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Everything posted by Kaleb

  1. For years now, I've wished there was a game where you could build spacecraft out of various component parts, and which followed proper laws of physics and orbital mechanics. And perhaps was moddable as well. And of course now I find out that such a game exists and is completely awesome!!! :-) Honestly, I'm not sure why I merely added this to my Steam queue when I first heard about it, instead of buying it immediately. Over the past 3+ weeks, I've been either playing KSP, watching KSP videos, or lurking on the forums here, with every spare moment I could grab (including some moments well past my bed time) -- and loving every moment of it! I've got the basics down: I can launch and rendezvous and dock and reenter. I've done a few Munar flybys, mostly with Ion probes, but haven't tried landing anything there yet (or sending anything outside of Kerbin's SoI). If my attempts at powered vertical landings on Kerbin are any guide, I've still got a ways to go before I master that particular skill. Since pictures are nice, here's my first attempt at creating a space station, Kalamazoo. Built and launched in two pieces (not counting the fuel tanker docked on the far left). Pretty modest, I know, and there's no Sr. Docking Ports, but I'm still proud of it. With the recently-attached manned section, it can house 8 Kerbals, but currently only has 7. There's an empty spot for Jeb when he gets back from the first manned Munar flyby. Actually, I may not continue that game, since I've just started a fresh game where I'm using RemoteTech, ISA Mapsat, and (eventually) Kethane (along with several other mods). I've established my comsat network, and mapped Kerbin. Since I'm also a C# developer, I'm looking forward to trying my hand at creating some mods as well. And I hear that 0.21 is coming out soon, too!
  2. Not sure if this counts, since technically it's in the shape of two wheels. But Jebediah sure had a blast going round and round on the axle. I call it the Conestoga, naturally. Anyway, my top speed so far is 28.4 m/s over flat land. It got up to 30.6 m/s rolling down the shore towards the water, but then it, um, tears Jebediah apart in the water; for obvious reasons. The wheel is strutted with KW's Heavy strut -- its my first time using it, and wow is it strong! It didn't even lose a panel while rolling off the launch pad. It has a nasty habit of losing traction at high speed, and spinning uncontrollably on one end, but it still holds together (most of the time) much to Jeb's delight.
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