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Everything posted by AlmightyR

  1. Who cares about the specifics of how much it costs? What is important is that... IT'S OVER 9000! (And that's bloody hard...Or more precisely...Time-consuming to get if you are not cheating...)
  2. @"includes the ModuleManager plugin, which allows the game to read files (...)" That is "ModuleManager" (.dll) (actual mod), not "ModuleManagerSource" (useless source for that mod)...
  3. As a general rule, you don't need to (or should) install any folder that has "source" written on it. These are the source files of the mod, in other words, files containing the original code (programming) that, when compiled, then makes the mod's files. Source files are never used by the game and will only make your load-times take longer, and possibly use (waste) KSP's precious RAM memory. No offence, but wouldn't it have been easier to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS? (!)
  4. This is AlmightyR, reporting in! Sir, we have accomplished a new achievement! Achievement get: KSP Achievements mod installed! Achievement description: This player can finally achieve some achievements!
  5. .22 is out... Where is my loved Editor Extensions? [Joke.Start] I am waiiitiiiing! And my patience is running oooouuuut! *goes towards the gun cabinet* [Joke.End] Ok, but jokes aside, any news or ETAs for a .22 version? No pressure! It's jus that we (I) don't even know if you are working on it or not, so any info would be greatly appreciated! EE is (was) one of my favorite mods on .21, so if new version is coming, that's great news! If not, thanks for everything! You are my hero regardless!
  6. Suggestions: (Based on them not being present in the documentation) 1) Solid rocket fuel variable! STAGE:SOLIDFUEL 2) Other logic gates: ELSE, AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR. 3) Functions: Allow the creation of standardized functions that can be saved and used independently (but interchangeably) with the current "procedure files" system. 4) Body-specific, or preferably Current-body system variables: Boolean:HasAtmosphere (self-explanatory), Int/Float/Double:AtmosphereInfluence (altitude of vacuum, in meters), etc... 5) [Far in the future?] User-defined class structures! ---------- Please implement them as soon as possible! So that I ("we") can make things like, for example, an any-planet automatic launch function! Code-logic: AutoOrbitLaunch( GTurnAlt, OrbAlt ) { //"Go up" code... If ( BODY:HasAtmosphere ) { UNTIL ( ALTITUDE >= GTurnAlt ) { IF ( STAGE:SOLIDFUEL == 0 OR STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL == 0 OR STAGE:OXIDIZER == 0 ) { Stage. PRINT "Staging spent tanks!". } } // Begin and do gravity turn. UNTIL ( ALTITUDE >= BODY:AtmosphereInfluence OR APOAPSIS >= OrbAlt ) { SET RTOAOA TO [Insert impossible math here]. //RTOAOA means "Rotation To Optimal Angle Of Ascent" ... Basically, some complicated math to determine best angle of ascent here. LOCK Direction TO UP + RTOAOA. } } Else { //Same as above but optimized for vacuum ascent. } //Circularization code... }
  7. Fixed that "In" (->"Ln"); Thanks for pointing out. And about datum; Third new knowledge of the thread! Hail the masters! \o/ <(Thank) _o_ <(You) \o/ <(Once) _o_ <(Again!)
  8. In programming, or at least in the Java programming language, Log() is a function that returns the Natural Logarithm (Base e).
  9. Oh, I know that from Java programming as "Log()", not "Ln()"...Now that I actually Google'd Natural Logarithm, I finally noticed the scientific notation is different! Well, there is only one thing better than learning something: Learning more than just one something! Question is answered! Thanks a lot guys! It's nice to see KSP's community being as awesome as ever! One (two) extra question(s) for @UmbralRaptor: What is "datum_pressure" and how can I find it's value?
  10. Sorry for me being a math's dummy, but what operation does the "In()" mean exactly? I tried Google'ing "math in()" and such, but it returns all sorts of unrelated trash.
