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Everything posted by Apollo1391

  1. yeah ive seen jebs vision
  2. One of my kerbal nations is called The.Free.Island.Nation.Of.The.Kerbals or TFINOTK for short. Which is on that island chain just of the coast of KSC with our capital island being the island with the island strip. We focus on science mostly trying to stay out of wars our only one being our independence war in 1645 after 50 years of colonization and taxation. After that we strived to make bases on every celestial body.
  3. Here is what I always say when this stuff comes up people who want to use mech jeb can use it the people who don't don't have to Though personally I don't use mechjeb P.S Collins first name is Mike
  4. Kerbal DefCon 5 everyone on stand by prepare the planet catapult to shoot eeloo
  5. Let me try I know it looks pretty funny Though it should go to mun in one piece.
  6. Thanks but on my channel 5 is a hospital soap opera
  7. Next up is jeb Kerman plushies
  8. Seeing jeb frown happens less often then seeing bob smile
  9. Rip Meldorf Kerman you will be missed
  10. This will feed our people for generations
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