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Everything posted by British_Rover

  1. I sell Volvos so Swedish Krona was the first one that came to mind. Although I think you might be changing my mind. Kqueso?? Keso? Keusos?
  2. Nice Slippery Slope there And I think that perfectly states why there should be female Kerbals at some point in the development. Some girls are going to want to play with and relate more to girl Kerbals, hell some boys too my son seems to get along with girls his own age more then boys, and from a marketing standpoint it is better for success if that option is available.
  3. Yes because Krona was the first real world currency I could think of that started with K and because Keso just sounds too much like queso when I say it in my head.
  4. He calls plenty of things she that are females though sometimes he messes it up when he can't tell. One of our cats is super puffy and he knows it is a boy but I think sometimes he says girl for that reason. Still that is all you comment on in regards to my whole post? It makes more sense from a marketing perspective full stop.
  5. Obviously it should be Krona the Swedish Currency.
  6. It is about marketing. You know what my four year old son called Kerbal Space Program the first time he saw it? The Man Game. He still calls it that some time because he has a hard time pronouncing Kerbal. Why? Cause it is obvious to him at four that the little Kerbals are men. He is a boy's boy. He likes trucks and planes that he can crash into each other. Sometimes he asks to watch a boy movie though I am still not sure exactly what that means to him. Sometimes he will ask to watch a girl movie. Again I am not exactly sure how he differentiates between the two but he does somehow and it makes sense to him. Having characters that girls can better relate to is better for marketing. Having female looking Kerbals, and I will say those sketches look great and are appropriate, would help with marketing. Is it something that should be implemented right now full stop? No, but it is something that should be planned on and implemented in the not to distant future. You will get more sales if a product is marketable to both boys, girls and men women. The more relatable a product the more you will sell of it. Obviously not all products will be marketable to all people and some products are deliberately marketed to certain groups. KSP should have as broad a marketing push as possible.
  7. Men can get time off from work to be with a child after he/she is born. It is part of The FMLA(Family Medical Leave Act) in the US and most other developed countries have the similar rules. FMLA is un-paid leave but many companies provide for paid maternity/paternity leave in addition to the required unpaid FMLA leave. Last year one of my employees took about ten days off to be with his daughter after she was born and I will take at least a week off when my daughter is born later this month.
  8. Careful quick loading when using them though. I have a ship that just explodes now if I quick load it. I saved it while I had a strut set to link but not linked and I think that was the problem.
  9. Well if you were refueling with Kethane at the Mun then yes this would make a lot of sense. So for example if you were setting up a long term base on Eve/Gilly then the optimal thing to do would be have a Mun base that refines and/or ships Kethane to a facility in Munar orbit. Your large fuel depot orbits Kerbin just above the Mun and when the window is right you simply send a tanker to that orbit to refuel your outbound Eve ships.
  10. Here is is finally solved the breaking problem. Had to add some drogue chutes. The pic of all the kerbals is the version without drogues. 35 Kerbals
  11. Bah I EVAed all 35 of mine last night. Hmh not sure I want to try and do a redesign to beat 58.
  12. Yeah was trying a scout mission as separate thing that I wouldn't score but I am going to have to start over. I had docking, staging and hatch bugs. I could put kerbals in a pod but then they couldn't get out for some reason. I am going to reload a new scenario and try again. I am trying to decide if I should do a fresh install and then reinstall the mods I need just for this challenge before adding other non-necessary mods. I only need B9, docking struts and Procedural fairings for this mission.
  13. I did this last night but ran into a parachute problem. The chutes were not spread out even enough so they ripped my lander apart. Burning to slow down before the main chutes deployed meant I didn't have enough fuel to slow final descent and I smacked the water too hard. Will try again tonight.
