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Everything posted by Valley

  1. Funny thing is they are making aircraft that can fly themselves at this point so in the near future I can see them allowing the aircraft and unmanned armored cars and tanks to pick their own targets. So taking out a command center or command ship may not do anything in the next decade or so. Just program them with the same logo they tell soldiers - 'When in doubt win the war'.
  2. *Whips out a tape recorder* "Note to self. Design flying buses to carry Hanland assault groups to planet's surface. Make them yellow and have Magic School Bus Theme pumped out of speakers to confuse the anti-aircraft crews as they land."
  3. Well, I would suggest, strongly, either having a long term goal - like putting a large colony on one of the planets - OR having a story like - like World War K or the Spirit of Kerbin series (the Naval Carrier). You want something to hook the viewers. Not just watching another game. Special effects and funny voices are okay but in the end there has to be a story or something to look forward to in the next video.
  4. Wow. Looks wonderful when operating.... and massive... After some testing I launched a large three Kerbin lander, with a hitchhiker container, solar panels, science units with the ramjet towards Duna. But we were forced to land on Ike. It got in the way of the ship. Sadly we dumped the ramjet too early and did not have enough fuel to escape the moon's gravity and still land on Duna so I decided we needed an outpost there, on Ike. Better than a dead ship floating about.
  5. I think you will have to decide if a ship can ram or not - period. Maybe limit ramming to once or twice by engagement? Or by tonnage?
  6. I would say a draw - neither fleets own the battle space and, therefore, nobody can control the planetary system safety. I suggest another fight - with clear rules of engagement. Think of it as a duel between gentlemen.
  7. Just my view point - I think the point would be who has the functioning ship able to continue to fight and control the battle space. Numbers don't manner as much as who can continue to fight. I would suggest continuing the fight if weapons can still be fired. If ships can no longer fight, be they damaged or empty, they should not be thought of as effective war ships. If ships exist after the last shell is spent than it would seem to be a draw. Once again, my view. The point is not to destroy the enemy - the point is to make the enemy ineffective. If one military fleet is unarmed than it is not a effective fleet. Who has weapons that are still working?
  8. Well, the bus can be a armored transport for SpiritWolf ground troops. Looks like it could take incoming missiles easily.
  9. What stops players from using all unmanned ships? And replacing fighters with armed drones?
  10. Than post it up here and offer it to the SpiritWolf! Maybe one of the future episodes will be ground combat between armored cars and tanks we offered up to both sides. I can smell the burning engines and hear the scream of incoming rounds now. It smells like....*sniff*....burning rubber?
  11. you mean like finding Kerbals drinking their coffee or having a smoke break near the fuel tank and stuff?
  12. Is there anyway MJ 2 can dock without RCS? I was watching the Spirit Of Kerbin Youtube series and those tiny carrier fighters were amazing...and I don't think they used RCS if I remember right. When dealing with tiny ships is there anyway for MJ 2 to use just allow itself to aim, use the main engine lightly and to float into a docking ring? I am trying to design as small as ship as I can and RCS and the fuel to run them is something I would like to do without.
  13. Yes and no. I am still working on my Frigate's weapon system. Yes, it is weak. But I also downloaded one of the destroyers from the Spiritwolf/Hanland thread - selected for its armor - to be my target. I picked one designed to be a ram so it is slightly tougher than the other smaller capital ships. I just have to find the correct combination of range and, as you say, weight. It is, after all, my first large ship so I have some things to learn.
  14. Class: Armored Personnel Carrier AKA "Viper" Company: Valley Inc. Allied With: Hanland https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzWVddevUqx5X19aZV8xZWFEOTA/edit?usp=sharing Valley Inc, realized that after the space battles decided who ruled the skies drop ships would have to unload ground troops and their equipment into the traditional battle space known as the battlefield. Planets are where the resources are at and that will be where the final battles are. So what we wanted was a simple, light, APC designed for combat on Kerbin and on both Moons. What our team whipped up was the 'Viper'. A light armored ground vehicle that can be controlled by one driver (who will fight to the death because his hatch is locked until the battle is won...no really, he can't get out) and can carry four stock troops. It is also armed with two forward facing SPWH (Self-Propelled War Heads). Any well made lander can easily place it on either of the moons (this has been tested). The front armor is also slightly slopped to help deflect incoming rounds. A perfect example of military tank design. So no matter what the issue, be it a farmers' colony revolting on the Mun... or a miners' strike on Minmus... The 'Viper' will be the answer! Please remember that when firing the weapons: First, set the brakes into the ON position. Second, turn on the SAS. Third, and this is VERY important, do not fire in a volley when on a low-gravity moon or planet. Remember, you can't control Kerbin's sphere of influence without controlling the moons!
  15. Oh guys - after testing my APC on Kerbin and the Mun I would HEAVILY suggest any tanks or armored cars which have weapons mounted on them use landing gear in the rear to brace themselves. Even on Kerbin my 'Viper' is pushed back when it fires and on the Mun...well...it was kind of funny. Otherwise it handles pretty well on the Mun.
