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    Rocket Scientist
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  1. Tried to do a quick Mun shot mission, launch went okay and got into orbit, but my ship got destroyed when I tried to undock the lander in Munar Orbit and it didn't inherit the velocity of the mothership, crashing into the mothership and destroying it . Tried to EVA and Bill died instantly from crashing into the ship because he didn't inherit the velocity of the ship. loaded a quicksave, ship started spinning for no discernible reason . Yeah, game is very buggy and extremely poorly optimized as of day 1. But I think the VAB and parts sorting is certainly an improvement over KSP 1. Other than a bug that broke the VAB whenever you tried to re-root a part, or "assembly anchor" as it is known now.
  2. Hmm, I figured it out after some experimenting. But it's not that equation First I started by breaking the output down into percentages. So lets just say 1 input unit of InputResource will result in it's mass being converted to 40% of X, 40% of Y, and 20% of Z First we take InputDensity and divide it by XDensity to get DensityRatioX, then multiply our percentage of output mass, by DensityRatioX to get our balanced output; and repeat so on and so forth for Y and Z. Simplified, (InputDensity/Outputdensity) * MassPercentageOfOutput = BalancedOutputUnits
  3. So I am trying to make a resource converter that converts another resource into another 3 other resources at a 1:1 ratio in terms of weight. I can't seem to figure out the math needed to produce a balanced output with no net loss or gain in terms of weight. I am assuming it has something to do with the density value of the resources?
  4. What Is causing this problem where the effects are rendered upside down and do not align with the terrain when moving the camera around? Any ideas on how to fix it?
  5. Actually I forgot to mention, I did use a 5x barlow, thats why there is some minor chromatic aberration visible. The whole payload weighs about 10ish pounds (Including camera and barlow), Just barely under the limit of the mount, once balanced, It doesn't have any trouble slewing the scope around. I also haven't noticed any star trailing at a 30 second exposure, it seems to handle the C6 and camera just fine.
  6. The OTA was a celestron C6-A-XLT Schmidt cassegrain The camera was an unmodded canon rebel t5 with a t ring to 1.25 inch the mount I used was an Ioptron smartEQ pro. Whole setup is lightweight also, I can carry it outside with 1 hand.
  7. Jupiter and the GRS Atmospheric conditions were very good.
  8. All taken with a 6 inch Schmidt cassegrain and a really crappy plastic 3x barlow lens, and processed in registax. Jupiter Saturn (with cassini division and cloudbands!) Mars Recently got a 5x glass barlow, hope I can get better pictures once the clouds go away.
  9. It’s bad because they have a nuclear reactor in them.
  10. Produced this image of the orion nebula with a canon DSLR with a 75-300mm telephoto lens on a computerized mount. Stacked from 10 images.
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