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Everything posted by BananaLee

  1. Sorry to necro this thread (again), would we be able to generate a phase angle/periapsis graph with the x-axis only covering 0.7 to 2.5? I'm just running a couple of experiments and so far, I've noticed that using this method with Ferram Aerospace seems to cause overshoots of targets. Having a bigger graph to play with will be quite useful for me to mark corrections.
  2. If someone could explain to a noob like myself as to how to do it, I'd happily do that - I've become quite dependent on the numbers to be honest...
  3. It took me 69 hours of slow and steady learning to land Jeb on the Mün. What I'd suggest is getting one of the tried-and-true designs off Spaceport to get yourself to the Mün if you can't be bothered with the spaceship design part of it. If you're obsessive-compulsive like me and want to learn how things in space works without trying to learn everything at once, I'd suggest the Wiki campaign (in my signature) as it actually teaches what you need to learn and builds up on what you've learnt before (e.g. getting to orbit, pinpoint orbits, rendezvous and docking, etc)
  4. My suspicion is that you don't have enough reaction wheel torque to counteract the spin. Most rockets without SAS tend to spin (assuming it's a roll) quite a bit.. Alternatively, if you try to face the rocket too far out of its current direction, it would go into uncontrollable stall and do all sorts of mad stuff - so the solution is to turn your rocket more slowly (keeping the brown bit on the navball closer to the yellow bit)
  5. Probably a silly question but the original post had a "Mk1-3 Command pod - Soyuz-type descent capsule. Like the other two cone shape ones, but holds TWO kerbals, is a little bigger than 1.25m, and is more bulbous" included in the description. However, it doesn't look like the part shows up on VAB (whereas the other parts do). Does the part exist in KSPX mod or was that meant to be an 'in-progress' piece?
  6. My signature probably says it.. The campaign's a great way to slowly learn each and every piece of spacing (from just focusing on getting into orbit to - for me right now, at least - trying to do the first docking ops).
  7. So far, my satellites are Kerbalcom I, II, and III (my three geostationary constellation), Meteo I (geostationary satellite, 10° off from Kerbalcom I) and Kerpolar I (polar satellite)
  8. Heavens be praised, my belly is raised! It only took me 28 hours of playing from scratch but after following the wee campaign, I've managed to put up my constellation of geostationary satellites. And I can probably do them almost routinely now. Onwards and upwards!
  9. If the Kerman brothers are sharp enough, they might be able to work something out with the boys at Squad. Much like the fellows below http://manentail.com/expert-blog/mane-%E2%80%98n-tail-goes-to-the-sundance-film-festival/
  10. With my tiny little space program, .21 managed to update my saves with no problems... Until I tried to fly my spacecraft and the new SAS wreaked havoc. So I started a new save and put up my geosats again..
  11. I've got a spare Jeb and Wernher. Looking for Bill, Mechanic, and Recruit. Would anyone be keen to trade? (PM or my Steam name is BananaLee67)
  12. Pretty much what Autochton said. FAR is quite unforgiving if your Centre of Lift ever gets ahead of the Centre of Mass. I haven't built massive designs like yours (so far, still on Earth Orbit practice) but I've learnt to try to fix it in three ways: - 1) Shift winglets as far down as possible to push CoL down 2) Shift side stages upwards to bring CoM up 3) Actively manage fuel distribution, i.e. shut off the top fuel tanks until you get out of the atmosphere
  13. You'll need to ensure that your staging is set up correctly. On your bottom left, there will be tabs numbered 0 to some number or the other. Each of those tabs has some icons on it representing the 'fire up' of a respective object (e.g. decoupler, engine, etc.) and you'll need to arrange them correctly to ensure your parachute doesn't go off at the wrong time. I've attached one of my rockets' staging setup to illustrate what I mean.
  14. Bought the game at full price just before the Summer Sales started. Don't really regret it to be honest. With the hours I've spent on the game, it works out pretty cheap anyway...
