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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Some of the issues present are probably due to referencing the partRef of the ProtoPartSnapshot. I've found in the past that the partRef is null when not in the flight scene, which will have disastrous effects if it's referenced (because KSP fails very spectacularly for simple issues). Half the time you're referencing the partRef to get the partInfo, but the ProtoPartSnapshot has the same access to partInfo (in fact, half the time you're referencing the partInfo directly from the ProtoPartSnapshot). Additionally, are you assuming that the partInfo.cost is the dry cost? Cause that's actually the full cost. If you pass the ProtoPartSnapshot through the ShipConstruction.GetPartCosts() function you can get the dry cost and the cost of any resources contained. I just briefly browsed the source to see if you had added anything for KCT yet, since I don't know what function you need me to add (more specifically, if the damage value should be an int, float, or double), but it doesn't look like you have yet.
  2. I added the download link back to the front page, but it is use at your own risk. I don't plan on continuing support unless there is a large demand. Support for this overlaps heavily with KCT so it's not hard to continue support, I just didn't see a reason to if DebRefund is basically the same thing but better. Science recovery is not supported. Kerbal recovery is (but without any reputation gains) but is disabled by default. KCT will have it's own recovery once that's updated and won't require DebRefund, but I'm trying to add additional features to KCT when the two are used together.
  3. In case anyone is wondering/unaware. I'm stopping the StageRecovery addon. KCT will have virtually identical recovery mechanics when it updates (including refunds), but if you've got DebRefund installed then it delegates recovery to that (aka, KCT performs none of it's own recovery code). No user interaction will be required for this compatibility, Vendan and I are working together to have everything automated. Want to check out DebRefund for yourself? Here's a link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86691-0-24-DebRefund-v1-0-4
  4. Doesn't hurt to add it. Just tell me what I need to add. Once a part enters the inventory I don't keep track of it individually, so I'm not sure what use I will have for it without a rewrite, but I like having options Edit: Just thought of a use. I would have a random chance based on the damage value of the part being useless for future builds, but still salvageable as scrap. Then the funds recovery can still occur no problem and I can just not have those parts be added to the inventory. Adds some extra flavor to using DebRefund with KCT.
  5. In my opinion there is no reason for DebRefund and StageRecovery to compete, so I'm going to suggest that people use DebRefund as the UI integration and gameplay mechanics are better than what I'm offering here. It also means I can focus more directly on KCT, which has yet to have a 0.24 release. Vendan and I are in talks of getting compatibility between DebRefund and KCT for recovery mechanics. DebRefund: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86691-0-24-DebRefund-v1-0-4 If for some reason you really want to use this instead, let me know. Otherwise, KCT will have virtually identical recovery mechanics when it releases. Kerbal and Science recovery will not be supported in KCT, however.
  6. A list of part names as strings is all I need. Unfortunately my knowledge of reflection and general API-ness is rather limited, so I have no idea how to actually make anything open to you. Then again, Kerbal_Construction_Time.KCT_Utilities.AddPartToInventory(String partName) may suffice if you can call that. It's a public static void. Let me know if you're going to do that though, so I can delegate recovery checking to you and we don't get duplicate items added to the inventory from my recovery code. If you need something else, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  7. Just wanted you to know, Kerbal recovery is very easy to add (though it technically kills them first the way I have implemented it). Science recovery was being tricky for me and I couldn't get it working. I think everyone's pretty much agreed that DebRefund is better than StageRecovery, so I'm giving you full permission to use whatever you want from it, if there's anything remotely useful I'm going to see about having KCT defer funds recover to DebRefund if it's installed, which should be easy enough to do, but our recovery requirements are slightly different (since you assume some parts aren't recovered and KCT needs to know which parts those are for the Inventory. Therefore KCT will say all the parts are recovered but DebRefund will only refund partially. Not really an issue, just a slight "incompatibility"). If you don't mind, I'm going to check out your source for figuring out how to use the message system. That will be of much use to me later on
  8. So I just threw another update onto the front page. This should work now with the new version of real chutes and I also added the ability to recover Kerbals from stages. I'm working on getting science to work but I keep running into an issue where the subject value is NaN and so no science is returned. If you were having issues before, try this version out and see if they're fixed an let me know if they aren't. Thanks
  9. I like the idea of that! I've been wanting to improve how simulations work, and I think that's exactly what I'm looking for. You can pay a certain amount for a longer duration, or starting in orbit around Duna, etc. It won't probably be in next release, but I'll try to get it in the next feature release. It will likely be an optional feature, but on by default.
