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Everything posted by helldiver

  1. They were kind of a quick job. I plan to separate them into their own resource which will enable folks to make various colors.
  2. Linux, not iMac right? Thank you for reporting it. I thought this issue was isolated to iMacs... hrm.. Once I get Phase II out of the way I'm going to work on RPM thoroughly. My apologies for not revisiting them as I've been marathoning Phase II to completion. In the meantime, you can turn off the HUD by clicking on the power button as well as using the PFD instead of the ADI display.
  3. In the interest of keeping the thread on topic, I would rather keep discussions relevant to the current version, config fixes for mod compatibility (such as FAR, DRE, etcetera), issues relevant to the current distribution (problems with the plugins the KSO uses) and so on. How you're using the KSO is very important to me as well, as that is the information I need to make improvements and fixes. An example of that is the improved cargo bay and the nosecone that can be opened. Which were additions made after I saw how players are using the KSO. The KSO Super 25 which will be made eventually is also along the same lines to answer the request for a larger KSO. It's becoming hard enough for me to track and report to Nazari legitimate bugs with our build as opposed to player induced bugs do to having customizations or mods we didn't intend. And then you have me also posting updates on the various phases and plans and it'll become a mess. Please take discussions on personalizing your installation of the KSO to private chat. We however, welcome discussion on custom configurations (meaning editing CFG files) that: -Improve the functionality of the current version of the KSOS to make it more user friendly. -Fix bugs. -Improve compatibility with other mods such as FAR, DRE, MechJeb etcetera. As well as discussions such as: -How you're using the shuttle? -What things you'd like to see that fit the style, theme, and scope of the KSOS? Discussions asking how to change its size, rescaling it, cutting pieces off, moving or removing internals, are outside the scope of this thread. That goes for other mods as well (such as rescaling a part to fit the KSO). Either ask in that mod's thread or I believe there is a mod development sub-forum which would probably be a lot more suitable. And again thank you guys so much for the enthusiasm and support and for understanding. Dying to get Phase II out of the way.
  4. It is below the flight deck facing forward. In front of the galley/food storage is the nose gear well. The IVA is also mechanically correct to the rest of the shuttle including exterior geometry. So as you can see it really isn't a "mini" shuttle when compared to Kerbals. In fact going by those dimensions in Human equivalent you're looking at a 767 or 777 flight deck in terms of relative size. In Phase II (v 2.0) the Lavatory sign will be replaced with something else since the Kerbals now use that hatch to head to the lower forward compartment and the nose hatch if one is installed. Which can be IVAed but I told Nazari that was overkill and would probably not be very useful aside from being fluff. I'd rather spend that time on other phases and content.
  5. Beautiful! Can't wait to see what you guys do with the space station kit.
  6. I considered this. Unfortunately because the doors are animated, any solar panels you attach to them... Lets just say it was a mess. In fact the KSO Improved Cargo Bay coming in Phase II, I specifically redid the colliders on the cargo bay doors to support custom made solar panels that were supposed to attach there (those extra panels were going to come with Phase II). Phase II is already finalized as I said earlier. Also in Phase II, you'll get Solar Panel Panes (as seen in my shot earlier) which you can attach to a module or anywhere you wish. Solar Panel doors may be something for later Phases. In Phase II you use the KSO fuel module, plus the coupling extension which you can symmetry a bunch of solar panes on to (stock or the ones included in Phase II). At least as a temporary solution. [Edit] An alternate method was to just declare the Cargo Bay as having Solar Panels and simply add the textures to the cargo bay doors. Early color studies I did back in the development thread didn't impress me and I felt they looked ugly and clashed with it. Hence the Cargo Bay has a generator as an interim solution. Old development shot The ones that were coming in Phase II worked something like that; you attached them yourself on the cargo bay doors. Unfortunately, anything you attach in the VAB stays in the spot you attached it. Test this yourself by attaching stuff to the cargo bay doors and opening them. You'll notice they stay there floating in the air...