  11. I know how to convert a given altitude into it's Kerbin's atmospheric-pressure value, thanks to the wiki's pages on Atmosphere mechanics and Kerbin. I want to know how to do the reverse; How can I convert a given atmospheric pressure to an altitude value? [EDIT:] Answer: For Kerbin, multiply the Natural Logarithm of the Pressure by the Atmospheric Scale, with one of those values (the result of the Logarithm, or the Atmospheric Scale) negated (reversed signal); The result is the Altitude of that specific pressure. Thanks to Razor235, SnappingTurtle and UmbralRaptor. You guys are awesome!
  12. I would do your modelling and texturing if I could, but unfortunately I'm in the last semester of System Analysis and Development college, and at least for now, I just can't. What I can do, however, is post a brief "get-started" guide on the texturing you seem to need, to get things going faster for you and/or anyone willing to learn the stuff to help you. Here goes! ---------- For 3D games, you don't create animated images for textures; Or at least I have never heard of any game that uses animated images for textures; Instead, games use "Materials". When you need an "animated texture", you combine two different "static" textures into a "complex material", which "animates" a transition between them based on parameter variables. Here is a brief explanation of how materials work: Lets start with the basics: There is a difference between an image and a texture (in the 3D modelling definition of "texture"). That difference is that a texture is fit for an specific 3D-environment's "UV-Map". Yes, if you model something very simple, like a box, it can be UV-Mapped automatically with something like planar projection, and the texture can be set from an untouched image, but it's still an UV-Map and a texture. 3D objects don't receive textures per-see; They receive materials. Materials are a set of textures and parameters; A game's materials' textures usually include, but aren't limited or obligated to include: Ambient color: Is the natural color of an object where illuminated by ambient light rather than direct light. (Google 3D lighting if you don't know the difference between direct and ambient lighting.) Diffuse color: Is the intuitive, instinctive meaning of the color of an object. It is the color that the object reveals under pure white light. It is what you usually see in terms of colors, in games. The texture used here determines what the object is "painted" as. It's "skin" and/or it's "texture". Specular color: Is the color of the light perceived from a specular reflection. Specular reflections are the type of reflection that is characteristic of light reflected from a shiny surface. It is often used in pair with the "Specular Level" material parameter to balance and optimize the player's perceived specular reflection's flare. Emissive color: This is the self-illumination color an object has. This, controlled by the material's variables, is how KSP's electric engines glow blue when turned on, and how liquid engines' nozzles glow red when hot, for example. Filter color: Is used to "filter the opacity" of an object. Black meaning all colors are transparent, and white, all colors opaque. This is very often used to create hair, foliage, and all sorts of details, in a way that is not poly-heavy; Because noone's PC would manage to run all those Crysis' nature if it was actually 3D-detailed; It's just simple planes with a texture-based filter; Much easier on the CPU and graphics card! Normal map: Also known as "Bump map" (actually different techniques for the same goal) and/or "Dot3 bump map", it is a texture used to fake the lighting of bumps and dents in the surface of a 3D model, simulating the bumps and wrinkles on the surface without actually using any extra vertices or changing existing ones. Displacement map: Similar to Normal-mapping, but actually changes the position of the underlying vertices, and often needs a high amount of polys to give a good result. This is basically a 3D model's version of what would be "Height-mapping" for a 3D terrain's mesh. Reflection map: Is used to create reflective areas in an object's surface. It differs from the "Specular color" in that specular color only "reflects" a color (glare-like), not the image of the actual surrounding environment. Refraction map: Don't mistake this refraction with that reflection! Refraction-mapping is used in transparent or