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Everything posted by SyberSmoke

  1. I am of the opinion that any "debris" should have a value if only as scrap metal. That said there should be some logic to the staging that would allow an object that was "properly released as part of a stage" to maintain a small bubble of existence allowing it to land if the player designs it to do such. So a booster with chutes could be a simple example. They are something that should be recoverable as long as they have a parachute that would reduce their velocity to below the impact tolerance. Though...may be this entire discussion is a little off just because the contract rewards look to be enough to account for the wasted parts. So if this a difficulty thing? Or is it a mental glitch that we do not like the idea of waste in a game where waste is irreverent?
  2. I had to make "and from there" a conditional to the text block as there could be no additional step once in orbit. Text blocks are good, but there needs to be room to add in conditionals or additional steps from a single step block. On a personal note, The contracts are interesting, but I am wondering if a multiple step contract could be done. Like having the contract have "Depending on the outcome of the mission, this contract may be amended with additional opportunities." That way that mission to Duna to rescue Kerbal X could have a bonus if conditions are right. Like: "With the rescue of Wonderwise Kermin from the Orbit of Duna, Company X would like to request an addition to the contract. A location on Duna has been observed from your orbit that we would like to investigate. This would require landing on the surface and investigating the marked location. This is contingent on your fuel reserves and craft capabilities. Declining this contract will not harm your previous contract."
  3. Q: Now that squad have basically demonstrated a 64 bit version, will you all offer a pack with some higher resolution textures when it is released? Since the 4gig memory limit would vanish for any one using the 64bit exe memory limits are less of an issue really unlike right now.
  4. TBH this should be a core function of KSP and not a mod. Frankly I hope the people at Squad are reading this because this is a needed function.
  5. First, as a note, I have not installed your mod yet and have been trying to read through the thread. But time and kids get in the way. I think when .24 comes out I will give this a shot. That said I was wondering if a couple paths have been considered. In a post Algae growth was talked about, if this is in this mod, have you thought about a solar collector like solar cells or the radiators from Interstellar. The collectors would be a set of clear tubes the algae can be pumped through. This would increase the surface area for light collection by the algae solution. This would increase the amount of potencial energy the Algae would have access to, especially at distances farther than Kerbin. As for space, the tubes could be insulated from freezing or even heated to maintain optimal thermal conditions. I also kind of hope that the algae will allow me to produce fuels...but heck that is later. The other key thought I had was akin to the last, but instead using a different technology: . You were wondering about ways to reduce the energy requirements to light the interior of the bay. This could be an option as the system would condense solar light when available and then could use high intensity LEDs of the proper wavelengths for times when the solar collectors are not working.Well that is all...Good luck with your work and I look forward to seeing it come to full fruition. I hope the thoughts help.
  6. Not unless the waste heat you can store is related to the current amount of water you have. So as you use water and do not recycle it, you reduce the amount of heat that can be stored. That way the state of your water reserves impacts your heat capacity. That said, it would be interesting if there was a part that took the waste heat and converted it in to energy. Radiothermic Generators use this principle of taking the thermal energy from the decay of nuclear material and converting it to electricity. The process is not all that efficient, but it would offer another way to use the stored energy (Heat)
  7. You most likely need to use the currently active project. Since this is inactive, you can consider it out of date and nonfunctional.
  8. True enough, There are mods out there that offer a better solution for storage. And if more storage is needed, then your either not being imaginative enough, or you do not have the right parts. I have been using and like this mod...TACLS goes a little haywire with the O2 tanks...something about negative oxygen values...but hey I never run out now (Chuckle). As to the developers, sorry if my suggestions made you all a little more frustrated. I have worked with mod devs before and know that people throw out allot of good thoughts, but this is not a job and time is limited. So it can be frustrating...It is frustrating for us also because we see the potencial in a mod for interesting designs for ships and they just do not fit into the long term plans of the mod. Any way I said my thought, I see the point. If you want to discuss for clarity what I meant feel free to PM me. Have a good one guys and keep it going.
