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Everything posted by Twitchi

  1. After the joyous conclusion of last mission, planning and ship building for the upcoming Moho transfer window
  2. 7 (I guess) minutes of TERROR (Phoenix homage landing)
  3. Taking the Damp ashes into the dark depths of interplanetary space and into the warm embrace of a duna orbit
  4. Built a lander probe (phoenix style) to go to duna loaded with science to be done.. got there deployed all science and found that I had neglected to add a comunicatron rendering the whole mission worthless.. just landed some scrap
  5. This is amazing.. not quite the front end I would have chosen but I could never work out the backend so yay you
  6. Damp Ashes (Phoenix homage) Testing orbiting and transfer burn finally on our way to Duna (oh and the DRO flies as well)
  7. Haha I know right.. at least it's not to hard to rectify this reflex in KSp
  8. As is the way with my space programs, things are not working as expected.. thankfully we're close enough to home to fix this
  9. Last Season saw us scraping minmus for all its juicy science and kethanes, This time we are setting our sights a bit further afield Episode 1: DRO (Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter)
  10. It's New series time Mark of the ninja, It's a platformer that focuses more on stealth than dashes and double jumps.. Takes me a while to catch on tho The game is amazing and we have a laugh on the way.. I know its not rocket science.. but go on.. what have you got to lose?
  11. Mission 2 comes with long hours of driving the spirit of defiance.. thankfully I know how to edit
  12. So here we go, The first of 3 missions to collect ALL THE SCIENCE (aside from when I forget to click the button)
  13. As a reward for doing so well with the repairs.. Jeb Travels forth to find out what this blip on my radar is
  14. As I keep breaking stuffs and building ships that are not fit for purpose.. This episode deals with fixing solar arrays and Bringing in a BRAND NEW VESSEL to the collective
  15. The continuing saga of the biome bouncers return continues with this continuation..
  16. Taking the biome bouncers for it's first major expedition - and all the fails that involves
  17. We return the first batch of Minmus science to the space center(ish) and (badly) deliver the science experiment cleaning module (snappy name)
  18. Taking The Biome Bouncer for a spin round Minmus and landing The Alexandria's Pride
  19. Getting my return of science equipment into space
  20. Landing without rockets is easy on small bodies, In space to i suppose
  21. Delivering Mining Equipment to Minmus.. Now with added Explosions
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