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Everything posted by FlowerChild

  1. The heatshield (at least the 1.25m one attached to a Mk1 command pod) causes some weird kinda drag where your capsule turns partially into the airflow accumulating heat real real fast. I'm playing on 120% heat settings and it's essentially making dead stick reentry impossible with a shield attached. Interesting Nathan, thanks for the info. Guess they just don't affect COM.
  2. If I remember correctly, that's just due to the way the VAB mass display works. Parts that have physics turned off still add their mass to that display, but don't actually add mass to a vehicle, thus why the COM isn't changing. I know this because I implemented a mass display for my mod which DOESN'T include physicsless parts, and it's always very different values displayed than the stock one. If you look in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\HeatShield\HeatShield1.cfg you'll see this line: PhysicsSignificance = 1 Changing that 1 to a zero should turn physics back on for that part. I'm going to give this a try myself right now, as yeah, heatshields seem quite broken right now making reentry with them next to impossible to survive, which is obviously not what one would expect
  3. Hi, my name is FlowerChild and I'm a recovering naysayer... It really is too late guys. Squad simply can not pull the plug on the release at this stage, and there's really nothing to be done other than keep our fingers crossed and wish them the best.
  4. Remember Squad: only YOU can stop us from disassembling microwave ovens... Ok...that's one fine looking hype train. Well done
  5. Lol! Have I mentioned I like you more with pretty much every post? Hated that movie almost as much as I hated Inception P.S. HYPE!!!!! P.P.S I do believe that clip has become my new favorite metaphor for 1.0
  6. See, I told you...It's still going isn't it?
  7. Totally tongue in cheek. That bug has been with us for a number of versions of KSP and is super annoying. What about the klaw? I think if that thing (finally) works correctly it will be a real litmus test for overall stability. Maybe we should celebrate 1.0 by assembling a ground base on one of the poles of Kerbin while making extensive use of the klaw to do so
  8. I take everything I've said back: KSP is now ready for release
  9. Kuess I'm not a kerious klayer khen
  10. While you're hanging out with your shotgun, perhaps you'd like to practice for a bit on some zombies? Hmmm? Maybe?
  11. Just a guess, but wouldn't it be more fitting for a game like KSP to start its countdown at 10?
  12. Oh boy...they're really doing this aren't they? <breaks out the rosary>
  13. It's probably their biggest most game changing update ever, from the latest dev diary it looks like the game is still in active development with new parts and features being added (as in: still not beta), AND it's their release version. An extra week isn't being sure, anymore than downing a dozen tequila shooters and spontaneously deciding to ride a mechanical bull is. All hype aside for a moment, if it isn't more than another month I'd be rather surprised. I'm also suspecting that they're going to want to do a fair amount of publicity ahead of time to maximize exposure of their launch, so I think we'll hear about it a fair time before actual release.
  14. If the initial release of the science system set any kind of precedent: On the launchpad
  15. Lol! I only pop by here periodically, but thanks for the laugh It is called BTSM after all
  16. Wow man, you just caused me to blow my morning coffee out my nose with that one. Could have been straight out of an episode of South Park
  17. Yeah, I've got to agree that bringing the eyes closer together makes it look far less like she just climbed out of the ocean onto the beech of Innsmouth
  18. I don't think players seeing them as disposable has ever been Squad's goal there. On the contrary I think they implemented the xp system in 0.9 to encourage players to become more attached to them individually. There's only so much development time to spend on character models and hat systems though man, and really, that's not at all what this game is about. I may be able to bregrudgingly admit the validty of the development time spent on female Kerbals, but if it ever comes down to moustaches and hats instead of stuff like mechanical parts and other deeper gameplay mechanisms, I think I'm going to start arming my Kerbals with torches and pitchforks
  19. Hey! I resemble that remark! In all honesty, I have no objection to the female Kerbals anymore. My original stance against them was based almost solely on a perceived waste of development time, but the more I thought about it, the more inclined I became to believe that if it made little girls feel better about themselves, and increased the chances they'd be interested in space exploration and other scientific fields, then it was entirely cool by me. At a theoretical level I wish we lived in a world where this stuff didn't matter and Kerbals being androgynous would allow either gender to identify with them equally, but we obviously don't live in that world, so at a practical level I consider this to be a good thing. I still do hope that Squad hasn't stepped into a big old pile of gender conflict with this which winds up causing more trouble down the road, but now that it's done, nothing really to do there but keep our fingers crossed.
  20. In retrospect my first post to the forums was a tad prophetic That was 13th July 2013.
  21. Just wanted to apologize if any of what I said came across as trolling or inappropriate. I seem to have somehow stepped in a pile of doodoo I wasn't aware was even there I was just browsing the forums, came across a thread that looked interesting given I have my own resource processing system in my own mod and was thus curious about players discussing the pros and cons of the two major ones especially given one seems to be in the process of being integrated into stock. While browsing the thread I came across a statement on a subject of personal interest to me that I didn't agree with and decided to make a counter point. No disrespect was intended with that, and I certainly didn't intend to stir up any trouble.
  22. It really wasn't man. I was being quite serious, and found your statement about the rules of all universes to be more akin to religion rather than science. Now that you're further defending that position, I am even more confused about that original statement, as I had largely assumed it must have been a slip of the tongue in the heat of a debate. I'm also not sure why you'd think I'd be trolling you. You're a fellow modder and to my knowledge I've had no interactions with you in the past, so my default position in those cases is one of respect. Except that we already know (or strongly suspect) there's been at least one time in the history of the universe where that's exactly what happened. We've also experimentally proven that mass to energy conversion is a possibility, suggesting that the reverse may also be true. Now, I think you can make a strong case that the degree of science fiction being practiced with something like Karbonite is closer to what we currently know about our own universe, and closer to our own level of technology, sure, but I think that's a very different thing than making statements of fact about what you consider to be impossible not only in our own universe, but in all others as well.
  23. Wait...what now? I have no interest in arguing one side of this debate or the other (was just browsing this thread out of curiosity), but man, hopefully you can acknowledge that making statements about how things work in all universes (universi?) in pursuit of arguing a point might be a tad excessive Making such assumptions is actually in direct contradiction of the scientific method, while the underlying assertion of your argument is that what you're doing in your mod is based on science. I think even labeling something impossible within the confines of our own universe given our incomplete understanding of what may be the entirely arbitrary set of rules that govern it is rather excessive, especially given that the "laws" of physics are in a constant state of refinement and revision, but to then extend those assumptions to all other possible realities seems really off. In fact, without even having ever played it, just based on what I've read here about Kethane, I would point to the universe that it creates in response to the above statement and say "well...there's one".
  24. @jamespicone: Just wanted to verify man, given there's already a version of BP I compiled and released out into the wild before we discussed this whole thing, would you object if I were to release another version(or potentially multiple versions depending on timing) of BTSM that contains that exact same version of BP as I included in my previous release? I'm gearing up for another release of BTSM, and just wanted to run it by you if that would be cool. As far as any potential damage goes, I don't think this would exasperate the problem given that version of BP is already out there and uses the same version numbering as your last official release, meaning that your next one will automatically override it if both are present. Let me know if it's an issue, and if so I'll hold back on further releases of BTSM until the next version of BP is ready to go. I didn't want to put anything out without running it by you first, as I didn't want to risk it being perceived as me disrespecting your expressed wishes about it.
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