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Everything posted by silentdragon

  1. These new AMUs aren't the best, right?^^ I mean, if they have to do this three more times I'm almost certainly positive that more stuff will break :-D Haha that made me laugh pretty hard, especially because i'm from Germany :-D
  2. Woot! The waiting payed off, another great chapter! When Danrey said "It's not like the mun is going anywhere" I was just like "OR IS IT?!? *dun-dun-dun*"
  3. Well maybe not until the end of time (at least I hope that won't be necessary^^), but we will wait :-D
  4. Wow, what a chapter... I wonder what they will find on Laythe, because it must be pretty important if BERTY thinks that kerbality would come to harm if they don't go there, I mean, so they will discover good things... OR WILL THEY?
  5. But also i wonder, did BERTY tell Jeb about the plan?
  6. Your comment made me laugh, i'll try doing this next time i'm in town :-D
  7. I really like these: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33381-0-20-2-Zenith-rocket-family-%28modernised-for-0-20-x-with-perfect-subassembly%29, they do a great job for me.
  8. Oh yes please! :-D Maybe Jeb should really go talk to Rozer, given that he's now the only person he can be honest to and he surely knows some more about all this than him.
  9. Yeah, isn't it funny that when everyone thought BERTY would go rogue he acted so "well", and just when everyone thinks he is good *sudden turn of events* he brings them to Jool instead of Kerbin. Now i'm just curious if he did that by himself or if someone at KSC or Rozer has something to do with it. Gnah, you and your damn cliffhangers :-D
  10. Well, I guess it would have been foolish to think everything would go according to plan... Do they even have enough supplies for such a long Journey? I mean, I don't think they have caught the best transfer window,or did they?
  11. The amount of epicness in this thread is too damn high! No, really, awesome stuff!
  12. It would be in our world, but in Karbal Universe things may be different... I honestly don't really know if they should abort or not, but I think aborting (well at least trying to^^) would bring a nice twist to the story.
  13. A Russian Space Station? Well that was rather unexpected...
  14. And another truly great chapter! Looking forward to see what kind of surprises they are going to experience (because nothing works without surprises, eh?). I've just come home from my vacation, so i'll be able to check for new chapters more often (basically all the time^^) and annoy you with stupid questions and such ;-P
  15. Amazing new Chapters! I'm currently on vacation in Croatia and can't check for new chapters very often, so i just got to read them now. I'm very happy to read that BERTY finally "solved" his psychological (can you say that although it's an AI?) problems and took action against Rozer. I'm very curious to see how this will turn out.
  16. Yeah, but what one exactly?Maybe I'm dumb, but I have the BobCat ind. Russian Pack installed, but I couldn't find the necessary parts for such a lander. Yay! :-)
  17. Okay so this might be a dumb question but what mod did you get the LAMGMLs from? I'm trying some sort of grand tour myself, but i figured that the dragons basically can't do **** :-D
  18. I'm afraid you're right. I hope that BERTY manages to save them and leave Rozer alone on Duna to deal with whatever there is. Unless BERTY goes insane and tries to kill everyone of course. Then they are probably ****ed.
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