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Everything posted by UbioZur

  1. Make sure you are using the last version. Check the log for error to or warning. Make sure you desactivate the auto-reload of the database in the configuration check the generated file, it may do the same issue than SpaceInvader
  2. Normally it take into acount MM changes since it takes the value from the part and not the config. It is something i have to check for the futur version since I do take the config now. I have been reported that, It is a platform and path issue. what platform are you on?
  3. Mulkuth fixed those issue: for the time I couldn't work on the mod dur to irl, check the download here Animation, landing legs, fxanimatethrottle, launchclamp, fxpos, fxlookat, wheel, ladder, parachutes, decouple, intake, animheat, jetisson, seats, internal. This has a bit to do with how the game use the scale, the rescale factor on the cfg and how it's apply and all that. A pain, I will have a better look for the futurs versions. The non playtest versions I am working on, I will be trying to actually support mods for the second and more versions.
  4. There are some stock Modules that I did not figure yet how to weld. I wouldn't add air intake to the weld unless you actually modify the .cfg after to correct the values. as of loosing air intake, well I guess it depend on where they are, since I would be one value instead of several. Yes the cfg is available and is considered as a new part and so you can modify it manually yourself (it's in the Part folder of the mod).
  5. J'avoue que j'aurais vraiment aimer avoir quelques ressources ou raison d'aller explorer ces planetes (je n'ai pas encore attérie sur une, car ben... pourquoi?) Mais pour le multi si tu prend l'article d'aujourd'hui d'Harvester. Nous regardons maintenant , Bien qu'encore quelques mises àjours de plus, a Scope Completion (j'avais pas envi de le traduire lui) Scope-complete signifie que toutes les fonctionalitées du jeux sont implémenté, même si leurs contenu est limité. Il y aura encore au moins une, possiblement plusieurs mises àjours avant ca (il parle du Scope Completion apres la .24) Pour les très gros projets, comme le multijoueur, nous travaillons dessus en arriere plan plusieurs mois avant. Donc d'après moi, la plochaine grosse update (apres la 0.24) devrais etre le multi, a moins qu'ils aient une opportunité de mettre une fonctionalité dans le jeux (comme les astéroides) qui se présente. Apres combien de temps avant qu'elle sorte.... C'est la derniere grosse fonctionalité que je vois qui n'a rien d'implémenté dans la liste de ce qui est prévu. Ca n'est que mon point de vu et mon analyse. Prennez rien d'officiel dans ce que je dit (a part les quotes de l'article d'Harvester)
  6. hi, each mod that are on the forum have a thread and that thread will help you find a place to download it. And thread moved to the general add-on affairs.
  7. I don't know why it is not in game but kasuha reasons seem to be good for me. As an alternative you could use Editor Extensions mod to add more freedom in your creation. Also as well explained in the last harvester article, they have just implemented the bare minimum to test features and will in few updates start adding meat to those feature.
  8. Ils avait décidé de ne pas mettre de ressources dans le jeux quand ils ont décidé de mettre le multijoueur. (par la j'entend bien sur pour la 1.0).
  9. Thread moved toward a more appropriate forum. As said before, there is at the moment no new known problem. Make sure you have the port on the correct side, and a picture can help.
  10. That's a sweet design! Never thought of using the strut to encapsulate everything else! Crew hatch need to be careful, the game like the hatch to be near the center of mass, it even is a problem for most part modders.
  11. Tu peux utiliser un pod et des sieges, le pod peux stocker la science et un kerbal et les siege, les autres kerbals. Il y a encore quelques bugs de physiques ici et la, mais il est assez stable. La finance est confirmer pour .24 (contrats, budget et autres) géologie, pas entendue parler pour le moment (il y a des mods pour faire des cartes etc...) spécialisation des kerbals, souvents suggéré mais pas entendu d'anonce officiel sur ce sujets Canons lasers et autres armes sont un non pour squad (multiplayer l'été aussi, et ils ont changer d'avis) Juste un pod normal du jeux marche très bien pour ca aussi
  12. Most of the parts that contain modules may loose functionality if merged (especially if it's not a stock module). You can safely weld any structural and tanks part together. RCS can be welded but will act strange for the rotation. Docking ports: not advice unless you end up with one only. When the welder try to weld two modules that are unknown to it (like mod modules), it will add a message that it didn't know what to do with it. So you will end up with the modules just wrote on the config file, you can play with it to make it work.
  13. that texture mod use a dummy texture also. but it's simpler to load a texture and replace it than to create a whole part with preview.
  14. You have the official version of why here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82588-A-Potential-Scraping-of-Spaceport
  15. Is the weld performed correctly? On that version I had to delete all the parts because of how C# handle the data (it doesn't makes a copy), so I was modifying the data directly without any original copy and so the nodes and all that ended up out of place. On the futur version I do not change any data and so I don't have to delete anything. Make sure you save the vessel before you weld. You could try to ctrl+Z also
  16. Tout une histoire J'aime ca Si on considere que tu utilise des roues électriques pour ton rover (et non les landing gears). La touche B le permettra de freiner ou lacher le frein le temps que la touche est appuyer. Sinon en haut a coté de l'altimetre tu as un bouton pour mettre le frein. Une autre solution est bien sur de ne pas le lacher en pente (sur la lune pas si facile)! Il vaut mieux avoir le rover en bas de la fusé et avoir un "skycrane" (voir images).
  17. I moved the thread on to the Kerbal Network (forum about the forum and other squad site). A search on the forum (advanced search of the post you have done) seems to show that you haven't posted for a while. Could you screenshot the forum you access on your desktop (incl the address bar). Can you also (with your desktop), try to log off, log in and see if it change. and access the forum through the link in the ksp main site.
  18. Hi wizzlebippi, You can have a look at the GUI options of unity here.
  19. Can you check the log to make sure it was correctly welded. I see what you are offering here, and it is a good idea, so far what I see is: - Limited by the amount of dummy set before the game need to be reloaded - I still haven't found a way to reprocess that .cfg file (or equivalent in game: ConfigNode).
  20. If you distribute the part.cfg of the hull, you will be able to, you do not need to distribute or require the plugin once the cfg is done. So far a better UI (toolbar, cleaner display), setting in game, different type of welding (safe, all in etc...) [working on it], I wish to link part to the savefile in career, etc.... still looking for a way to load a single part.cfg in game without having to load the whole database/model/etc...
  21. Salut àtoi Thanatoscorp. Et bienvenue sur le forum! Hésite pas a demander de l'aide si besoin et àpartager tes experiences
  22. There isn't a lot of documentation around, A plugin is one or a set of dll. You can find some good example here and there.
  23. Ok I am back now that IRL is a bit more settle guys. I have not yet read all the posts since there is a lot since the last time I looked. but from a quick look: - I have linked the malkuth fix on the main post and removed the spaceport link (Massive thanks to malkuth for doing that fix while I was away). - Make sure you have this version and not the last spaceport one (since it was for .22 on spaceport). -For the reload of the database, remember you can desactivate it on the setting file: GameData\UbioWeldingLtd\PluginData\UbioWeldingLtd\ config.xml. Currently no Curse version will be available since I am going to continue a more stable/finish version of the mod and release it once done.
  24. J'ai bien profité de mon voyage merci (on sort un peu du sujet du post original quand même). Je pars bientot pour l'espagne où je devrais être plus libre pour ksp.
  25. Merci pour l'initiative varsass.
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