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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Liked and agreed (cept the add on part). They've gone up. Now it's time to go down below. Start with surface research, into SCUBA, then shallower subs, all the way to like the Kerbianas Trench. Include underwater base building, underwater mining, etc.
  2. All hail the modmakers! Can't wait. 1.2 is getting closer and closer to a "playable" release by my definition. Fewer and fewer pages to religiously F5 on Awesome work gentlemen, and greatly appreciated (as I said before).
  3. @Daishi & @Paul Kingtiger Patiently waiting for patch, just wanted to drop in and let y'all know that I appreciate it, as I'm sure many others do. Too often we have the bad habit of taking the work y'all do and the time y'all invest for granted, and that's a disservice to your contributions. I try to make a effort to say once in a while to modders whose work I greatly appreciate, that I do in fact greatly appreciate the work, time, effort, and patience with some of us yahoos y'all go through just to share something with us for very little in return. For what it's worth, I've been a fan of US for quite a while now, I think back when it was fairly new, and it has definitely become part of my "core" game experiance. I'll dabble without it, but I don't get serious until it's part of the game. I mean honestly, who sticks all sorts of gizmos and doodads on the outside of rockets. Y'all got the right idea for sure. Take your time, do whatever you need to do, and know that we do appreciate all y'all do for us. It'll be ready when it's ready.
  4. The main feature now that I would like to see (that is the one thing really that keeps me holding out for a Science Alert update), is the alert popping up to run science while flying in TW. Most biomes are not that bad, but there's a few that are annoyingly small, and if you happen to not know the exact second to drop out of warp, you miss it. That's the one niche that so far only Science Alert (to my knowledge) has filled that no other mod does. Whether I click or the ASS autocollects, I don't really have a preference, but the ability of the plugin to nuke warp and allow grabbing every bit of delicious science. Still, great work so far, and you've made the game so much better. I look forward to seeing future possibilities.
  5. I believe stock chutes without realchutes installed at all. If i recall, realchutes modulemanages itself into the stock chutes as well - normally a good thing, just not in this exact case :D. I use it as well, and until Sciencefunding is updated i just have money rewards jacked to 500% Don't miss the stages as much that way, till everyone works out updates, conflicts, compatibilities, and dependencies.
  6. Looks like there's some conflict with one/more of the USI mods. I started with an icon that would not respond to any variety of click (left/right/alt-left/right/etc). To troubleshoot, I took everything out of my gamedata but squad and kerbokatz, and it worked fine. Started adding back in and narrowed it down. When I copy the UmbraSpaceInd and the associated (000_USITools, CommunityResourcePack, and Firespitter) back in, that stops the icon responding. Not sure which module of USI is the conflict, as I have a number of them - and no time to troubleshoot that aspect before work. Gotta run, just wanted to give the preliminary results Link to output_log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57616772/output_log.txt
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I'm in the opposite camp as the others I wouldn't mind that being a permanent (perhaps optional for those who don't appreciate quality) feature Also, I've said it once Chris, but it is worth saying again - RealChute is one of the more-or-less required quality of life mods for me. As such, I salute both your ingenuity, and appreciate your dedication. Even for the prerelease, you went out of your way to put something together. I know most mod-makers don't hear thank you enough between all the people saying "when's an update coming" or "why don't you do it this way" or "something broke somewhere in the game, it must be your mod, fix it!", so allow me to be one of the people who heartily applauds you with no reservation. Also, I can report running the 1.1 prerelease in x64 and no problems so far.
  8. Because i enjoy mods. Lots of them. Opengl gives me crap framerates. I have 32 gb of ram, I'd like to be able to use the mods i want without having to leave some off or be punished by "out of memory" errors when i still have gbs left to spare.
  9. Sounds like an awesome plan OK - I can tell you I also love your pack, making the intermediate point between 1.25 and 2.5m parts is a niche, and one that I think deserves a place.
  10. And the error about compatibility is easily fixed for convenience by editing the ksp versions in the cfg file.
  11. Chris, you are truly a gentleman, thank you for all that you do, and we who have patience are very appreciative of your patience with those who lack it
  12. At the risk of being told I'm not the mod author and to stop being pretentious - he knows: You really should read the last few pages of a thread. Bugging a mod author with statements about an issue he's aware of and pretty much stated he would already be fixing, is just going to make him as neurotic as his avatar looks And you don't want to make someone who is modding the game for free, and sharing with you for no real benefit of his own, to feel neurotic. Otherwise - no more mod for you!
  13. Fair enough - you'd know best what will and won't work, but I will add my voice of encouragement - I find PC a much better solution. The in game "thing" is like many knockoffs - someone sees something being successful, and makes a very low quality analogue. I appreciate they tried, but they didn't succeed really.
  14. Is there an option in the config to skip icon files? The icons within the game are blurry and some actually completely tank like the FAR icon (becomes blank white square).
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