semi-transparent objects to change the perception of the environment on the other side of the object. It's hard to explain, but...Do you know how water "deviates" light between above the surface and under it? It's basically that. It's used to give nice effects to liquids, glasses and force-fields. Remember those cool-looking glasses in Half-Life 2? Don't think for a single moment they were actually 3D-modeled with that much detail! It's all refraction-mapping magic! Oofh! *wipes sweat off the forehead* That was a long list baby! But believe it or not, it's just the tip of the iceberg! I didn't even mention other maps that are common in 3D animations but that are not often used for games, like "Glow map", "Glossiness map", "Incandescence map", "Polynomial Texture map", ... *awkward pause of realization* ... Well, I guess now I did at least mention them. Anyways, here is a link that will helped you understand and visualize the stuff I just listed! [*]As implied by the previous item, a material can have multiple instances of each type of texture (/map), and it can then apply all sorts of controls to change which and how those textures are displayed onto the objects that material is assigned to. [*]What effects happen, what can be controlled and, more importantly to games, how it can be controlled, is all defined by a flow-chart. For "simple materials", that flow-chart is usually just the texture instances, such as Diffuse and Normal, connected to their respective nodes in the material instance. For "complex materials", those nodes receive the result of a chain of instances of resources (incl. textures) and functions. Functions being responsible for changing between different sets of textures and/or applying algorithm-generated effects that don't need any second texture. Because the 3D-Editor's material's functions might not be compatible with the game engine's, it's recommended to create all the textures and maps in your 3D editor of choice (usually, and recommended by me, Blender or 3DS Max), and maybe also do some testing there, but to actually make the final version of the material's flow-chart in the game engine's "Development Kit" editor. [*]After your material is ready on/for the game's engine, all you need to do is follow the instructions on how to export that material/object/both for mod-use. In KSP's case, this seems to require a special addon, called PartTools, for the game's engine's development kit. [*]Profit! ---------- Took me a while to write this, so I hope I helped!
  13. Search and read about Autom8...it's a MechJeb feature that allows for customized command-execution.
  14. Hello everyone! After some time playing KSP; Enough to visit all Kerbin's planets; I decided that it would be cool to keep a log of my flights and achievements. Since KSP has it's own official forums, and the KSP community is so nice, I realized: "Well. If I'm going to keep track of my achievements somewhere, why not there? Why not share with whoever is interested, while saving my own HD's space for something more useful?" Well, from that epiphany, this thread was born! Here is were I'll keep track of all my main mission flights and of whatever I achieve. Any comments, suggestions, helps, shares, talks, and if you are a girl, love-letters, are very welcome! 08/13/2013 - Entry #1 - Unmanned Lander on Minmus! http://s1361.photobucket.com/user/AlmightyR/slideshow/KSP_Almighty%20Achievements%201_Minmus%20Unmanned%20Lander <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed1361.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fr663%2FAlmightyR%2FKSP_Almighty%2520Achievements%25201_Minmus%2520Unmanned%2520Lander%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s1361.photobucket.com/user/AlmightyR/library/KSP_Almighty%20Achievements%201_Minmus%20Unmanned%20Lander" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="AlmightyR's KSP_Almighty Achievements 1_Minmus Unmanned Lander album on Photobucket" /></a></div> 08/13/2013 - Entry #2 - Kerbin Polar Orbit Satellite! http://s1361.photobucket.com/user/AlmightyR/slideshow/KSP%20Achievement%202%20-%20Kerbin%20Polar%20Orbit%20Probe 08/13/2013 - Entry #3 - First exploration outside Kerbin's influence! http://s1361.photobucket.com/user/AlmightyR/slideshow/KSP%20Almighty%20Achievements%203%20-%20Farewell%20Kerbin [EDIT] I could make it easier to see the mission album, but I am failing to embed the slide-show in here, so for now the link will have to do...
