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Everything posted by UbioZur

  1. I feel your pain There is no official documentation, but there are some tools to help with itincluding: - several posts on the forum (not always up to date) - The irc chat #kspmodder if I recall well, on esper.net - Taranis have offer some very simple up to date code (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56053-Example-plugin-projects-to-help-you-get-started) When you import the dll on your project, you can see the available functions that you can access, after it's a matter of trial, look at other codes, and asking. This is C# syntax, it mean you can access the ActiveVessel as a "Variable" in read only (they are called accessor) Just like you I learned C# with modding for KSP, but I have a strong c++ background and a friend who helped me a lot as it's his everyday job to code with those language. I would especially advice to start learning c# with modding ksp, unless you are extremely motivated and patient. (there is no debug, documentation etc....) Every update break some mods due to change on some functions! also it is important to recompile the mod with the UnityEngine and CSharpAssembly dll that come with the new version. Since there is no doc and debug you need a extensive use of Debug.Log, and look at the Log in game or the file. In the config file change VERBOSE_DEBUG_LOG to True In Visual studio (I am pretty sure other IDE works the same) you can browse the function of the DLL you reference to your projects. And of course there is a lot to learn with how Unity manage the GameObject and all that. Most of the work are about recompiling the addon. if your addon is very specific, and the update change what your addon is using (let says terrain for scansat etc...) you will need to figure out what changed and how to make it work (irc and forum are best for that). I would start by making a partless addon using Taranis templates. Once you have it working, then i would look at how the mod found the real altitude, and implement it in the game. good luck
  2. Eheh, il faut prendre les problemes 1 par 1. Avec un peu de chance je serais un peu plus disponible cet été pour t'aider si tu as besoin. (pas que je connais des chose de Unity ou Blender, mais tester et/ou rechercher dans les archives du forum anglais).
  3. Pas mal du tout Palwin! ca a l'air sympas! continue le bon travail!
  4. I merged your last two post. Welcome back, and it's a few post that are needed to not be moderated and have avatar/signature. It shouldn't take long with a normal use of the forum.
  5. Salut rabzoue, je suis désolé du temps d'attente, je ne peux helas pas t'aider sur ce qui ne touche pas a la programation!
  6. Very sorry for the lack of update guys, still busy IRL and internet is bad at the moment (too many people on the same wifi). Malkuth asked me if he could release a .23 working version and I have accepted (I added a note on the licence in the forum). I hope I'll be able to be back soon.
  7. Bravo et merci galbar, Rajoute un licence au mod, et aussi soit sur d'avoir la permission des auteurs du travail que tu utilise.
  8. Bonjour et bienvenue a toi galbar! Sympas pour les infos Vahal!
  9. Ohhh Palwin sympatique ce petit avion! je suis d'accord pour le cockpit! Et la voiture a l'air pas mal non plus
  10. Moved to a more appropriate forum. You cannot open parachutes if there is no atmosphere. Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, Jool, Eve are the only planets if I remember well. Check the wiki for more info (or the in game info)
  11. Yeah there are a few fix here and there. I just need some more time to test, and with the holiday time it's a bit busy for me at the moment. You need the original mod, as this is where the models are taken from. That is a sweet looking space station.
  12. Pour les EVA reports et crew report c'est pas trop mal si tu n'as pas de probleme de batterie. Ca te permet de mettre soutenir plus de poid,car au lieux d'avoir un seul parachute, tu peux en mettre plus. Il vau mieux ramener le rapport et le container. plusieurs goo te permet soit de faire plusieurs fois la même experience et donc avoir un peu plus de point pour l'experience, ou alors de faire des experiences dans des endroits differents. Les truss c'est les poutres métalliques dans le tab structure. Le probleme de ta fusé c'est que tu peux éjecter les contenaire de science et donc pas les récup. I keep the material bay et les goo attachés a la capsule, et utilise les parachutes radiaux pour etre sur de descendre lentement. Mon lander minmus (qui a le material bay en plus par rapport au lander de mun)
  13. Salut a toi Zarvox, et bienvenue parmis nous. J'ai eu un irl assez chargé dernierement et j'ai enfin pu tester la .23 avec un collegue il y a deux jours! Pour info pour les points de sciences: - Les transmissions ne sont plus aussi interressante (sauf si elles sont a 100%). - je crois que c'est environ 3 experiences pour les avoir au max. - Certaines experiences se font par biome ou par altitudes ou au sol. Example: crew reports: basse altitudes c'est par biomes, haute altitudes c'est une fois je crois, basse orbite c'est une fois, haute orbites c'est une fois aussi. - une fois que tu as les parachutes radiaux, tu peux te faire la capsule qui reviens plus grosse avec plus d'experiences (2-4 goo), les truss est ton ami! tu gagne des points aussi si ta fusé fait juste un sub orbital, un full orbit, un pass by, etc....
