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Everything posted by TADBTD

  1. KSP 1.0 and Half Life 3/ Half Life 2 episode 3
  2. welcome to the world of crashin' rockets and killign kerbals.... funny thing is, my company atculy tries to SAVE THEM
  3. I just launched a thrillmaster on a rocket and detonated it by putting a LAZOR S missle on top via action groups. Killed Jebediah Kerman while smiling. YOLO
  4. I am following this thread every day keep it up and this will be the best mod out!
  5. It would be useless, i would just shove a probe part And a few more RTGs and it would be useless. No real point to this, it would just be kind of annoying. The only thing that would make this better would be the sleeping animations, but thats it.
  6. Yea, i understand, but like it still is on the what not to suggest list, and this is kind of saying "blegh" but not really
  7. Then this should be a discussion Not a suggestion
  8. this thread is gonna be locked, its on the 'not to suggest list' http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36863-What-not-to-suggest
  9. I will like to be the last company to join. It's KTA, A testing company. We can test your probes if you would like.
  10. I am going to learn how to model and texture stuf with unity just for this.
  11. This would make KSP a lot better. I am totally up for the idea! Maybe if you add a opening cargo bay, that would be great.
  12. Only Ship at a time, but b capsule there maybe more than one seat.There mght be more than one ship launched, but one one can be controlled.
  13. I came up with an idea that might make KSP alot better. Mission Control. When you would click mission control (the building) it would bring you to a screen that says select server or create. When you would create a server it would give the option: Mission Control/Air Traffic Control, or astronaut/pilot. When you would click mission control, it would give you all the roles as mission control, CapCom,Flight Director,etc.When you would choose 'astronaut' you would select your seat. And I know what your saying. Time Warp! TimE wArp!? I have the solution. One of the Flight directors jobs would be to accept a time warp request. The astronaut would request a time warp, if The FD accepts, he can time warp, but the FD can stop the time warp at any time. This is my idea and a step foward to realism. If anyone suggests anything, or wants to add something just post it. I won't have any hard feelings if you dissagree with me.
  14. Ya if the devs added a grapping hook i will be like Just Cause 2
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