  10. Kind of. It looks to see what state the vessel is in and if it's sub-orbital or flying it will continue trying to recover it. It begins this check when the vessel is destroyed, in this case by being unloaded within the atmosphere. If the periapsis is above 0, then it is orbital, not sub-orbital and so it won't be recovered if it's destroyed. Well, that mod looks cleaner but we both wrote ours independently at roughly the same time I do want to integrate with the stock toolbar and message system, I just haven't had time to figure that out with trying to update KCT and also trying to get a new YouTube video out today. This mod is essentially stripped right out of KCT and changed to be made functional on its own, while DebRefund appears to have been written specifically for the 0.24 update. My code was originally written for total part recovery for putting parts in a part inventory, so DebRefund's form of partial recovery is more advanced than the flat rate form I use. I do plan on adding config options for science and kerbals. Also, beware of the new Real Chute update. I need to verify that it's working properly, as my testers are saying that it's bugged with my KCT update, meaning it could be bugged here.
  11. It doesn't simulate any physics, it just looks for the vessel being destroyed in atmosphere so it won't burn up if dropped from space. However, if the periapsis is above 0 I believe the ship/debris is no longer considered Sub-Orbital and is instead In-Orbit, which means it won't get recovered by this despite being destroyed by the atmosphere. I generally consider this fair enough, since anything not going fast enough to have a positive periaspsis could possibly survive reentry. It also comes down to personal preference and responsibility. With my designs, if a stage makes it all the way into space I generally don't put parachutes on it and let it get destroyed, but boosters that only get up to 35km or so are fair game.
  12. I'm thinking of adding reconditioning in as an optional feature. It would start as soon as you launch and would take some amount of time dependent on the size of the craft you launch (in my mind currently it's 1 day per 10 tons launched, divided by the sum of your applicable build rates). With that method, increasing build rates will decrease reconditioning time. This won't be included in the next update, which is just a compatibility update. If StageRecovery (SR) is installed, KCT delegates funds recovery to it (SR) and doesn't do it's own funds recovery. If SR isn't installed then KCT will recover funds at 75% of what you would get if you were manually landing the stage (therfore modified by distance from KSC, so max 75% at KSC and min 7.5% on the other side of Kerbin). I chose 75% for balance reasons. You're getting recovery of something that is pretty easy to exploit (just strap some parachutes to literally everything) without having to do much, if any, work for it (you don't even have to watch them land). I feel like the convenience is worth a price, and it's still better than what stock offers of 0% I'll probably make it configurable in KCT too, I just also feel like I make things too configurable sometimes and wonder what settings people are using. If everyone is setting things to "easy mode" all the time, that sort of defeats all the work I'm putting into things. Making it configurable is very easy to do though. StageRecovery is a separate mod that just takes the booster recovery code from this and makes it available without all the other KCT bulk. It's for people who don't want KCT's features but want to get some funds back for dropped boosters. If you're using KCT, it isn't necessary. But I'm making sure KCT will work in conjunction with it if they're both installed. I'll have to look into the warping settings. Is that with ForceStopWarp active? I think the Settings Menu version is "Force Stop TimeWarp on Complete?". If so, I'll see if I can make it more like the Warp To Complete functionality.
  13. Yes, this does not recover science or kerbals. It's not meant to be a substitute for traditional landings when dealing with important things (science and kerbals) that should be landed manually. I may add that in later, but I feel that's a little too OP since they're delicate enough to warrant manual landings.
  14. That it did, Malkuth and I worked together to refine each other's recovery procedures. I was the one who originally wrote the Real Chutes based recovery that Malkuth modified for MCE, and I based my original recovery procedure on MCE's. The first incarnation of my recovery code was published on February 15th, so it definitely predates anything Scott Manley predicted recently
  15. This will be in the 0.24 update of KCT, recovery of funds from spent stages at a reduced value. But I also made it into it's own mod which is available for use now. And KCT will be compatible with it so you can run them side by side without issue (in fact, I'm not going to make KCT's recovery value configurable since StageRecovery's already is) Forum thread for StageRecovery
  16. I stupidly forgot to make the configurable recovery rate actually do anything in the code, so you may want to redownload it. I just fixed that. If you're fine with 75% recovery, then you don't really need to I should probably watch his 0.24 videos at some point. One of my users of KCT suggested I split this off from it, since KCT has had booster recovery since February.