  14. I am not sure if you can have a texture= on the config file unless it's inside the MODEL node. You nodes need a orientation to know which direction they can be attached to.
  15. I think this is due to the fact that it's not compiled with the .23 dll. I'll try to get something up asap.
  16. I don't believe it's a known bug, I know there is some KWRocketry that does not work, can you pm me the logs and the cfg please? I am still trying to get some time to sort out the .23 version.
  17. One way to have it with MM, is to disable the autoreload of the database, and restart the game once you finish your welding. that way MM can load also. Thanks for the compatibility report Neutrinovore I will try to have a look and see why this is happening, and fix it if it's on my side.
  18. Not a bad idea. I have managed to get .23, I will release a new dll with the link to the new game data soon. Not going to get the new EFFECTS{} on it I think, I kind of have an idea of something to do with this. Can you send me a screenshot please? I am not making new cfg, it is now an in game tool so you can weld the things. PS: the antena will not work as they use the same animation (3 will be extended, and 1 will be animated)
  19. I would says this is a scaling problem. I may have a look at it when I can. That look awesome man! I can have a look for magic smoke industries, what is not working exactly? In career mode the parts are all in the last mod specific nodes of the trees. In sandbox, you may want to check the log to know if the loading give an error. Can you send me the part.cfg and the log file please? I did not had mac report for any bug, but it would also be that there wasn't any mac users before. Engine are still not the best (due to some modules). I need to get that SPH orientation bug sorted out asap! try to disable the auto reload of the database in the config file. There isn't a lot of point of it but well KSP limits Even with SAS off? if so there is a but, else, it's normal. Thanks for all the coments. Can you send me screen of the CoM where it should be and where it is pleas? The CoM is the center of the model, with several MMODEL{} it's the center of all of them. I need to have a look at the CoM offset. Also guys, I am having a really bad internet connection here (strangely I am in Japan and internet is bad), so I can't get .23 to recompile the mod for it. I'll do it ASAP, They are trying to fixing internet at the moment.
  20. on't worry, I need to make that FAQ section on my first post. I am thinking on making it via blog post so it's easier to managed.
  21. If it's the fact that you can't attach your part to other after you radially weld part to it, it's a bug with how ksp handle the nodes, check one or 2 pages ago, i have posted a reason why and how to fix it
  22. 64bits will not improve the CPU processing time for high part counts! It will just allow you to load more parts -> more mods, and better textures. However I have glad I can get you playing KSP again. keep in mind it is still under development, so some bugs may happen. Feel free to report them.
  23. Humm so you took the first pic in the SPH? I have to have a look at it, rotation in the SPH are different than in the VAB (there is an initial one). 360,1.017778E-13,180 is actually equal to 0,0,180, it's just how it's saved in the game. For the CoM I calculate it depending on the dry mass of the object, it should be the same than the part not welded. I will have a look for FusTeck. Do you have the last version of Rt2? because it says on their post that it is integrated in career mode, so they should have the TechRequired. For the seconf config file, it is for ModuleManager. I have been reported it has some issue with the welding tool mainly because I reload the database in game, and MM does it's magic at the loading of the game.
  24. Sympas! et très patriote! Les ailes comme ça, ça gène pas?
  25. If you know what was breaking, you oculd set a quick test environement. If you still try to weld several part that have the same Rt module, It will still give you a warning message. Most of the model/config files issue have been resolved.
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