  7. I'm confused as to what your issue is. Did you launch the KSO with the included lifter? (KSO EFT and the LRB's). Test the included craft file (I believe KSO v006). If you launch and get in orbit alright then it's working as intended. If you are trying to launch it in any other configuration, including as a normal airplane from the runway, I can't help you as you are operating it outside its parameters. There are several posts on here as well as several users that can better answer how to convert the KSO into an SSTO, or Space plane. The KSO is not an airplane or Space plane, regardless of what some posters may lead you to believe (although editing its config files to be one isn't that difficult). As such, it is not configured to take off from a runway as its weight distribution, part tolerances, and flight model wasn't balanced for that. I do not have the time nor is it within the scope of this project to provide a true aircraft or cater to every single custom configuration every single poster desires.
  8. What I've been working on -All external 3D geometry for Phase II done. Missing in the pictures are the additional laboratories and the Observation Module. These use the same 3D mesh as the General Lab you see there with some minor modifications. I'll do that once everything is UVWed to save on time (since they share the same UVs more or less). To do -High Resolution 3D models where needed -UVW's and textures -Missing parts that depend on other parts (such as the General Laboratory being UVed). What about IVA's? -I'll be doing the IVAs later once the external geometries are done and textured and Nazari is getting them in game. Some questions I get asked in PMs, on the thread, or brought up: -Are you working on a 2.5m KSO? Yes, it's called the KSO Super 25. Eta probably not for a while. The good news is, getting it completed won't take long, in fact I believe less time than Phase II or even the KSO itself. However, once I get to it I'll then discuss details. I'm not looking for suggestions. Its fuselage has already been lathed and the features are pretty much finalized. -I want this part in Phase II, can you make this? No, Phase II features are done. What you see here (minus what I said is still missing up above) is it for Phase II. I'm moving along. If you followed the old KSO development thread, I move along and hate getting bogged down by requests or feature creep. -Can you do this and that to the 3D Geometry of the KSO? That includes scaling, cutting, or extended cargo bays. The answer is No. This is my design vision. There are plenty of examples on this thread and others of players using it as I designed it. It's a Kerbal designed shuttle. Not a copy of NASA or Buran shuttles or a shuttle built by large 5'8"+ humans. As such it is Chibi, and designed for cargo less than 1.5m. Suffice to say the KSO Super 25 will have the same love and care the KSO had and may better suit your needs if you want that size of a cargo bay. -Can you remove parts or separate them from the SST or the KSO? No. A lot of them use complicated animations or are set up in a way that make it difficult to simply set up a node. That includes the RCS arms of the SST (Station Service Tug). -Will the Improved KSO Cargo Bay in Phase II, damage my flights or render any craft file or shuttle unusable? So far in all our testing, the new cargo bay went in seamlessly with no craft file or save game breakage. Solar Panel Comparison
  9. I'll have a look at it. I did have some issues overtaking the current satellite I have up as I was docking with it. I'm not jumping to change things without a lot of testing first as well as feedback from Nazari and other users. I also have to take a look at experienced folks' results and their feedback (Westi29 for example). So I can't just jump in and buff or nerf things without testing first. Beautiful as always! I'm going to have to learn how to create an encounter. Although I can dock no problem as long as I'm rendezvous, I can't for the life of me catch up and meet up with the test satellite I have in orbit. Will post a screenshot soon.
  10. Done. Will be updated when Phase II goes up which will include KSO Block 7
  11. Are you running physics changing modifications like FAR, or DRE? And by video, do you mean the video I posted? Best way to test is to quick save (F5) right before you begin your retro-burn re-entry procedure. Move all of your favorite mods out of the GameData folder (temporarily) and install the KSO. Test re-entry and landing. Odds are you installed a physics based mod that changes how you come in. It's the only explanation I can think of.
  12. Hrm, didn't think people would use a decoupler since they tend to shoot things out of the cargo bay rather than simply releasing them gently. Will run it by Nazari first. But otherwise I'll include that in since I'm putting together the docking rings today.