  17. This is a spinoff addon from my addon Kerbal Construction Time containing only the booster recovery code. I split it off since 0.24 makes recovery of spent stages practical in the stock game. This mod allows funds to be recovered, at a reduced rate, from dropped stages so long as they have parachutes attached (not necessarily deployed). What can this mod do: Recover funds from stages that have enough parachutes to drop the terminal velocity to a safe level Two funds recovery models: Flat Rate, where once the velocity drops below a cutoff a flat rate is returned; or Variable Rate (default), where the velocity within an intermediate range determines the recovery percentage (following a quadratic relationship) Recovery percentage (flat rate model only) is configurable (default of 75% of the normal for the current distance from KSC, 100% if a probe core or Kerballed command pod is attached) Works with Stock parachutes and Real Chutes parachutes All cutoff velocities are easily configurable with in-game sliders in the in-game settings menu Recovery does not require that parachutes are deployed, only attached (but it is a good idea to deploy them at low altitudes) Recover Kerbals in dropped/returned stages (improved in 1.6.0, hopefully no more contract failures) Recover science in dropped/returned stages Integrates with stock message system (reports can be disabled in the setting file) Easy to use, non-intrusive GUI for viewing Recovered and Destroyed Stages. Editor helper to help you figure out just how many parachutes you need. Has an easy to use API that other mods can tie into to be notified of recovery events (success or failure) Support for KSP-AVC for version checking Powered recovery of stages. Land with rockets, instead of just parachutes! Unfocused stages can be destroyed by thermal heating if they are going too fast (check below for further details, it's not exactly a scientific way of handling this) Designed to work alongside FMRS! If FMRS is deactivated, SR will handle recovery. If FMRS isn't handling parachute stages or has deferred them to SR, then SR will handle them while FMRS handles controlled stages. With 1.7.1, more advanced support for FMRS. With the new RecoveryController integration you can designate stages to be recovered by StageRecovery, FMRS, auto, or no mods during construction or flight. Powered Recovery requirements: Some notes about stages burning up: PSA: Set your chutes to open at Min Pressure of 0.5 and activate/stage them with your stages! KSP 1.0 added reentry heating (and parachute breaking) and an increased physics range (now 22.5km). If you drop a stage below ~10km it might hit the ground before you are out of physics range. Setting Min Pressure to 0.5 and activating the chutes will cause them to deploy around 4.5 km at a hopefully low enough speed. Set it higher than 0.5 if you'll be dropping them at speeds higher than 250 m/s at altitudes around 5km or less so they aren't ripped off. Download: [1.4] StageRecovery 1.8.0 (2018-03-11) Space Dock Curse GitHub Some video reviews: A very nice review covering the basic usage of StageRecovery by maxrsp A review by none other than Scott Manley himself (along with the excellent FMRS by SIT89, which StageRecovery is designed to cooperate with) License is GPL v3. Source is on GitHub. Changelog: Mods currently using the API (notify me if you want to be added to this list): Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Konstructs Support me on Patreon! If you're feeling particularly adventurous, the latest StageRecovery builds are available on the development thread. These will likely have bugs, but will also incorporate the latest fixes and newest features.
  18. Just letting you guys know that I've got a compatibility update in testing right now for 0.24. There are a few persistent bugs that I want to try to fix that 0.24 added, one of which has completely disabled the editing ability (which is annoying since I just got that working last version), so I may have to release without editing and then add it back in when I can get it working again. There's no new features really, except that dropped stages have some of their cost refunded (currently set to 75% of what you would get if it were landed at that location, so a max of about 75% at KSC and 7.5% on the other side of Kerbin). Hopefully I'll be able to get the release out tomorrow (Friday) but no promises.
  19. I have not played with RSS so I don't know how well they work together directly, but I believe other people play with RSS and this without issue. The only place I can imagine there being problems is if the altitude where debris gets destroyed is higher than 35km, because KCT is currently set to only care about debris that gets destroyed at less than 35 km. Do you mean limiting time between launches (for reconditioning the launchpad)? I'll consider it, but waiting for the ships themselves to build is already a big hassle. Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Perhaps as an additional feature that can be disabled? There's a fine line between realism and annoyance that means I'm willing to eschew realism for gameplay. I don't know if that would be too annoying, but it makes sense from a realism POV.
