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Everything posted by GroundHOG2010

  1. Very light rules compared to this. But that allows for high altitude attempts which are great. But I have gotten to 3000 ms-1 at the same altitude. This competition is designed for a challenge not to see who is the fastest but how fast one can go bellow 1000 m.
  2. Of course you can, if you have the computer power and the designs right for it...
  3. with every design I do I do it first in solid fuel. Then in liquid.
  4. if you have taken someone elses designs then improved it (under 25% of the plane has been modifyed) then the original creator deserves some credit. If you use someone elses aircraft then fly it better, they also deserve some credit. All that will happen is the tag goes pilot,developer/original developer. Stops people going crazy saying they stole somebodys design. If you developed it on your own none of the above matters. (Note I am extremely tired, and am going to sleep)
  5. Everyone who is willing to participate, there is a new rule. no stealing anyones designs. The rule will be enforced from this post. Objections can be made if referance to the original designer is put forward.
  6. Anything by Two Steps from Hell.
  7. How many roads must a man walk down?
  8. Nice going everyone. Amazing to see people going over Mach 3!!! Who will be next??? (Updated with mach numbers and Damnonjay/omnivore post) (No files have to be released unless people expressly believe that the poster has broken one of the rules)
  9. It isn\'t over the Launch Site. Sorry. (Just the reason for rule 2. If I was going above the speed of sound, I would have to do it in a controled area. Sorry if I sound like I am being mean.)
  10. Welcome to the KSP Forums. Good luck with killing not killing your kerbals.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Happy Explotions.
  12. Tosh, I am not on the forums every hour of the day. I do have work. Nova. No. Just no. It needs to be able to land horisontally, not do a controled decent.
  13. Welcome to the War KSP Forums
  14. World Record Aircraft Would you like to be in the World Records??? Are you good a making and flying Spaceplanes And Aircraft??? Then come one, come all, to try to make the worlds fastest aircraft Rules 1. Only C7 Flight Pack, Silisko Edition, Stock, KW Challenger and Novapunch pack parts allowed. 2. All record attempts have to be made over the KSP Launch Site. 3. All record attempts MUST be below 1,000 metres. 4. There must be 3 pictures or a video included to get on the leaderboard. These are... Two of two different passes(highest speed if possible) and one of landing. 5. NO STEALING ANYONE\'s DESIGNS The speed will be the average of the two passes. Leaderboard Tosh 1164.2 ms-1 The Mermaid (Tosh\'s last flight for now) Omnivore 1143 ms-1 KX-19 Tosh 1126.7 ms-1 Asteroidea Tosh 1096.6 ms-1 The Bloodtick Damonjay 1087.7 ms-1 Exodus II Tosh 1077.35 ms-1 Schizzy Lizzie, based on Exodus Damonjay 1055.8 ms-1 Exodus (first person above 1000 ms-1, first above Mach 3) Tosh 957.3 ms-1 Wyvern Omnivore 944.35 ms-1 Dinky II Damonjay 919.3 ms-1 Zepher Tosh 888.05 ms-1 Sky Freak IS. Damnonjay/omnivore 845.7 ms-1 KX-15m Tosh 797.35 ms-1 Sky Freak I. Damonjay 780.6 ms-1 The Black Mumba Omnivore 735.25 ms-1 (first above Mach 2) Omnivore 672.65 ms-1 Snark III Damonjay 530.65 ms-1 The Valiance Damonjay 469.65 ms-1 Seeker X1 (first above Mach 1) Tosh 310.6 ms-1 Tosh 272.55 ms-1 Asmosdeus 254.55 ms-1
  15. Welcome. Ill go and have a look at you lets play series. I perfer flying too. I am good flyer ( Flying the unflyable) so if you want any help, just ask.
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