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Everything posted by Grindcore

  1. I was just looking for a few pointers on building a satellite, I have built one using the Kethane mod and i think it turned out pretty well, but i would love some input and hints from you folks. Here is what i managed to build.
  2. Im having issues installing this one, im not sure whats going were. like the source folder, whats all that about?
  3. The Kethane mod seems quite enjoyable actually! thank you! but just for reference if i put a scanning orbiter around the mun will that data be relayed to the drilling craft i send up after it?
  4. I am currently using the newest version of KSP and i was just wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions as to what part mods/utilities etc i should give a try, It's getting a little stale using stock KSP items over and over. Thank-you in advance.
  5. Through trial and error, disaster after disaster i have made it onto the surface on my first attempt today. Thank you for all of your help, it was detrimental to my progression in space exploration! i will be moving on to bigger and better things! Wish me luck fellow cosmonauts. *EDIT* Now i just have to figure out how to land efficiently so i can get home
  6. I still can't seem to figure it out, i just did another run to the mun but couldn't get it to land, my spacecraft just wont stay up right, as someone stated its top heavy and i believe this is where the majority of my issues are coming from.
  7. I just managed to land it, im going to do another run at it to see if it was a fluke or not, most of what was said was a big help to my landing though.
  8. It is most definitely my horizontal velocity, i have been able to almost land several times since posting this topic but keep tipping the lander due to high horizontal velocity. I am unable to correct this even with watching various videos and reading various articles.
  9. Here is a picture of the spacecraft that i have been using to reach the mun. As well as a picture of my approach.
  10. I was just curious as to what makes each icon their own, for example what makes a lander a lander and not a ship and vice versa. How does the game class each space craft into their own categories. Thank-you in advance.
  11. I cant seem to get my lander below 30m/s, im not sure what i am doing wrong, i have attached a picture so any help would be awesome.
  12. I have tried landing on the mun several times with no luck, it seems that i cannot get my speed under 35 m/s when approaching the surface. Any help is appreciated.
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