  13. KSO Phase II will provide docking rings specifically designed to solved that.
  14. This week's update -Work began on Phase II -Phase II 3D Geometry 50% complete -KSO Cargo Bay improvement. That included whole new colliders and lowering of the floor in preparation for Phase II To Do: -Docking Rings (low profile, KSO/VAB friendly) -Fuel Accessory Module (For Station, KSO or SST) -Low Profile RCS boxes -Trusses (2 styles) -Solar Panels Work In Progress:
  15. Because of this issue, I'm including a docking port in the upcoming satellite and space station kit. I too am fed up with docking ports giving issues like this. I asked Nazari specifically to remove any sample files or plugin additions outside of the KSO. That included the converted stock command modules and such. Unfortunately it seems there are still remnants of that in the distribution. I'll be looking at it more carefully. If you would like RPM on the stock command modules, simply download RPM and install as usual. Which issue?
  16. Yup, excellent mod. I'm not using any mods currently to keep my install clean as I test each version we upload. But the fuel valve is especially useful.
  17. -Download mirror in OP -Launch and landing videos up... And yes I know I said bank instead of pitch.
  18. Do to the frequent updates currently (although I don't expect any updates for a while), I had to maintain only the Spaceport archive. Once things settle down a lot further I'll mirror it to MediaFire. Hrm, strange. Something weird is going on. Did you download the alternate low resolution texture pack or are you running the texture reduction mod? I can tell by your MFD and gauge numbers and text being clear. Yet your panel lettering is blurred as if it's using the 2048 version. Just wondering if the distribution has the correct textures. Mind taking an in-game screenshot and posting?
  19. You need to be clear on what you are doing in your launch profile (numbers, when are you releasing the LRB's and so on). I'll be putting up a video shortly of a simple launch using the v-006 craft file and a simple satellite. 1) Turn on SAS 2) Engines to full 3) Launch 4) At 1000m, bank towards your back (assuming you used the included v-006 craft file), bank to approximately 5°. 5) Gradually continue banking up to 20°. Do not bank to more than 40°. 6) At 6000m start monitoring your LRBs. 7) Once LRB reaches 0 fuel, 1 second afterword hit Space bar to release them. 8) After LRBs are released continue banking back, up to 60° gradually. 9) As you ascend and reach your desired Apoapsis gradually bank towards the horizon, about 75-80° 10) Enter Map mode (M key) and monitor your Apoapsis. Once your Apoapsis hits 72-75km cut off power. 11) Do your circularization maneuver. Continue coasting until you're almost at Apoapsis. I do my circularization burn at about T-20 12) Monitor your fuel resources. The tank should be empty once your Liquid fuel is about 360. Stop burning momentarily, detach from the EFT, and use RCS to maneuver away. 13) Continue your circularization burn until at the desired altitude. Unless you're using FAR or other physics affecting mods, the above procedure should work each time. If you are taking up a heavy load, your bank angle should be less and your gravity turn would have a steeper profile (as opposed to an empty KSO which you could probably start turning towards 40° at 1000m). The guides in the zip assume an empty shuttle for practice. I don't recommend taking up heavy loads (heavier than 1-ton) for your first practices or on a treasured save. Practice with the KSO empty and at different fuel quantities until you're used to how it handles. The KSO is meant to be "plug and play" ready even for beginner KSP players. But it can be difficult to master and the numbers and challenge can be thrown way off if you change your cargo weight. Several of the complaints are coming from folks that are either running a physics changing mod (such as FAR, or DRE), or are overloading it and expecting it to handle the same as the included manual... As stated in the manual, Murika Superstellar will not replace a damaged or broken KSO do to negligence, pilot error, or inexperience.
  20. You're a serious inspiration and really one of several factors keeping me enthused. Are you using the default textures or the low res pack? You can resize cockpit_interior_norm_NRM.tga to 1024 I believe without much loss in visual fidelity. Then use the standard 4096x4096 cockpit_interior.tga and it should make all your text much clearer in the cockpit. Wish I had a solution for the HUD issue, but at least Mihara is aware of it.
  21. I don't know... what do you mean? -You could be talking about the window lights. Those are turned on inside. Look at the overhead panel, you'll notice a panel labeled "Flight Deck". Should be on the lights panel. that will turn on the main interior lights. If you look outside the shuttle the windows should then be lit up. -You could be talking about the nose gear landing light. That may or may be assigned to the Light action group. Check in the VAB by right clicking the Nose gear. -You could be talking about the ChemKorp Mystery Goo lights. Which should be working just fine. -You could have just recently crashed on a landing, in which case you're suffering from a concussion...
