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Everything posted by e-dog

  1. Updated to 3.01: Updated KSPAPIExtensions. Added size step parameters for RSS.
  2. Yeah, I need to make a wiki on GitHub, I guess. I'll add that to the first post with the next update.
  3. Any chance it's career mode and you just unlocked it in Flight Control, but no Aerodynamics yet?
  4. Can't resize how? No tweakables when you right-click the part? Or what? Did you remove the old version? Are you using KSP 0.23.5?
  5. There was a bug in KSPAPIExtensions, I'll update it soon. Custom fairing bases are possible, you need to replace models and adjust scale and node positions. Maybe model offset too. All doable via cfg.
  6. Strutting fairings has caused plenty of problems in the past, so you might just be lucky before.
  7. All old part configs are in ProceduralFairings/deprecated folder. Not from me. I don't like the idea of procedural engines. They are complicated pieces of machinery, developed for a long time with a lot of testing and then used for decades. If you look at SpaceX, for example, they don't have a lot of different engines. The same is true for Russian rockets and others. I wanted to do it at first, but than I had a better idea. What about separate mod that allows to attach flag decal anywhere? I think it might be possible, need to investigate.
  8. That's a very specific design (attaching to the bottom of the engine that is probably thrust-vectored etc.) which is better off in a separate mod. My adapter isn't hollow in the middle.
  9. No. Increasing number of nodes would mean adding another part and deprecating the old one again. Otherwise saved ships (those in flight) won't load properly. You can make your own mod though, and include transparent element with your 12-sided base. The PF license is very permissive (you just have to put a notice that PF is made by me). Note also that you need to add actual nodes in the config file. Positions don't matter, but the nodes must be there, just increasing the maximum number in the node tweaker module won't work - you'll get strange issues when loading those vessels in VAB and in flight (saved games).
  10. Not yet, I'll add it to my to do list. Even sizes are possible now, of course, just need more clicking.
  11. Do you mean fuel crossfeed? If yes, it's disabled for interstage because it confuses delta-v calculators like Engineer Redux.
  12. Yes, that's why I changed it to custom tweakables from KSPAPIExtensions, used by Procedural Parts mod. They have two pairs of increment/decrement buttons (1.25 and 0.125 steps) and a slider for precise control between small steps. And node sizes are handled properly now too.
  13. Craft file please. Preferably minimal (stock+PF). Also, if you're using Procedural Parts, you can try looking for KSPAPIExtensions.dll in GameData and deleting extra ones to keep the newest one only. Swamp-Ig said it should detect and use the latest version automatically, but I think there might be issues with that.
  14. They should be in the Flight Control tech, please check it. Sometimes new parts don't show numbers on the nodes in the tech tree. You can copy them to a sandbox game, replace parts there and then copy them back. The issue is only with career mode because it doesn't allow loading vessel designs that have parts not in the tech tree.
  15. Updated to 3.00, major overhaul, download and source is on GitHub now since Spaceport is going down soon. Moved files up to GameData folder (no Keramzit folder anymore). Make sure to delete old mod before installing (which is a good practice anyway). Added new resizable fairing bases with configurable number of side nodes. Old parts (bases and adapter) are deprecated. Launched vessels should be fine, but you might have trouble loading old designs in VAB/SPH in career mode. Added new part: Thrust Plate Multi-Adapter. Using KSPAPIExtensions by Swamp-Ig for better tweakables. Removed old keyboard-based tweaks - use new tweakables. Tweaking outer diameter (with fairings), instead of inner radius. Added fairing decoupler torque tweakable. Side nodes (for attaching fairings) get larger with the base size to make them more sturdy in KSP 0.23.5+ Tech limits are not checked in sandbox mode anymore. Extra payload radius is now zero by default. Fixed interstage adapter decoupling with fuselage fairings.
  16. Unity can import .blend files directly, so just put it in the folder with Unity project. Then proceed as usual with the parts: create empty object, assign part tools script to it, attach imported model to it and set it up (shader, texture, collider etc.)
  17. I think the URLs specified in the configs should match the file system, like these ones in adapter.cfg: MODEL { model = Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/baseRingModel texture = baseRingTex, Keramzit/ProceduralFairings/blackRingTex scale = 1, 1, 1 } Note that KSP URLs are relative to the GameData folder.
  18. Next update will have resizable bases, and the current ones will be deprecated.
  19. You need new model with a transparent shader. Take this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68024714/FairingSide.blend.zip
  20. The source code is in the zip file. I don't understand how the second top node would work. How should it move when you move the first top node? And what do you need it for exactly?
  21. There's no estimate for now, I don't have a lot of time to work on it. Also the next update is going to be serious: I want to deprecate the current bases in favor of resizable ones. The fairings with tweakable textures are planned too, and they'll have Stretchy Tanks / Procedural Parts texture support.
  22. You need to "buy" the parts in the R&D if you installed the mod after unlocking the tech nodes.
  23. It works in 23.5. There might be issues with node sizes (weaker connections) but otherwise it works.
  24. Yes, heat shields are planned. No estimate for now though.
  25. Yeah, it's possible. There's some torque now, but it's small, and it's effect is likely even smaller with 23.5 changes. I'll add a tweakable in the next update.
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