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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Not yet. I can probably add that in as an option pretty easily. Maybe tomorrow.
  2. Well, I can definitely reproduce it. Even using the new WIP UI that fully copies the modules over is saying they're not matches. I've seen something weird before that might be related and that's the dry cost coming up differently than expected, so maybe that's the issue here. I'll let you know if I figure anything out. E: I see the dry cost is 799.730896. I swear if this is just an issue with the last digit being different... Stock parts tend to have whole numbers for their dry cost so the comparisons aren't generally and issue. I used cost as a comparison since it's much faster than comparing all the modules and two identical parts should have the same cost, but modules like tweakscale and procedural parts would result in different costs for different sizes so I could eliminate those deep checks by checking the cost first. I might just have to check if it's within one or two funds. E2: 799.7309 vs 799.7308 E3: @severedsolo give the latest dev build a try and let me know if that works better. It allows the part costs to differ by 1 which should hopefully eliminate the problems you were seeing while still allowing that to act as a sanity check before checking the modules. I also hid the UI that I'm working on since it's not at all ready to be used.
  3. I hope you can figure out what's causing it! Feel free to let me know if you do, as I can maybe make my mods more fault tolerant toward whatever was happening.
  4. That menu isn't even close to being fully implemented and shouldn't be used at all. I'd recommend rolling back to the last beta since there weren't any changes that would affect this between then and now. Can you upload the full log? Based on what I'm seeing this looks like a bigger problem that removing SY, KCT, and KRASH isn't going to help. The lag might go away, but the ship can't be saved without throwing an exception which implies a much bigger problem. Can you even launch a vessel? With the errors presented I don't think you'll be able to. Remove those three mods and let me know if you still can't launch. It's definitely possible that SY is making the problem worse, but I'm expecting there will still be a problem. It could also be vessel specific, if you were using a specific craft or part to test with,
  5. Awesome that you figured out consistent reproduction steps. I'll try that out and hopefully get a fix out today.
  6. Every time you unlock a tech node it pops up a message saying you've earned another upgrade point. That question has come up a bunch, so I should probably make that clearer somehow
  7. It looks like you're just loading a saved vessel and not applying the inventory at all. If you are applying the inventory, it isn't succeeding since nothing is getting applied (you'd see messages in the log like "Found a part in inventory for ..."). If you recovered those parts and then added other mods then it might not recognize them as being the same. Specifically in this case it seems like maybe you created a ship, saved it, then launched it and recovered it. Now the saved version of the ship has the same IDs on it as parts in the inventory, but they all say they're brand new. ScrapYard loops through the parts on the ship and sees the IDs match something in the inventory, but the parts on the ship say they're new and the parts in the inventory say they aren't. ScrapYard assumes it's just an old ship you loaded, so it resets everything to fresh. If you want to use the recovered parts, you just have to reapply the inventory. Things seem to me like they're working how they're intended, but I'm just basing that off what the log says happened.
  8. Well, that indicates that it isn't tracking anything for those parts. Compare the craft file to the ModuleTemplates and see if there are any modules that should be tracked that aren't being tracked. For instance if you've got procedural modules on the part in the craft but not in the save. I'm just confused on how it clearly matched in the editor at some point when applying inventory but stopped matching while still in the editor if no modules were changed. I'd still like to see the log, craft file, and save file at some point. And any module templates that were added.
  9. Hmm. Right after clicking the button? So it's applying the inventory (meaning the modules must match), copying over the tracker info, and then failing to match the modules+tracker... Yeah, that's definitely goofed up if that's the case. I'll want to see that. If you figure out what mod(s) are leading to that situation, please let me know. The only modules that should matter in the comparisons are the ones being tracked, so you could also start disabling some of those, but that wouldn't update the parts that are already in the inventory. You also mentioned StageRecovery, so it could be related to the API.
  10. Like you found out, it happens whenever a strict comparison fails, to safe guard against something claiming to be from the inventory when they aren't actually. Can you send me the save file from right before rollout, the Auto Saved Ship file generated when you go to launch, and the log file. Don't have KCT installed preferably. Strict comparisons will fail if anything that defines an inventory part fails. Are you changing a module before the parts are being removed (for instance, doing something at Start to the craft before OnVesselRollout happens, without KCT)? I mention without KCT since with KCT at rollout ScrapYard doesn't do anything, it instead acts when KCT registers the build, which should allow for things to happen before OnVesselRollout since ScrapYard has already processed the vessel. OnVesselRollout is an extremely convenient event for me to listen to since it only happens once and for brand new launches, but the fact that it's so delayed might be an issue. I might have to act at OnLoad or Start. Or find matches solely by ID instead of looking for a strict match. I don't like that idea because of the bugs it can introduce. For instance, you launch a craft using inventory parts with N TimesRecovered and then recover it (N+1), then you click the launchpad and launch that vessel again. It's still got the IDs saved, so it removes those parts from the inventory, but the vessel has N TimesRecovered in its modules while the true parts are N+1, causing that last flight to basically no longer exist. In that case it could probably just reapply the inventory I guess.
  11. Dropbox changed how they do public sharing and it broke all my dropbox links. I've updated that one, but I believe it's also in the KCT .zip file.
  12. Friendly reminder that in about 12 hours I'll be doing a livestream of some ScrapYard development. 12pm Eastern Time. Link is in my signature. I'm going to try to start on the UI for grabbing individual parts. Most of the work will end up being done behind the scenes after the stream, but it's a good chance to chat live.
  13. I managed to edit my post between you starting your reply and you posting it. You can't upload anything onto the forums (even images). For log files, use a site like dropbox or google drive. I also recommend putting the log in a .zip file since that will drop the file size immensely.
