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Everything posted by Cheebsta

  1. If you were making the rules you would put yourself halfway, or at the top? Humans serve no unique purpose to the universe, we are just energy converters like everything else. We might like to think thinking makes us nifty, but there are organisms on this planet that surpass us by miles on just about every other level. The universe is also so massive that the chances there is something out there "better" than us are actually higher than the chance there isn't. And, if you didn't laugh at my first post you need to get a sense of humor.
  2. In pic 4+4+4=12 there is a strut on the right, but not the left, is that an artifact of the image, or actually missing?
  3. The struts should fix it. The reason? When the top of the long tank moves, that motion is greatly amplified down at the little tank. Then the little tank kicks back into place, carrying some momentum, and swings the other way. This quickly becomes a vicious cycle until one of the two, or both, get ripped off.
  4. Like others said, strut the seam itself. I just wanted to add that it takes a little toying with their placement to get them to bridge it sometimes. What I do is move up the bottom tank until it jumps onto the top tank, click, and then go down just enough that the bottom tank lights green to finish it off. A lot of times the strut is so short it looks like just the two ends stuck together.
  5. Is the rocket that did it a lot lighter than you're used to, or does this always happen?
  6. I vaguely recall the Wachowskis making a movie similar to this idea, except better.
  7. It also depends on the mass and build of the rocket. Heavier rockets should start their gravity turns higher. Somewhere is indeed a "magic number" that requires the least delta V. And again, SAS and ASAS are two different things. To say "SAS is crap, use ASAS", you may as well say SAS is crap, use octagonal struts... SAS works only against rolling, ASAS has control of surfaces and gimbals, as well as providing a teeny bit of control torque. They work just fine together, and usually it takes more than one SAS on a really big rocket to get the full effect. One ASAS is fine, so long as the command pod has enough torque, or you've added gimbal engines and/or control surfaces (fins).
  8. I tried figuring up some total delta V examples on a page on the wiki the other day. I could only get it to work out when I used 9.816 * isp, and reduced ln(tot/dry) to 3 places past the decimal as well, otherwise I was coming up 1 or 2 off. Not really sure how that translates to your code though as I am still a noob at this part, lol. And yes, I know you want time, but just wondering if it's something similar to this since this was so touchy about decimal places.
  9. Mechjeb 2 actually is a massive help starting out. It *can* autopilot, but it doesn't have to, and it's better not to let it unless you can already fly, because there are times when it decides to be an autofireball. ASAS and SAS work a little differently, and there is no reason you can't have both. Torque power of the command pod also has a lot to do with the agility of the rocket it's stuck to. The unmanned modules don't have a lot. Some engines offer more control than others too. Start out simple and small, then work your way up from there so you can see where the problems start to happen.
  10. Just make sure you get the one from the forum. That is, unless Mechjeb 2.0 is on the Spaceport now, I couldn't find it there. I am not sure the original has all that info.
  11. I think they'd make some sweet feet for a sea plane. That's all I could picture when I saw them ^^
  12. The thing you need to watch with "MOAR STRUTS" is that if you are putting on struts that are not parallel to the rocket up and down, drag on those angles is going to induce a spin if you don't put another strut at an opposing angle to balance it out. Fuel lines also cause this. It typically happens once you stage and struts start to vanish.
  13. rofl, yeah, that is exactly why I started doing the snake thing. You can just keep curling around adding tanks and not have to run crazy lines like that. If you actually take your time with placement you can get a much denser pack too.
  14. Every time I use fins on my rockets that happens. I thought maybe it was because the fins have lift, and are all applying that force in the same direction, since they don't realize this is actually a rocket and not a plane. This is a completely off the top of my head guess though.
  15. I had a feeling that was the case, just never actually tried it. I've been doing the same thing you have with transfer otherwise, it works, but is highly annoying with the speed it goes if you have a couple tanks to empty. The mentioned mod sounds rather useful though, might have to try that.
  16. If the animation is just to look nifty ModuleAnimateGeneric is indeed what you want, it will just put "toggle" in the right click menu. But, if there are supposed to be associated actions, for example, I ran into this trying to animate a generator, but only while running. You require a custom plugin. Though, I don't think it's a hard plugin to make, I just have yet to get around to making it for my part. Edit: Oh, and those updated models look nice. For strength. Could you wrap them in a fairing type thing, sort of an in flight shield, that pops off before setting them down? Had this window open for quite a while, lol, 2 pages now
  17. Hmmm, does "Disable Crossfeed" on a docking port work to stop ALL_SHIP fuels crossfeed too?
  18. Since the nodes there are INPUT and OUTPUT, your rates all need to be positive, those tags control if it adds or subtracts. Though, I would expect it to add both fuel/lox AND electricity they way you have it... This was actually the first part I ever made, so, here is working cfg: PART { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // GW-101 Liquid Fuel Generator // 1m Size // --- general parameters --- name = LFOG1m module = Part author = Cheebsta MODEL { model = CheebCorp/Parts/combustGens/LFOG1m/model rotation = -90, 0, 180 } node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.973775, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.019975, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 cost = 1200 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = GW-101 Liquid Fuel Generator manufacturer = Cheeb Corp description = A higher pollution alternative to traditional RTG and Solar power options. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 mass = 0.05 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 3600 MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = false OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 32.0 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 0.225 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer rate = 0.275 } requiresAllInputs = true } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } } Rates are in seconds. RESOURCE tag give "internal battery".
  19. Texture is a whopping 4 colors here, and mesh needs to be bigger maybe, but I can stand, drive on it, and it's taking a bit of shape. Lights shine on it and it receives shadows. Man do those little spotlights have some range to them. I had to drive 160m away to get it to stop washing everything out bright white... This building is to serve as the "corporate command center" for my company, should I ever actually release any parts, lol. Front: (Rover body also one I made) Back:
  20. That is just all I can think of that might be causing it. It does seems really strange that the game would be able to use that grey mess for anything. I was hoping someone else would come along by now and call us both noobs, lol.
  21. Action group in the VAB should let you do this. 2 blue buttons up top. Click. Click on the thrusters you want to be able to toggle. Add their toggle to a custom group, or use separate groups for on and off if you like that better. Group #'s correspond to number keys.
  22. As with all buttons of unknown function, it's worth pressing once or twice to see what happens, especially when it's red.
  23. And here is my result on one of my own mbm normals of a known size: And it should be:
  24. It's the struts, but I hated to tell the guy that after all the time spent putting them on the get it up there, lol. If you look at the leftmost 2 tanks in the first picture on this page; when the far tank pops off the angle of the strut coming out the top of the near tank starts to act like a roll inducing fin because the strut that was balancing it out just fell off too.
  25. Move it 140m and see if you're just standing inside it. You won't see the mesh from there because the faces only get rendered on one side.
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