  15. I like your ambition with the Space Station, Kevin. Having just recently put two vessels into orbit myself (after about 14 hours of slow, hard slog), I found a slow but sure method of development is the best way to go forward. I've used the Wiki Campaign (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns) to good effect since it slowly lets you build up with the theory that eventually you'd learn docking, etc. and space station building. Key learnings for me are: - a) In atmosphere, it's best to use winglets or fire straight up and get out of atmosphere ASAP (this is more important since I have the Ferram Aerospace aerodynamics mod) A joystick is extremely useful (my life has become 100x easier since I pulled out the old joystick) c) The Flight Engineer mod is great since you can figure out delta-vs, and when in flight, you can watch where your apopapsis, etc. is in flight. d) Cheaper is usually better, I try not to add kit if I don't have to. Little example is what I used to put my Sputnik into orbit Either way, best of luck in your endeavours, and happy to help (from one noob to another )
  16. Probably won't be adding much here but I've been following the campaign on the Wiki (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Campaigns) and I've learnt ridiculous amounts even just doing part 1 (Age of Rocketry). I'm definitely much better at the game taking a slow and steady pace.
  17. Photoshop/GIMP is the way to go. I use Wikimedia for base (e.g. flags to rip off, etc.)
  18. Yep, aimed for an overshot and used the navball to make any adjustments from any deviations. It only took five attempts and some minor damage (loss of engine and one control winglet).. Thanks for your help, everyone. Please enjoy the screenies below of my (humble) success
  19. Ah, that definitely makes sense. And since I'm running Ferram, that might account for being quite short off target. I'll aim further out and see if that works.
  20. MechJeb is able to do that, yeah. Well, I've sort of figured out the best way to do the sub-orbital is to go straight up (ish) and coast to 70,000m. The coasting gives me about a minute or so to plan my maneuvre node accordingly. Now I'm encountering another problem. I've aimed at the blue cross and fired up the required seconds (usually have about 5-10dv remaining before the blue cross runs off somewhere else and I spend 30s hunting it again). Without fail, I fall short of the target island - is that due to the planet's rotation (and I should therefore aim further) or am I just rubbish at maneuvering?
  21. I'm trying to do the K2 landing (as per the first Campaign in the wiki) and targeting the little island to the NE of the space centre. I've learnt to use the maneuvre node and I think I've mastered it; however, in a way, it is designed to be used when one is comfortably orbiting thus removing a significant part of the time pressure. However, noting that I am attempting a sub-orbital flight with not much fuel (my rocket is here), is there any way to actually setup a maneuvre node while sitting on the launchpad? Or perhaps calculating how to arrive at target x prior to launch?
  22. Thanks for the help guys. I've installed FAR properly now and it looks to be working, though I'll need to relearn how to fly these spacecraft properly. I'm losing control extremely easily in spite of low inputs on the joysticks and maintaining a relatively low thrust.
  23. Not sure if this should go in the General Discussion thread or the Ferram Aerospace thread. I was just running through a simple sub-orbital flight and taking my rocket back in. As can be seen from the sequence of pictures below, things seem good and hunky-dory at first (normal fast descent) However, as I get deeper into the atmosphere, the rocket slows down perceptibly (down to <10m/s at 2000m) And things get weirder as it drops, the vertical speed actually goes above zero! I'm running Ferram Aerospace but I'm wondering if this is just an effect of that mod or if this is normal for standard KSP aerodynamics as well? If it is the former, the only thing I can think of is that my winglets are actually generating significant amounts of lift. Would this be correct?
  24. Here's my first attempt at a "United Kerbin" flag. The colours do clash a little, but does it look just a wee bit familiar?
  25. Exactly what the subject says. First post and just downloaded the full version of KSP. Going to try running the campaign on the wiki and will try to see if I can write up a couple of silly stories to accompany them.
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