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Everything posted by M4ck

  1. It's quite part heavy, so I think many people would object to it. But it adds a LOT of variety to larger crafts and planes.
  2. HX's from 5.2.8 new download seem to work after changing the signs on 5th node coordinate so that ALL top_(something) nodes are 1; and ALL bottom_(sth) are -1. After you change these values, they connect neatly between each other and other parts. BTW, is there a way to easily share the updated .cfgs? I have the HX series done so far, there is no point in everyone changing everything for themselves.
  3. Thanks a lot I hoped more for cliffs like the very early, dropped idea for what later became Tylo(IIRC); that brownish planet/asteroid had some really massive ones; but these also look interesting enough Maybe I'll find some more with high-res SCANSat later.
  4. They are usable(at least for my install... don't know if it is affected by some other mods I have), but attach nodes and ASAS functionality needs tweaking in cfgs.
  5. Now that's very, very strange. I have a regular windows 1.0.2 version, with a bunch of mods like Modulemanager, Near Future Pack etc, and pretty much all it took for 0.90 B9 to work like it should, not "at all", was changing node directions... I mean, drone cores still lack the new SAS functions, aerodynamics is wonky, but tank setting switching, lights, structural pieces, generators etc. still work like they should. I haven't checked the engines yet, but I think the basic ones shouldn't be that hard to fix, apart from atmospheric ones. Some more exotic parts, like VTOLs or airbrakes may still be broken(haven't checked), but it's not that bad ATM. BTW, has anyone taken up editing all of this semi-officially, or not? Want some help with cfgs?
  6. Hi all. Does anyone know if there still are any really large, steep(like 80* or more) cliffs or craters in the game? Kind of like the Moholes, but without the bugginess. There used to be one large crater on the way to the Mun's north pole(shown in the first link of my signature), with something strange at the bottom, but for some reason it has been changed to a small plateau somewhere before 0.90... I suppose there might be some near the poles of moons and planets, but has anyone encountered any particularly interesting? Like the Kerbin's ice shelf, but TALLER.
  7. Exactly this. With the Munhole gone, I lack any large vertical surfaces for building These shelfs(?) would be great if they were taller.
  8. Maybe some part of "new outpost with antenna, power generation(...)" is missing for a while? For me, this part of Eve ground base was unchecked after landing because I landed it in shadow, so the solar panels weren't generating power. After waiting for sunlight, it all got completed.
  9. Yes, it does Thanks for keeping up with all the questions.
  10. I understood it as the total drag produced by a part either is the sum of all 6 faces minus occlusion by node attached parts, times various modifiers(mach, global drag etc), where each separate face always gets its drag as: (drag_tip*f1(angle to wind)+drag_surf*f2(angle to wind)+drag_tail*f3(angle to wind)), or a similar equation where occlusions are checked on a per-face level; where f1, f2 and f3 are some trig-like functions to get the face's tip/surf/tail "component" in calculating overall face drag. So: * a face perpendicular to wind would give 100% tip drag, * a face slightly angled would give, say, sin(a)*tip+cos(a)surf, * a face parallel to wind would give 100% surf drag, * a face "dragging behind" the vessel would give like cos(a)surf(+ or -)sin(a)tail. * and a face "antiperpendicular" to wind would give 100% tail drag. Am I far from what is really happening in-game?
  11. You will have to set conics mode in settings.cfg to 0, IIRC, for the trajectory to be drawn like said before, but it really is useful for precise encounters. By the way, if you don't mind spending a dozen or so extra dV, you can warp to the middle of interplanetary transfer, hit Tab until you focus on the destination and thrust a bit in each cardinal direction on navball to see which one does what you need for the trajectory. Seems easier to me than fiddling with node half a solar system away
  12. You would have to use some kind of mod, like FMRS, to either auto-recover "recoverable" stages or let you land them manually. It cannot be done in stock like that.
  13. Quantum Struts is great for stabilizing docked ships, but it seems to be MIA, at least for me. I cannot find it anywhere. Is it still worked on? Links to the forum posts I had saved somewhere do not work anymore. And for your tug: use larger docking port, or multiple smaller ones(like placed on a tricoupler). Also, for space tugs of this size, you may be better off using nuclear engines - that is, if you already have them.
  14. KerbTown is awesome. You guys, still working on it and helping people, are awesome This is my new creation, still waiting for some fine-tuning, but already pretty cool in my opinion
  15. I've ripped out a piece of munar surface and placed it above the KSC. Like this: It's not textured like it should be, but I love it already It was a pain in the exhaust to model it properly, but I think I'm getting better at it
  16. Thank you, guys You are awesome I think I will get rid of things like these upper right corner seams with some model or settings tweaking myself. It is all just a test model and texture to check if what I wanted to do can be done. It seems it can If we cannot bring the KSC to the Mun(well, we can, with EPL, but still...), we will have to bring the Mun to the KSC!
  17. Hi there. I've tried some basic Blender modelling for KSP a few times, but one thing always annoyed me: is there any option, in Blender or Unity, to kinda auto dissolve edges between faces? What I mean is that most of the time it all appears like this: Is there some "interpolate lighting" or something option to use here, or do I have to simply use much smaller surfaces and less sharp angles? And by the way - what is the suggested triangle budget for a single, large thing, like a 20m core part of which only one will be used at a time?
  18. M4cksfx, or M4ck - a stupid nickname from when I was 10, I think, from some computer classes project. Right now there's not much to see, but if this grows, maybe I'll start posting stuff on Steam as well. Oh, and that "This user has also played as: Leonik300" is from when some ....... stole my account for a while...
  19. That's the spirit! Post your results somewhere.
  20. RAM mostly limits how much data can be kept loaded at once, like how many mod parts you use, how heavy the textures are. CPU deals with parts interactions on currently loaded vessel. GPU handles rendering of these vessels. If the game crashes often on max textures, but works fine on 1/4 textures, then it is most likely RAM overloading. If the game runs slow(as in low FPS, not occasional hanging for a few seconds), it will be either weak CPU or GPU. If it is slow while in flight view, and then speed up considerably while switched to the map view, it is probably caused by you graphics card not managing to draw everything pretty enough. If it is slow in both scenes for large(part number, not mass) crafts, but good for small ones - then the CPU is not strong enough to calculate physics as fast as needed. Check the colour of the timer in the upper left corner. Green means max, regular speed. Yellow indicates the game is advancing slower than it should(like at 0.9x speed or lower). Red usually shows up during physical warp. If it is yellow in flight and green in map view, it's GPU, etc.
  21. (facepalm) Right, so it was welded together... That makes it MUCH easier to get massive vessels actually playable
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