  22. Hrm, not really. The current lab I'm working on, fits plenty of Kerbals. Don't judge it based on the 1meter to 2meter size thing, it doesn't work and throws off everything. You have to literally put a Kerbal in your IVA to know if it is too large or too small. The decision to make it 2 Kerbals per lab wasn't do to size (I've yet to receive a complaint that a kerbal doesn't fit in the KSO's IVA...). And my lab modules are spot on The question was to get community feedback on what components are needed to get a station going. So far I think that went pretty well and I like some of the ideas. The escape pod will have to wait for the mun lander phase as it may be a part of that. I don't have the time to be modeling so many IVAs for too many vehicles when the same vehicle can do the same thing.
  23. Hello again! and thank you for your support. No, I don't have any desire or plans to do this and I'm against this idea. If there are issues with memory handling or engine optimization, that is something the community as a whole needs to bring up to Squad. The game relies heavily on the modding community for content and I would think the memory issue should be a priority. Regarding the alternate textures download, it is provided as is. My hope is to eventually integrate it with the texture reduction mod (I don't recall the name at the moment), or at least provide configuration files for it. I'll try and again make it clear as my original post and the old development thread stated so we're all up to date. The Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter is a space shuttle as if the Kerbals designed one. In other words, here on earth... humans made the space shuttle (or buran on the other side of the pond). In Kerbin, they designed the KSO. At least that is the story. That is why the KSO is small. It is designed, inspired by, and modeled as if little 1 meter tall green men designed a space shuttle. Would it have a 2.5 meter cargo bay, or a 3 meter cargo bay? I don't know. I don't think so. Artistically it wouldn't make sense (and there were 2.5 meter versions of the KSO, in fact the first KSO had a 3 meter wide cargo bay!). Visual tests at different scales made the Kerbals look off next to it. In the end the decision was based on community feedback and my own artistic slant. As mentioned several times; The Kerbin shuttle orbiter is a chibi "Kerbalized" space shuttle. All of the station components and accessories are being designed to fit the cargo bay. I do not have any interest, enthusiasm, or time to model realistically sized components, 2.5 meter parts, modifying the shuttle to do so, or anything of the mater. There are several community projects that have shuttle parts that allow you to make larger shuttles or more capable ones (personally I used to run B9's mod). No extra space is needed or anything. The artwork has a set style and direction as well as concept art done already. You'll start seeing the first module masters next week hopefully as right now we're taking a break. The only problem I'm having with the Cargo Bay in terms of size is a technical one regarding its center of mass and its floor when mounting something centerline. However this is a simple fix involving minor editing. Players who download the KSO project, will have no need for the default game's lab, as the KSO system will include multiple fully IVAed Labs and accessories all fitted to the cargo bay of the KSO. Trusses, solar panels, power modules, will all be made so you can take up payloads in the KSO. You may have to do more than one trip on the KSO to build a fully functioning station, but that has been my plan all along. Excellent idea. Myself or Nazari will put up videos soon with that. Regarding the KSO Super 25; It will follow the same chibi style the orbiter does and be kerbalized just the same. It is close to being mastered and although it has a lot of improvements over the KSO, will be a lot more limiting parts wise than the KSO. So for those wishing for a KSO inspired parts pack, I don't want to get your hopes up or hype something that won't come. I target the art and look first, not how well it will combine with other mods or parts.
  24. The KSO wasn't designed to be stack mounted. I don't really have any interest in a stack mounted version. However... because a lot of folks prefer to mount it that way, I made a custom fairing to cover the rear end (engines, tail plane, OMS and all) so they could mount the KSO to their favorite stack mounted configuration. The rear stack mount shroud is a radial de-coupler and the fairings will fly off (similar to other fairing mods). The stack mounted KSO is provided as is and only updates the main vehicle. The tank is just there so you know the purpose of it more or less.
  25. You know you can also right click on a part that has it and turn it off? Just a heads up
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