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  1. I believe it would not be legal and would violate against Take2's and/or Squad's copyright. Not to mention that it would not support the Developers. But thank you for trying to comfort me
  2. Oh yes. In the last time i have experienced this situation in many cases: As it was available, i haven't bought it. As i wanted to buy it, it wasn't available. One of the cases is another game on steam": I had a long time the chance to buy it, but i didn't. Now where i wanted to buy it, it isn't available because a dmca-filing. Same at Kerbal Shapeways: I had a long time the chance to buy them, but i waited for ... ehm ... good question, for what i have waited for? Are i am Nut? I wanted to buy Valentina, Bob, one of my Ships and a few Planets. Now i have to wait very long I can only draw from this situations the following lesson: Buy something as long as it is available, you never know when the availability ends. My hope is that Take2 brings it back soon for more
  3. I have missed the Transfer to get a steam key. I have bought KSP on Website-Store, is it still possible to get a Steam-Key? If yes, how? Have bought KSP at June 2013. So only 1 Munth too late. Can i nevertheless get the DLC get for free?
  4. Ok. Can it not happen even you do this with maximum physical timewarp? And here is spoken of mods which could change the conditions of the Chutes. When adding up all effects ... + 1000 m/s in thickest part of Atmo + maximum physical timewarp + mods which change the conditions of chutes ... stronger forces could impact on his parachutes than on your or my Flight of the same Rocket.
  5. I just wanted to be sure, that he has not started with 1000 m/s in the thickest part of Atmosphere. I said nothing from deploying. Look at his Images, it happened a few Minutes after start. If you fly with 1000 m/s in the thickest part of Kerbins Atmosphere, there are Heat-Effects (Friction-Heat), which could destroyed his Parachutes, even undeployed. I had never flew with 1000 m/s in the thickest part of Atmo but it is certainly not good ^^ So i have not gave him basic rocketry guide. I have give him a suggestion how to start a rocket correctly, so that he can test if the chutes nevertheless burn up. Do they not burn up while he fly how i suggested, then is was definetely a mistake to fly with triple supersonic speed through the thickest part of Kerbins Atmo @ToukieToucan Start how i suggested and test if your Chutes still burn up (Not more than 300 m/s in thickest part of Atmosphere and without physical timewarp). I just want to exclude pilot errors Because sometime the Bug sit between Monitor and Keyboard
  6. 1000 m/s is much too fast. That are 3600 km/h or 2237 Miles per hour. It says: "Chutes destroyed by aero forces and heat". That means: you was too fast in the thickest part of Atmosphere. The aerodynamic Pressure and Friction was too high. And let me guess: Your Ship had Heat-effects while start? At start keep your speed lower than 300 m/s, until you've left the thickest Part of Atmosphere. After you have left the thickest part, just accelerate to a speed, which does not generates heat-effects. And do not use physical timewarp while start. It does additional increase the physical forces to the ship-parts, not only the timespeed. Can you record a Video of the start and upload it?
  7. I have opened the savegame and looked for it. No, the Flag is a Vessel and type = Flag. Not Part. But thank you for the hint
  8. I do not think that this is normal. It worked for Years correctly, Flags were ever fixedly mounted to the surface since i play KSP (0.17). So do not tell me, that it is normal that they now fall all over.