  9. Kethane has it's uses, there are many mods that have it as a dependency, like Modular Kolonization. I do Modular Kolonization (Link) and it is a good long term mod for planning out an building a functional colony. beyond that it is up to you.
  10. The thought was just for two added parts, a larger bay and a cowling for over under the bay and offer a different attachment point option. But I understand the desire to keep part count low so, thank for the consideration.
  11. Small is relative, It should still be a task to get it there, that is to be sure. But having it be compact for transport would not be unreasonable. Compact meaning about...1/3rd it's current width (Longest Side) would still be an unwieldy pain to lift...but not unreasonable. Any way good luck with your project. I will be watching as I think this is something that is needed. And thank you for the consideration of my thoughts.
  12. Thought - Resource Base: It does look to be very HUGE and exceedingly cumbersome. I know that the goal is to have everything internal, but instead have you considered having the structure more compact and then expand? The reason is most storage, until filled is just empty space. That space can be reduced in transit and then expanded on deployment. With this in mind you could make the model more compact and then have it deploy using more industrial looking methods (external pistons, the plating expanding like armor). Keeping in this line you could also add in control thrusters and a pilot so that the platform could have some token fuel and land under its own power...or move to a new position. This would round out the design some and allow some of the issues brought up to be addressed (Size, deployment). Just some thoughts.
  13. Roboto: I was wondering if you had plans to add solar collectors (A collection of clear tubes that can be expanded like a solar cell increasing the area for light collection by Biomass) to help increase efficiency for Biomass production? Given the need for efficiency in space it makes sense to give the Algae(?) more area for photosynthesis and growth.
  14. Has it been considered to add in a deployable solar solution to increase biomass efficiency? Like a solar cell, but instead of silicon, it is a transparent tube system that the Algae or Biomass producing organisms can be pushed through to increase the amount of surface area is exposed to the light? This way the player can maximise their time in the sun or gather more light from farther away from Kerbin.
  15. Those are nice parts, but my thought process was more towards being able to place the bays off center as a wedge, that way you could have four bays in a single area and open them/deploy payloads with out needing to make them all in line. And I do know that the bay could be used with the double, triple, and quad adapter, but then you can not merge them back into the stack as another like adapter would only connect to one connection node. Something I have tried and...well it did not end well. It is one reason I asked if a Quad Wedge 2.5m was in the works as it would be also interesting to have bays for that scale...heck may be only have bays for it. Eah that would be a lot of work for just one item...a waste of time unless it were to be built up more. OK, So after a few minutes of thought and so fast photoshop work. Here is my thought in pictorial form. It is nothing fancy, but should explain the thought better.
  16. Simply because an inferior product would not just be defined by it's capability to move fuel but also its greater weight and size compared to the later, superior model. The benefit is that it comes in earlier in the tree allowing stations to be built that little bit sooner. On top of that with .24 and the addition of costs, the benefit could be a less expensive, but also less optimised option for connection up your stations. Tradeoffs will become a good thing.
  17. Sorry, I was using a military term. Hurm...ok a "Blister" is usually defined as a protrusion used to mount AA weapons or as a additional area attached to the hull to the detonation of torpedo's. Wiki Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-torpedo_bulge Any way the idea I had in mind would be equivalent to mounting a dual or quad coupling and running 1.25m cargo bays vertically. The thought would be that small probes or special gear could be added into a larger bay. Any way just a thought to give a little more room for small craft in ships. I kind of like the thought of opening a bay and launching a probe out of it as I orbit some planet instead of having it duct taped to the ship. Ok, enough out of me, back to cooking my chicken soup from scratch.
