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Posts posted by Iasus

  1. So I've chased down the problem I'm having slightly - I have the latest version of DMagic and Universal Storage 2 installed, but some of the DMagic US2 wedges have a bug - they're in the tech tree, in nodes I already own, but they don't appear in the VAB so I can't build with them.  The parts affected are  DMagic US2 goo bay, DMagic US2 Science Jr, and DMagic US2 Presmat/2Hot.  Is anyone else seeing this problem?

    Screenshots here:



  2. I am having no luck with this mod - when I change the sliders for "max offered", eg to 1, and then save to config, it does not save.  Trying to use "global settings" results in the same behaviour - often when I've set global settings and then I look at specific contracts, they are set to "max offered 30" despite me using the slider to select some smaller number.   TL;DR mod does not appear to work at all.  This is v 2.5 in KSP 1.3

     Any ideas what the problem is? I am overrrun with contracts offered and want to prune it down a bit.


  3. 14 minutes ago, Varsi said:

    Try the modified dll by FancyMouse he mentioned earlier post on this page (and has been mentioned on every page for the past for months). Hopefully it works for you.


    Seems the link to the file in the old post doesn't quite show correctly but try to manage :)


    Problem solved, thanks mate :)


  4. Hi


    I'm  experiencing an issue where the orescanner module (stock) is throwing an error in the VAB from the construction helper, saying "data transmitter required" even when I have antennae on my craft.    In game, when I try to use it (with a connection back to KSC of course) it transmits data but then does not complete the experiment, gives no ore data (overlay in the map etc) and no science.  I have managed to get around this by using scansat and disabling the stock ore scanning, but I wondered if this was a known issue with remotetech or if I cam doing something wrong.

  5. Heya, I'm experiencing a bug where during startup, the game freezes loading the part Cport1 - looks like the connector port. I thought it might be a problem with ATM trying to compress the texture, so I removed ATM, still having this issue. Anyone else experiencing this. Can't post a log as the game hasn't started, instead freezes and needs to have the process killed.


    EDIT: Solved by installing new release of KIS (to-day's release). However, I am noticing part attachment problems as described by posters lower down.

  6. Pick the rocket up by the root part, and rotate it using shift-wasd, you'll likely see the center of lift moving back to/through the CoM which will increase aerodynamic stability as AoA increases. Remember to un-rotate when you're done.

    Thanks for the tip - this seems to work for a simple vessel, but once Proceedural Fairings gets involved then no luck - CoL stays resolutely well in front of CoM. Hmmmm.

  7. I'm experiencing an odd issue with the new version of FAR - the centre of lift in the VAB doesn't appear to be moving much when I add fins, but the rocket flies stably. For example, the VAB is telling me that the CoL is in front of the CoM which should be unstable, but it flies stably indicating that the real CoL is behind the centre of lift where I would expect it to be from the effect of the fins. Pics attached.

    Has anyone else experienced this/is this a known bug?



  8. I got a clean load followed by a crash in the VAB. Many part textures looking funky as well, and the grass texture in the scene view of the KSC, plus in-game itself has been corrupted. All this happened once I installed the new release, and the grass texture remains corrupted after I removed it (Both folders from GameData). Trying a clean install to see if that fixes the issue. Will report back.


    Looks like a clean install fixed it. I am now running without ATM - if I have a play again I'll post logs/screenshots to help. Best of luck solving your issues.


  9. I got a clean load followed by a crash in the VAB. Many part textures looking funky as well, and the grass texture in the scene view of the KSC, plus in-game itself has been corrupted. All this happened once I installed the new release, and the grass texture remains corrupted after I removed it (Both folders from GameData). Trying a clean install to see if that fixes the issue. Will report back.


  10. Hi, got a bug report for you. Mission was "Chart these places on the Mun with a rover", had Alpha through to Epsilon sites to visit, all close together. Mission completed, or at least vanished from active contracts once I had visited only alpha and epsilson, and the waypoints vanished from the map screen. I also quit and restarted the game after visiting these two sites, when I re-entered the game the remaining objectives (Beta-delta) were gone, leaving me unable to get the total of 75 science these would have netted me. I've also had a similar bug with a similar rover mission on Minmus.

    If you could let me know what other information you need to help track this bug down I'll provide.



  11. I'm having a bug where rather than returning to the main camera, I get a flickering screen, as if the game is trying to overlay the active camera and the game's main camera. I'm using version 0.3 of the mod on 32-bit KSP 0.24.2, and activating the cameras via action groups. I also have "next camera" and "previous camera" bound for one of the 3 camera on my vessel (one of the streamlined ones) and some time hitting one of these action groups repeatedly solves the problem and gets back to the game's main camera. Sometimes it doesn't.

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