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Everything posted by Tobbzzzz

  1. 1 word, Kraken How does one dock a planet to an asteroid?
  2. Marks your Hill for a Ionzier strike My sub-molecular hill
  3. As i cant check the link for some reason, probably the Kraken sabotaging my internet connection... Anyway, what mod is used for the multiplayer?
  4. Granted(?) I wish i could move objects with my mind.
  5. 10/10 Have seen you in every thread i've read (Btw i stole your hill)
  6. False, never heard off it The user below me have been to KSC II
  7. I tell you to move My Hill-with-a-guy-trapped-in-a-bedrock-house-inside.
  8. Banned for walking through the fourth wall
  9. Not sure how much it will help, but i will do what i can. Here's my Titan Transporter :http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52523-The-Titan-Transporter
  10. I see your point Edit: Btw, welcome to the forums!
  11. Never ever disconnect your lifter when it's fuel left and the engines are on...
  12. I'm very interested in this idea! Sadly, i cant host a server for you
  13. Im actually new to ksp and planes in general, so i actually dont know what that is
  14. Hello guys! My vtol's done Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54137-Vtol-mki?p=714573#post714573
  15. My VTOL for the Titan Transporter :http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52523-The-Titan-Transporter Me trying to land it Wing broke, got bugged Mediafire download; http://www./folder/sk276k5d6ed54/VTOL_MKI Tell me your thoughts and stuffs ;D
  16. Thanks for all the feedback guys! i got an new idea, so keep checked.
  17. So i was bored one day, and came up with this beast ( probably not a beast ) Not made for bumps Well, back to the subject, i made this thing (if it's even that) called The Titan Transporter No clue what use it has, except transporting big stuff Mediafire download: http://www./download/6d15f9685u8rmvo/Titan_Transporter.rar Tell me your thought's and stuff EDIT: 1 to activate some wheels locking Tobbzzzz, 1st Machine Crafter
  18. Could you post a picture, so noone takes your mountain?
  19. Hello, and welcome to my ''namegiving'' thread! What if you had a name for everything, on every planet and mun? (well, moon ) Like the enormous craters on the mun, what if they had names? Then you can tell your friends that landed in ''The Eye'' crater for example Hope you like my idea!
  20. The one man company Cold-Tech presents to you, the Cold-Tech Tank, with 2 different rounds, the Impact and the Mono projectiles The Mono Projectile! The Impact Projectile! Mediafire Download: http://www./download/o0ap7junmrm1i1x/Cold-Tech_Tank.rar Hope you like it! Sincerely, Tobbzzzz, CEO of Cold-Tech
  21. Cold-Tech presents The Long Range Satelite to help spiritwolf send messsages to every ship in the solar system! It can stream a KerbTube video in 720p! Edit:Bill broke the solar panels in orbit... Mediafire Download: http://www./download/1nh9761dbbcfpfk/Cold-Tech_Long_Range_Satelite.rar
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