  14. Did anything change between your save starting normally and now? Can you upload the whole log (to a site like dropbox or google drive), since everything there looks normal. Does your save start if you remove KCT? (nothing should break by removing it and then adding it back later, but backup your save just in case)
  15. I don't plan on making an official 1.2.2 release, but you're welcome to use the dev version for 1.2.2. I wouldn't add ScrapYard in quite yet though. Most problems that might crop up are fixable, especially since the save file is just a text file, but with any mods (even with just stock actually) I recommend either backing up your save file (called persistence.sfs) fairly frequently or making frequent named quicksaves (use Alt+F5). Or use a mod that does that for you (I've got a modlet called DatedQuicksaves that helps with that and there are others like S.A.V.E.). I used to just .zip up the save folder each day before I launched the game, just in case, since this game is fairly well known for just randomly dying, especially with mods installed.
  16. Sure, start by adding the wrapper to your mod. You probably will only need to call AddPartsToInventory and you will want to pass "true" for incrementRecovery since you're doing a regular recovery. You can use either the IEnumerable<Part> or IEnumerable<ConfigNode> version depending on what you have available. Don't worry about checking for availability first since the wrapper will handle that. Here are a few examples: StageRecovery adding parts on recovery and KCT adding parts when scrapping
  17. GameEvents.onVesselRecovered. You can just feed ScrapYard a list of either Parts or Part ConfigNodes through the API (or a list of ProtoPartSnapshots if referencing SY directly, but the wrapper doesn't expose that right now since nobody needs it) to have parts added to the inventory, so even if you just make a big list of parts that were recovered and feed them through later then that would work. You've got to be adding funds, science, and Kerbals at some point so you can just do it then. If you fire onVesselRecovered then ScrapYard will handle stuff automatically, but that's all stored in the save and might get lost when FMRS changes stuff.
  18. FMRS might not be triggering the standard recovery event, in which case it'll need to go through ScrapYard's API to add the parts manually (which is what StageRecovery does). Post over in the FMRS thread about it. There's a chance I'll write it up and submit a PR to FMRS myself since LGG sounds like he's pretty busy right now.
  19. @vardicd the way MagiCore gets installed changed during 1.2.2 due to a request from the CKAN people, they didn't like it being in GameData on its own. Right now it's all behind the scenes, but that's something I'm going to be working on fixing soon. In fact, this Saturday's dev stream (linked in my signature) will be focused on me trying to create the new UI. KCT had a fairly simple list where you could list parts by category. ScrapYard will have a UI where you can actually grab parts out of the inventory as a fully fledged part. How exactly that all will work is a little up in the air right now. I'd like to override some stock stuff so you can see a count of how many instances of a part you have on the part listing in the editor, then clicking the part in the list opens a new UI with each instance from the inventory. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that working though. I'd also like to either add a filter or something so you can have only parts with at least one instance in the inventory show up in the part list. I'm shooting for trying to integrate more with Stock rather than completely new UIs for everything. I'm hoping I can manipulate the part list to my whims without too much trouble, but undoubtedly I'm going to have to do some stuff the game isn't really designed to allow
  20. First, who posted this on twitter? Just curious. And second, you've got two MagiCores. Remove the one at GameData/MagiCore.dll and it should start working. Edit: I see that this was featured on Modding Monday (or whatever it's called now). I didn't realize! After 3 years I finally got a spotlight
  21. If you do add StageRecovery, make sure to check out RecoveryController. You already have it installed (it comes with FMRS) but it's something the FMRS dev and I created to make the two play together nicer.
  22. I'm just teasing Play with whatever mods you want! Whether that's one mod, or all the mods
  23. So, the bug is within MagiCore, within ScrapYard, within KCT. KCT is calling something through the ScrapYard wrapper, causing ScrapYard to do some stuff, which calls into MagiCore for some processing. So that's a fun event chain. The actual problem might be due to a specific part or a specific module, since it's the string parsing stuff that's messed up. I'm assuming you haven't touched the ScrapYard Module Templates? I'm going to need to do more testing, which means I'll be sending you a debug build of MagiCore and/or ScrapYard to test to figure out the source of the issue and how to prevent it from happening, if that's alright. In the mean time, if you remove ScrapYard it shouldn't totally break anymore. Edit: @Kardea if you wouldn't mind, try grabbing the latest MagiCore from here, loading that up, and then sending the log file again. It's got some additional logging that should help me pin down what is being parsed incorrectly, which I can then use to make sure it doesn't get parsed wrong in the future. That will require ScrapYard+KCT to be installed as well, since all three are responsible.
  24. You're missing any of my mods, so something must be wrong with you!
  25. I'll need logs (halfway down this post, put them on dropbox/google drive/a similar site) and this conversation might be better suited for the dev thread. Make sure you don't have any extra .dlls in the GameData/KerbalConstructionTime or GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/plugins folders and that you've got the latest version of MagiCore installed in GameData/MagiCore/MagiCore.dll (and there isn't also one at GameData/MagiCore.dll) After it gets recovered into storage, click the * button and then "Edit". The moment you grab the root part, it'll flip forward. Then you can save the edits and launch it as normal. That might work a little funky with ScrapYard at the moment, so if you have that installed too it might not be registered as a 0 change action, so it might require some extra time (normally it shouldn't) and it might result in some additional parts in the inventory or the parts on the vessel resetting back to 0 TimesRecovered. I need to fix that still, but it shouldn't be totally game breaking. If you don't have ScrapYard installed then it shouldn't be an issue at all.
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