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Everything posted by Wormhol3

  1. The P-39 is done! Pretty cool, eh? Coming in for a landing too fast. Also, look closely, exhaust ports on the sides behind the cockpit! They don't do anything though... Gonna overshoot! And that is what happens when you go in sideways to land! Dropbox
  2. I really dont have a beginning to what i call "Historical". Heck, when command seats cane out i made a winged Kerbal!
  3. Yeah I saw that one, im working on mine using thermal rockets, but they just aren't powerful enough. Also put a GAU-19 on it. Screenshots coming soon!
  4. The unnamed ship should be like the Falcon or something.
  5. All my textures go missing when i load in something with this in. the planet is still there in the map view, but out of map view, there is nothing except my stock plane on the runway. Mods: DYJMisc, Extraplanetary launchpads, Firespitter, Hubs, Kerbin City, Kethane, KineTechAnimation, KSPX, Mechjeb2, MP_Nazari, Novapunch, Orbital Construction, RBI, RollKage, Tracks, TSAS, TV Areospace, Wayland Rover wheels and FL-1.
  6. Just thought that I would post my Sci-Fi stuff here. Feel free to post your own! BSG Viper (WIP) Colonial Miner (Pending) BSG Raptor (Abandoned) Battlestar Galactica (Wtf i'm not doing this ) Mods currently on my crafts: LLL DYJMisc Firespitter KSP Interstellar Hakari Experimental Landing Gear Pack (Skids) Orbital Construction Redux KAS Kethane Extraplanetary Launchpads
  7. Wormhol3 Space Administration, Wormhol3 Army, Wormhol3 Air Force, and Wormhol3 Navy (Space Navy).
  8. I thought this was a BSG Raptor too...
  9. Oh ok well are you considering a Mk II? Or is this the only Viper you are making?
  10. I know this thread is old, but can you fix the images please? I would really like to see this.
  11. Two in one night! The Macchi Mc 202 Foglore! LIKES TO DO BACKFLIPS A LOT! Looks good eh! Before After! Mods Needed: Firespitter TV Areospace Dropbox
  12. Here it is! The Wright Flyer! !WARNING! NOT FLYABLE! See? "Landed" Dropbox Link Mods Needed: Nazari Experimental Gear TV Areospace TT Modular Multiwheels Firespitter
  13. Right there with ya. That's one of the reasons I made the Komet.
  14. I don't know how to edit the poll. Sorry! I was planning to add two more country's to the poll, Germany and Russia.
  15. I could do that, i have a skid mod i could use...
  16. Lol, my first try didn't lift off. Second ran out of power and crashed. This is the third iteration with a hidden RTG. It has one of those new inline mini rockomaxes and two radials clipped in ever-so-neatly to give it enough thrust AND not be noticeable unless you look closely.
  17. Ok i'll try that. The images are removed from the Dropbox to save space, and uploading to Imgr.
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