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Grijze Pilion

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Everything posted by Grijze Pilion

  1. I was born nearly 30 years too late for that. I can imagine that people really believed we would be a proper spacefaring race by the year 2000, but nope. I can imagine, though, that i'll be on another planet before i die (may that be in 60 years, or in 500 years...) although i know i might be wrong. We all know the future is some really unpredictable ****, i mean, 50 years ago nobody saw the computer coming, and we still haven't realised that flying cars aren't gonna happen (again, i can't be sure). All that aside, i hope Kerbalkind is going all future sci-fi stuff soon, because i've reached the limits of KSP. Seriously, Design above Function. Even in wartimes. And in space. And in heavy industry.
  2. The word we are looking for here seems to be 'awesome'. Just pointing that out.
  3. My interest has been sparked, good sir! Even though vast is quite relative, the Ministry for Kerbal Aerospace would do anything to acquire technology for 'vast' ships. What is this alien race of yours, diplomacy is our goal, or so it seems?
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