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Everything posted by FiresThatBurn

  1. Squadcast is live now! Come and watch! http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv
  2. Nice job! And welcome to the forums!
  3. Part 2 is coming out in a minute just uploading the pics right now
  4. Thanks uploading part 2 now. Thanks for the feedback Now I need to get an SSTO up there!
  5. Hello! This is my small series of the Laythe Vacation Station!(LVC) Where we will have a Kerbin space station and will use SSTOs to get to Laythe and land at different vacation areas where our "hard" working Kerbals will rest then come back! Mods: Renewable Biofuels MechJeb More to come when I use them Part 1 here! Sorry that it's so small http://imgur.com/a/qF3NR Part 2 is fairly bigger but I was very frustrated and forgot to take a lot of pics....I suck at docking PART 2 IS OUT! http://imgur.com/a/GyFuq
  6. So I got most of the rocket done but how do I set up this part? Screenshot maybe?
  7. Well, The main problem is getting to Moho but I can use mechjeb for that but I still need a design....
  8. So just a quick question. Does anybody have some good design for a 3 man Moho rocket I don't mind if it can't land I just want to get in the Moho SOI (and attempt) to get back home. I have quite a lot of mods installed so it can be modded too and I plan to use MechJeb to do this....Yes I AM A NOOB so don't start a war about using Mechjeb.
  9. Just made me some badges for what I've done!
  10. Thanks! I also got a probe to Minmus the same day. LOL I am a rocket scientist!
  11. Yep! Only my 3rd time being in interplanetary. First time was a "failed" mission to Minmus. Time warped to far and into deep space I went. Then with the same probe going for Eve I failed and made a close sun orbit. Then this one(same probe as the failed Eve one) I was able to get an encounter and I've been doing some stuff to make my orbit closer.
  12. I HAVE SENT A PROBE TO DUNA!!!!!! My orbit was quite high and very slow. I did some messing around and got a gravity assist from Ike that sent me into a lower orbit and sped me up! I FRICKEN LOVE THIS GAME!
  13. It worked!!!!! I have put a probe in orbit of duna!!!!!! Yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!! Thank you all for the help :d:d:d
  14. Wrong one. Its called very remote jebby and is not loaded because its missing KzProcFaring things.
  15. I can't find a thread about a heavy lifter but I went to google images and I think I found one .
  16. Hello fellow KSP players! So I've played ksp for quite a while now and I was wondering if someone could link me to a rocket or some good design or maybe just tell me how I should stage the rocket. Anyways I want to go....to.....EVE! YES! I have only been to the Mun twice and been flung into interplanetary space when trying on Minmus. But the challenge is I want to bring a Kethane finder thingy, a kethane storage and drills! So can anyone help? ok I'm off! Don't Kill Jeb:cool:.
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