  18. Nice, good to know. And yeah life can be such a pain in the *. I look forward to using this once KSP updates again...I hope prices will not be to bad, since rockets will more then likely require money soon. At least in career mode. Any possibility of other tanks? Kethane, Resources for Modular Kolonization/Universal Resources API, stuff like that? Sorry, they are mods I use so...curiosity. Sorry if it has been covered, the thread is long and the 3 year old in the background is getting into trouble. Though...I do have a thought...a "Blister Wedge". Like the Science Wedge you have shown, but this extends out further creating an extended area. When activated, it opens into a larger bay that can contain assemblies, probes...things like that. While there are many mods that add inline bays, it would be something interesting to have a set of four wedges with relatively equal space to a 1.25m bay. Finally, and I would guess this has also been thought about, but are there plans for a 2.5m quad bracket with larger wedges for added punch?
  19. I have been looking at your mod and I was wondering, would there be any plans to add wedges for Mono Prop. or Fuel? I know we have a number of tanks in the base game, but for certain applications I have has to use the micro tanks when a tank system like this would be perfect. Like for a SSTO where I need a small amount of Fuel but then a normal amount of Fuel & Oxidizer. Or for a probe where a small amount of fuel is needed, and a normal tank is overkill.
  20. Ethernet: Do you have any plans to make a 2.5m docking port? I like a 2.5m for putting station together due to stability. Fuel transfer can be worked around (Thank you KAS) so an early 2.5m version would be good in my book.
  21. After getting enough oomph to get the parts in orbit, I am very much enjoying them. Questions though, then some thoughts. 1. Do the experiments work like regular KSP science where if you do it and return it, the points are limited after? 2. How do I get 100% on the research, you say that the Cyclotron will give you 100% on material samples...but does it also work on experiments? Suggestions: Some thoughts on research projects that could be done on the platform. 1. Playing with Sugar (Static attraction and the forming of planets [Real Research on the ISS]) 2. Stocked Bar (Kerbals research the mixing of fluids of dissimilar density...then drink them.) 3. Materials Bay (Used to conduct materials research...like melting and mixing metallic alloys.) 4. The Fish Tank (Studying marine life in zero G. Fun fact, fish swim in circles in micro-gravity. But if you give them a single light, they swim in straight lines as they use the light as a reference point.) 5. Kerbal Reproduction Experiments (How do you make a baby Kerbal in micro-gravity...and what are the fuzzy handcuffs for?) Ok...enjoy.
  22. Ahhh, Ok. So this will add the new scan but keep the old scan as an option? Thank you. If I did not understand in an earlier post I am sorry about being a pain. As for later posts, I will take a look at B9's stuff. I have been frustrated with the Science Jr. module...it is kind of a pain to put into my designs at time so a unit that does it all...may be worth looking at.
  23. I think I have three points I can make. 1. IF I was concerned with balance I would be far more worried about my use of the Station Science Mod, as it is I am not so my personal concerns about balance are not an issue. It is after all my experience and so I will play it as I see fit. 2. The question was not about balance, it was about if there was a way to modify the parts cfg to encompass both tests with out having two separate parts. If there is a way I would like to know it so I can make the determination that it will ruin my game play experience. If it is not possible because the two tests are coded in a way as to make them mutually exclusive...then that is all that was needed to be said. 3. TBH it makes no sense to exclude on test type from the other. The seismic sensor would be quite capable of not only taking readings to determine tectonic movement or core movement...but it should also be capable of doing that over time for the impact test. It is incongruous that it can not do all the functions it should be capable of. And my Gamer OCD kicks in when things are not consistent with in the game world. (Yes I know...Warp Drive...but that is a different but acceptable incongruity.) Please...do not take this as my being argumentative...I am not in any way upset about the comment. It is just....not what I asked. So if 2 can be answered...then please do. After all...the devs have their vision and I respect that, but it does not mean I have to abide by it. That is what mods do isn't...add functionality and change the vision of the game?
  24. Could I just edit the science.cfg to encompass both tests? So I could use one part for the seismic scan and the impact test? Or are the two mutually exclusive.
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