pretty confusing. If the result were ordered by date, you would see the latest report similar to yours. In the advanced search section, you can ask wich kind of order you want, but you can't search on a specific thread ( just a specific section of the forum )

    I am sure it is really easy and there is just something i'm not seeing.

    So thanks in advance for your answers !!

    (EDIT) : No that I have posted this I realise that this is easy to come around by using the "site:" function on google but it is unconvenient and there is obviously an easy way to do this onsite.

  8. This mod is awesome, could not play without it since .18 or so !!! Mandatory for ssto !

    I don't know much about coding, only doing some configs files for myself, but I was wondering if it was possible to use the FSmodule ( FSmeshswitch I think ) to have two texture settings on the cargo bays. The second one would just be rotated so the black(bottom) would be on the side of the door(top). I don't know anything about how it's all linked together thought. Hopefully, there is a really easy way to use the same texture "rotated", but I guess it depends also on how the texture and the door animation are linked....

    Anyway, the idea is just to have a belly opening cargobay to drop rover and stuff, and to keep the black and white section of the craft continuous... it's fancy but i'm at that point of my adventure :D

    Now that I'm writing I realize I'm using a SPP part, but it would be great with B9 for sure, and I guess it would make it easier since B9 already use differnet texture on some parts!

    Again, this is all way over my head so I might be daydreaming, or I might be posting in the wrong thread since it might be more FS related ( Firespitter? )

    EDIT: Ok reading the config info of firespitter I realize maybe it would be easier to do by using FStextureswitch2 with a different texture .... I don't realy understand what to change in the texture file itself thought to flip it... but FSmeshswitch would still use pratically no memory

  9. Hey , I just found this nice little tool !

    I'll use it mainly to get rid of the part I NEVER use ( AKA stock wings ).

    I read the thread quickly to see if there was some compatibility issues and then I saw that post


    Almost 1k views since my last post and only 3 volunteers...

    Anyway, I still need help with the translation to other languages then Italian or Portuguese.

    It would be great to find some people for the skandinavian languages or french, russian, spanish, polish, greek, dutch, hungarian or any other language (this is not a ranking and quiet far from complete).

    I don't know if I could handle chinese or japanese but hey lets try =)

    from MacTee .... it broke my hearth , cause he's kind of right !

    So anyways, I'm a french canadian and I could easily do the french translation. The thing is, I don't have any clue of how to do this ! Can you PM me like some kind of config file with all the text of the GUI line based and then I can translate it easily ? I don't know much about programming so just let me how how I can help !

  10. Moi j'utilise

    pour les fonctionnalité et les performance : Editor Extension, TweakScale, ToolBar, KerbalJointReinforcement, TextureManager

    pour modifier l'univers : CustomBiomes, F.A.R.,

    pour les pièces : B9Aerospace, BetterScienceLabs, KAS, MechJeb2, SCANSat,

    Et pour le délire : KSP Interstellar !

    J'aimerais essayer ExtraplanetaryLauchPad, mais ça en fait trop pour mon système!

    KSPI est vraiment interessant, et reste le mods utilisant des technologies inexistantes/en devellopement le plus raisonnable.

  11. Since I am a new player, reading this document really got me in the game, it made it more real... or testified how much it's close too reality

    Feels like I went to the NASA congress and got the big job

    Now I am in charge of NASA operation's... and Houston is having some problems

  12. So I everyone,

    I have been playing Ksp for a week now and I registered on the forum because I wanted to share the above link

    I searched the forum to make sure it was not already posted ( hope I am not a too bad searcher )


    It is a Congressional Space Handbook from 1959. Even it is old, it is really interesting. I went throught the section about propellant; it explain everything really well and there is sections on technologies planned to be develloped.

    I figured it would be interesting for new players, as it is a vulgarisation manual meant for "everyone"

    I thought it could also be interesting as it is a small encyclopedia of realistic technologies that are not yet used, so good tool for plugin devellopers maybe

    Well thats it, hope you guys enjoy this as much as me

    And sorry for the grammar, english is not my first language and I am not used to write it at all

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