  14. Another variation on my blackbird SSTO. I stripped off the extra turbo jets, removed the part clipped intakes, removed the modular rocket adapter and replaced it with more RCS and linear thrusters. 14.78 tons after dumping oxidizer on the runway, man that was a mess, and 103 parts. I think I could part count down considerably. I don't need so many solar panels for a short flight or so many RCS thrusters. Final PE was 84ish and AP 90ish
  15. After literally hours of testing, many many hours mind you, Project OCAIAFNAR(Overly complicated and Incredibly Ambitions for no apparent reason) has finally Launched The Spear Of Mars to Duna. Leaving on a Javelin 9 heavy lifter TSM is fully 105 tons of pure Kerbal know how to LKO. Equipped with the very second best in technology to explore the Duna system and investigate both polar ice caps as well. The Javelin 9 heavy is the latest in the Javelin series that started with the 60 ton to LKO rated Javelin 5. As Project OCAIAFNAR progressed it became apparent that the Javelin 5 would not be sufficient to the task and development on the Javelin 9 began. After adding more and more snacks scientific equipment to TSM even the standard Javelin 9 was not large enough. Though we did save one for emergencies. The Javelin 9 heavy was born at over 800 tons it is the largest lifter ever designed. Pure serially staged with no fuel lines it is simply a matter of pushing the throttles to the firewall and letting her go. Gravity turn starts early at 2,500 meters and no need to worry about throttling back. The core center engine stack burns out first to keep Max Q to a minimum and prevent terminal velocity fuel waste. I will be adding more descriptions and images as the mission progresses. Right now The Spear of mars is nearly to Duna. My back up rescue probe Explortar is already at Duna setting up comms. Launched on the backup Javeling 9 standard Explortar was the last fail safe for the TSM crew in the case of a failed ejection burn past the point of no return. It was designed with enough Delta V to attempt a rendezvous outside the Kerbin system. As TSM is good to go it is using that excessive Delta V to beat TSM to Duna by nearly a several days even though it launched 23 hours later. Last test launch that KSP ate my crew when physics engaged.
  16. Well it took much longer then I thought but we do have a mission. I will start a post in the mission reports sub-forum and then link to it. Project OCAIAFNAR(Overly complicated and Incredibly Ambitions for no apparent reason) launched The Spear of Mars on a Javelin 9 heavy successfully. The Exploratar rescue mission/scout probe successfully launched 23 hours later on a Javelin 9 standard. With all systems go on TSM Exploratar followed behind and calculations began for its secondary mission to set up communications and scout the Duna system ahead of TSM. I need to add in descriptions to the first album but I will do that later once I start the mission report thread. Last test launch that KSP ate my crew when physics engaged.
  17. I am in the US. It worked fine for me earlier today to at my office but now at home doesn't I will try it again tomorrow.
  18. I was considering trying something like that with the old version of KAS and Mechjeb's auto pilot but I never tried it. I would have two craft docked together then undock one which will let you fly both planes as long as they are close using mechjeb. The thing is I think you need to have a kerbal do the attaching as just the magnet will not allow fuel transfer. You would need a kerbal in a command seat outside the plane to down with the winch and dock the connector into a port on the second plane. I have to imagine with FAR the kerbal would just flop all around behind the plane.
  19. That sucks I just got home now so I uploaded the pictures that were stuck on another computer.
  20. here is my craft file but I wont be able to post pictures till tonight BCSX.craft - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1b53G-UMsskMWdPb0RMMUVCWlU/edit?usp=sharing has enough to get to mun and return. separate ascent stage for leaving mun. to complete mun landing transfer fuel from ascent stage to landing stage. panels bound to light button. gear and ladders bound together. sorry on phone
  21. Nope cake is a lie. I did have a delicious cinnamon crunch bagel with honey and walnut cream cheese for breakfast this morning. That was better then cake. I am nearly finished with the final touches of the mission now so I might be able to do it tonight. I am just building in additional redundancy to the various stages and working on some surprises.
  22. So here is what I am working on for this challenge. No hints as to what is under the fairing yet. I have completed testing all new components and susefussuly put it into cruise mode for the burn to Duna but my launch was poor and I only had enough fuel left to get it into orbit. If I scavenge all remaining fuel I could make a Duna fly by but this was just a test mission in another save I wasn't planning to go to Duna now. I just wanted to see if the docking maneuver was possible with the very tight tolerances built into the fairing and protective crew shroud.
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