  20. Currently my mod, Kerbal Construction Time, and Mission Controller Extended have behavior similar to this, where (in the case of KCT) it checks parachutes vs mass, or in the case of MCE it checks parachutes or engines+fuel levels. I plan on extending that to funds recovery based on where the part would land (assuming that's easy enough to do) in the case of KCT. With that said, I'm sure someone will make a standalone mod for it, as there is now a purpose to reusable vessels in the stock game (and frankly, it's not that hard to implement).
  21. This is just a friendly reminder that when 0.24 comes out I will need some time to update. I do not expect the current version to be functional (in fact, I know it won't function properly with currency), so please do not report any bugs with 6b and 0.24. When the new release comes out, then you can start reporting bugs. So far the only update I've gone through was 0.23 to 0.23.5 (which was a fairly minor update) so it may take some time for me to figure everything out. Thank you for your cooperation! (BTW, I don't know when 0.24 is coming out, but it seems like it's soon. Unfortunately I'm not on the experimentals team so I haven't gotten to update KCT prior to the official release) Also, I've started work on the Kerbal hiring mod, which I have called Flight School. So far it doesn't do anything since I'm just building the framework (I was lucky enough to not have to do that for KCT, as Ekku Zakku did that.) It's too early to really discuss any specifics, mostly because there currently are none. I'm doing the development using GitHub from the start, so you can check that out if you want to follow the early development (until I release it on the forum).
  22. Glad to hear! Fixing that problem was a lot easier for me than fixing problems actually related to KCT, those ones seem to elude me
  23. I'm not positive that that's the problem, but the part being missing is mentioned right before the first NullReference I see in the editor, then is mentioned afterward, then there's a bunch more NullReferences. [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ShipTemplate.SetIfControllable () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ShipTemplate.LoadShip (.ConfigNode root) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser+..ctor (System.IO.FileInfo ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser.buildCraftList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser..ctor (Rect rect, System.String subFolder, System.String profile, System.String title, .SelectedCallback onFileSelected, .CancelledCallback onCancel, UnityEngine.GUISkin guiSkin, UnityEngine.Texture2D fileIcon, Boolean showFlagButton) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.loadShip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load Microwave Power Station - No AvailablePart found for FalconRadialDecoupler NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ShipTemplate.SetIfControllable () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ShipTemplate.LoadShip (.ConfigNode root) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser+..ctor (System.IO.FileInfo ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser.buildCraftList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CraftBrowser..ctor (Rect rect, System.String subFolder, System.String profile, System.String title, .SelectedCallback onFileSelected, .CancelledCallback onCancel, UnityEngine.GUISkin guiSkin, UnityEngine.Texture2D fileIcon, Boolean showFlagButton) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.loadShip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CactEyeTelescope.TelescopeGuidance.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at EditorLogic.recurseShipList (.Part part, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 shipList) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.getSortedShipList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EditorLogic.get_SortedShipList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.VesselExtensions.GetModules[MechJebCore] (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.VesselExtensions.GetMasterMechJeb (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  24. The null reference mentions mechjeb, but it appears as if it has to do with a specific ship (Microwave Power Station). I would suggest removing that craft file from the folder and trying again. It appears to be missing the part FalconRadialDecoupler. My guess is that's the issue, but no promises. TAC life support has some errors in the spacecenter, but those generally aren't serious. In the main menu scene there's a bunch of output saying that the SaveGameFixer thing ran and removed a bunch of parts. I haven't seen that before. In the save Wolf Aerospace it says that FalconRadialDecoupler has been deleted in the craft file Microwave Power Station.craft. Thermo Test.craft will likely have the same issue (missing Ember pit) and so will Untitled Space Craft.craft (parts LLLWeight5t and B9X.dropTank.Large are missing). SaveGameFixer is apparently part of ModuleManager. Not sure why that happened. Did you update other mods too?
  25. I technically did this earlier this week, but just released the video today. In honor of one year since my first KSP video (July 4, 2013) and for reaching 50 subscribers, I put an asteroid around Bop in Alternis Kerbol (Bop is a moon of Kerbin, with Kerbin being a moon of Jool), thereby making a moon of a moon of a moon! (Also my first asteroid redirect, ever)
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