  15. Problem is, you can't turn electrons (electricity) into "fully-functional" particles (a set of protons, neutrons and electrons with specific arrangement), and even if you could somehow collect the missing protons and neutrons, binding them together into a molecule is something that usually requires the energy of a super-novae; And I don't think any respectable rocket scientist would spend so much material and energy for the sake of creating a super-novae emulation, for the sake of creating a few particles, for the sake of having 1 more milliliter of fuel, for the sake of accelerating he's craft some 0.01m/s. At least not when he could simply use an much smaller amount of that material and energy to launch a much greater number of crafts to much further distant targets. Now, I don't mean to offend anyone with what I'll say next; Your game is yours, and you do what you wish with it, but I think it's fair to share my opinion: We don't live in a magical world of flying rainbow ponies; Neither do the Kermans; If you want to play the game fair, play it fair; If you want to cheat, cheat outright instead of masking it behind something utterly ridiculous. And if you absolutely want to somehow get more fuel somewhere without launching a new fuel-delivery-vehicle, get Kethane...It's already stretching enough boundaries; And is barely "realistic enough" for the Kerbal universe; But at least it requires you to mine it from somewhere and isn't some poorly-masked cheat. I agree with the suggestion! The lack of different-radial-size for some of the really important parts, while other parts have them, is one of the things that really bothers me about "vanilla" KSP; And one of the main reasons I mod it, HEAVILY. If there are 3 versions of the normal parachute, there should be their equivalents in drogue-parachutes! (And a similar saying goes for a great many of other parts)
  16. Using electric engines and stockalike packs. RLA's packs are some of the best out there...A must-have in my opinion.
  17. It might become a great mod, one day; But right now it is and seems to be heading towards being, to put it simply, much inferior to the many other part search/sort engine mods out there. To people interested in using this mod, I recommend the use of the Part Catalog Mod instead. To dkendal (this mod's author), I recommend the same Part Catalog Mod, but as a reference.
  18. Shows how much potential KSP has, in so many ways other than space-exploration. You, sir, are my hero!
  19. Ohhh! Thanks for the enlightenment! I will put it to good use! *goes off on a caterpillar tracks mod customization rampage*
  20. Since you didn't post any kind of reply, I'd like to confirm you are aware of the "land" feature incompatibility with deadly reentry.
  21. That's a mod, which is what he's trying to evade, as he plays KSP vanilla. @Pirate_Ray - You can merge by editing one of the .craft files to add the adjacent .craft file's parts...But a word of warning: It's difficult, and painful. Subassembly-manager is another non-invasive (doesn't add any parts and doesn't change any game mechanics) mod you might be better off installing until Squad gets their s* together and implements these must-have essential features into the game's core.
  22. I like the idea...Bloody painful (and extremely ugly-looking) to, for example, add mechjeb to all command modules installed (vanilla + mods) by hand. Which this, rather than repeating the @MODULE code infinitillion times, only one, plus the list of parts up top, would be required.
  23. Is it possible to change the torque-curve keys in the following syntax? MODULE { name = TracksMain developmentMode = false identity = Controller1 customStatusLine = Track Links: customStatusLineMin = 15 customStatusLineMax = 19 brakingTorque = 10 rollingResistance = 0.5 TorqueCurve { key = -20 0 key = -10 0.5 key = 0 15 key = 10 0.5 key = 40 0 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge torqueLinkedRate = 0.01 rpmLinkedRate = 0.0001 } } How? Just make a "@TorqueCurve" reference and give new values? I'm not sure how to do this.
  24. Yes, the total mass of the vehicle that will transfer to the other planets, that is the total mass of each docking module that makes it (In this case, two, cargo and delivery-probe) added together. And the calculation for the mass of each individual module is *gasp* to add up the weight of each individual part, "wet" mass in case of fuel tanks. This can be a real pain when playing vanilla (without mods). If you can afford to stray a tiny little from the puritanism, I suggest using the Kerbal Engineer Redux mod; It does not change any parts or game mechanics; Only adds a computer-chip-like piece to the science tab that, when attached anywhere to the vehicle in the VAB or SPH, displays all of this kind of essential information, per planet. Just don't forget to detach before launch. But I doubt you ever will...Can't miss that big ugly computer-chip whose color is completely different from your vehicle's; Even tough he did it on purpose, some mod-makers have no sense of aesthetics! How it looks (yes, that big ugly dark-green thing is the chip...Info only shows up when it's attached to the vehicle): BTW, not really any problem if you launch with the thing attached...Other than an ugly piece attached on a probably beautiful vehicle:
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