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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. How about the LRO/LCROSS Shepherding sats?
  2. Would the distance of the craft from Kerbin count for science earned? ex. A rover on Duna might gain more science than one on the Mun.
  3. I believe this is about the Earth and the Moon, not Kerbin and the Mun. Anyway, Launch 1- Saturn V rocket, cargo variant carrying a supply lander containing oxygen, food, and contingency equipment for 5 astronauts for 1 year (dehydrated food, liquid oxygen, emergency supplies, etc)
  4. What I'm getting from all these posts is that I should lessen the gravity turn to a very low angle (80%/100%) and start higher up if I want to do a sharper turn. All my craft are good when vertical. Thanks guys.
  5. the updated Bace inflatable modules. The MK2 (2.5 meter compacted, 3.75 expanded) is great for a core area.
  6. All my crafts will flipout shortly after going super sonic and doing a 10km/40% gravity turn. What is the best turn shape for the mod? edit: Tips are start gravity turn higher (10km or so), lessen turn angle (80%-100%), add more reaction wheels, add control surfaces. Thanks guys! Crafts work now.
  7. Changed post content accordingly. working on other atlas version
  8. You might need a few screenshots, man. Interesting concept, though. GL
  9. To honor the launch of the MUOS-2 satellite, I've recreated the of Atlas V 542 rocket (can't do uneven boosters, too low of a vectoring range on the CCB, no 532/552 for now guys ) PICTURE SHOWCASE Profile Cross Section Lift-off! SRB Seperation Fairing Seperation CCB shut-off before staging. Centaur Download http://www./download/eu5a9ho1x8lioxu/ATLAS_V_541.craft
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