  16. Great - I finish making a tank that looks like something that was made before the Great War and Sliinty invents battle-suits.
  17. Secret Message To Hanland HQ from Valley Inc. We, at Valley Inc., are working hard to help our glorious allies, the Hanland, in the conflict with those SpiritWolf scum who would dare to suggest that all Kerbals are created equal. Blah! What nonsense! Not only are we developing space fighters and capital ships for our wonderful and super intelligent allies but we have also turned our auto department towards the building of ground craft. Even as we speak we have turned one of my prototype cars into a weapon that can be used against enemy soldiers, rioting workers, and Holiday crowds. What you see before you is the Armored Personnel Carrier called the 'Viper' rolling out of the factory for its first road test. Please notice that it can carry a small squad of troops yet has the weapons and protective plating go into battle if need be. Here it is in a live weapons test. Both launchers are fired by themselves, not in a volley, allowing it to have two chances to knock out any target there may be. In this case we used, as a target, marshmallow peeps. Always a ton laying around and nobody likes them. Even while small the weapons do have great recoil and the brakes have to be set before firing. On low-gravity planets and moons the warheads should go straight and true into any landed space craft, bunkers, and, of course, enemy tanks. End of Transmission. PS - Gee, I hope nobody else gets this.
  18. Cool. I assume the artillery pieces use both the powered wheels and the RCS to get into position. Your tank looks like something they made during the Great War. Have you thought of making a rover to tow them? ...wait, why am I helping you I am an ally to the Hanland? LOL
  19. I don't know...small fighters would make his capital ships look even bigger. Now, if he made small fighters, small by our standards, I am sure he could fill a carrier with them.
  20. @Zekes - why not get a fighter design on loan or something?
  21. I was going with VERY simple. It use to have more stuff on it but it got trimmed down. I was going away from the Escort idea. Also, form follows function in many ways. I think a lot of the fighters in this thread look like Shades. And yeah, Valley Inc. thinks about payload delivery in both civilian and military ships. While many ships can be reloaded and refueled many of those in the first wave will not survive the first battle they are in. So why worry about chutes and escape pods and silly stuff like that? I mean, yes, the 'Callisto' has survived direct heads, the wing/armor seem to absorb the explosions (and do pop off), leaving the rest of the craft unharmed. But that is likely more luck than anything else. Also, I don't know what the Syfer looks like as I have not red the thread from start to finish. But you can say, for role-play, Valley Inc. spies took your blueprints and redesigned them.
  22. Funny how we have to try to slow down the missiles and such to get them to hit. Makes me feel like I am watching DUNE. The slow blade penetrates the shield and all. I've hit a target from as far as 1.5 k with a dumb missile (and it exploded) but there was no damage to the ship's armor. I think that has to do more with the design of the ship but I have more tests planned.
  23. May I make a few suggestions? A save for each theater of operations? A save file for battles around Duna. A save file for Kerbin. And so on... Also from a fleet point of view. Do we need carriers? During the World Wars, as the danger of aircraft hit many navies over the head with a hammer they were forced, sometimes against their will, to build carriers. BUT they also tried to extend the life of their older ships by trying to place small platforms on them to launch or land small fighters. Could capital ships also have a fighter or two attached to them for use against other small strike craft? The carrier the Spirit of Kerbin only carried a few fighters. That number could easily be carried by a few capital ships and launched before combat.
  24. Class: Light Fighter AKA "Io" Company: Valley Inc. Allied With: Hanland https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzWVddevUqx5TWcyQi1DWFA2cUk/edit?usp=sharing Valley Inc, after submitting the Light Escort, 'Callisto', realized the Hanland forces might need a more well rounded reusable strike craft. The two major goals of the new design was, A. To make it so it could be used more than once and therefore it needed to be easily reloaded and refueled. B. Design a better launcher. While the 'Callisto' is being improved on (seen in this photo is Ver. 2 about to carry out a test with a nose torpedo) it can not be reloaded, it is a fuel hog, and its Launcher is a beast - every stage OVERHEATS! Only the most skilled combat pilots can handle such a craft. But when you need to fight a war you sometimes can't afford the most skilled. Sometimes you need to grab somebody off the street, slap a uniform on them, and stuff them into the cockpit. The 'Io' (the Ver. 4 is seen in the photo below with the last stage of the Launcher still attached and partly full) reached those goals AND more. The design is simple, clean, and part of the Launcher can be kept onto the ship after being placed in orbit to act as a boaster if the pilot wishes. The weapons on the nose can be reloaded and proved to be easy to use. The design is small enough to be used as a carrier fighter or as a fighter attached to a station or capital ship. While the 'Callisto' IS better designed to take incoming fire we feel the 'Io' will prove to be the best choice for the massive space battles of the future in which dozens of unimportant pilots are used in attack runs on bigger, prettier, and extravagant enemy warships crewed by people who can't be replaced. Thank you for your time and money.
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