  9. Hello Support-Team, this is a Bug-Report. KSP Version: (x64), Not-Steam - Version. The planted Flags are all falling down. It does not matter if it is a old Flag or a New Flag. At first they move up a lttle bit, then they fall over. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/TQPCb Quicksave (.zip): http://nexis-guides.npage.de/get_file.php?id=31027964&vnr=927414 Outout log (.txt): http://nexis-guides.npage.de/get_file.php?id=31027950&vnr=163632 Instruction to recreate the Bug, based on the delivered savegame: Press M for Map-View Press 8 times Tabulator to focus View on Duna Scroll Mousewheel up to zoom on Duna Leftclick on a Flag of your choice. (I prefer the Flag "Mars Eins" at Equator, because it is at bright Daytime) Click on "Switch to" Fast!: After View has switched to Flag, zoom fast to the Flag and watch the Flag. Result: You will notice that the Flag move up a little bit and then it falling over down to the ground. This happens with all Flags. Does not matter if you do "Switch to" or if you do "Fly" the Flag in the Tracking Station. System Specification: Windows7 Professional (64 bit), AMD FX 8350 (8 Core with 4 GHz each), 16 GB RAM, MSI Nvidia GeForce 750 Ti 2GB VRAM. I hope you can fix that soon. With friendly Greetings Nexis
  10. Ich kann dir sagen warum deine Rover auf Monden bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten einen Breakdance hinlegen Das hört sich jetzt komisch an, aber sie sind zu leicht. Durch hohe Geschwindigkeit heben sie leicht ab und verlieren den Grip ... oft ohne daß du es merkst. Wenn du dann ausgerechnet in dem Moment wo der Rover wieder aufsetzt auch nur ein Häuchlein lenkst, gibt's Purzelbäume xD Weil er dann schlagartig in die gelenkte Richtung steuert, übersteuert er extremst, was zum Überschlag führt ^^ Und wenn der Rover seinen Grip verliert, dann bremst er sich übrigens auch schlecht. 2 mögliche Lösungen, denkbar einfach: 1. Du baust einen viel schwereren Rover (Mun = 0,16g , Kerbin = 1,00g , 1,00g : 0,016g = 6,25) Also einen 6x schwereren Rover als wie du ihn auf Kerbin verwenden würdest. Dann verhält er sich auf dem Mond wie auf Kerbin. 2. Bau dir aufs Dach ein Ionentriebwerk welches den Rover an den Boden drückt (Meine Empfehlung). Das Ionentriebwerk hat einen sehr niedrigen Verbrauch und hält damit sehr lange. Zumindest für meinen Mond-Rover reicht der Anpressdruck aus Doch jetzt wo man minern kann, wären RCS-Düsen eventuell doch besser zum anpressen, weil man aus Ore Monopropellant herstellen kann, jedoch kein Xenon. So kann man den Rover vor Ort nachfüllen. Da der Rover sowieso schwerer sein soll (Schwerer ist im Fall Rover wiegesagt besser), kannst gleich ein ISRU, OREtank und Bohrer mit ranbauen. Dann kann sich der Rover immer wieder selber seine RCS-Düsen aufladen Möglicherweise waren wir auf derselben Stelle des Mondes, ich habe auch irgendwo am Äquator zwischen zwei Biomen ein Stückchen "Polar Lowlands" entdeckt
  11. Gute Arbeit mit dem Deutsch-Patch, Daumen hoch
  12. Cool zu hören daß es auch für die PS4 kommt, aber wird das Spiel da dann auch so frei modbar sein? Ich benutze aktuell zwar nur den Chatterer und die Wolken für Planeten, aber ich spiele schon mit dem Gedanke mal den RSS -Mod zu spielen. Kann mir nicht vorstellen daß das auf PS4 umsetzbar ist
  13. Schade daß ich es erst jetzt gesehen habe. Hätte schon Interesse gehabt an der Führung durchs DLR. Vielelleicht wäre sogar noch jemand aus meiner großen Familie mitgegangen, auch wenn da sonst keiner KSP spielt. Kaltenberger Ritterspiele oder Neuschwanstein habe ich schon gesehen und hätten mich jetzt weniger interessiert.
  14. If i update from 0.90 to 1.00, the traits of all my Scientists change to Pilots I heard the traits were ever hardcoded to the Kerbals name, so i would have to change the names of my Kerbals to give them their old traits (Scientist). I do not want that, i am very satisfied with their actual names. But that the trait-hardcode has changed that bothers me hard. I do not want update to 1.0 until this is not fixed I can understand that you hardcode it, because the prominent Astronauts (Bill, Bob and Jeb) must keep their original traits. But then do not change the hardcode. Conclusion:Please tell me how i can change the traits of my Kerbals back from Pilot to Scientist ... without changing their names. Or change the hardcode back to the 0.90-Version.
  15. Thanks for that information I am sure i hit that F4-Button "accidently" as i searched for the Screenshot-Button, hehe
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