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Eternal President of NK

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Tried something just like this recently, was more of a ship and less of a rocket. Was one of my better ideas because it’s a very rewarding project – really pulled me back into this game. My ship doesn’t have the same range and much less cargo capability as your newest designs (failed to return from Jool without a helping hand from a tanker, my guess is it is comparable to your 4th design) It also needs a mod called TAC fuel in order to function as intended by allowing a passive transfer of fuel through two docking ports (I did want to make a stock ship, when tested on the ground the fuel transferred over fine…) It's also quite small but still able to drop a lander. I also wanted to minimize the number of docks needed prior to a flight. The ship launches in two parts (the fuel is a separate module) then assembles in orbit. Once it gets back to kerbin the fuel supply can be completely swapped out and the empty tank thrown away. I thought this was a cool idea since tanks of differing sizes could be attached depending on the range of the flight. I am already designing new stations and tankers to support it. Next I’m thinking of making the ship able to land in low gravity planets, it will either be small enough or explode nicely. There a couple of pics here: http://i.imgur.com/NHJ8up5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0S8Uenu.png
  2. This is a great idea. When running NERVA's at low altitude or dumping hundreds of tons of spent stages randomly on the surface I never really got the sense I was hurting anyone.
  3. When I first landed on Eve I found a large mountain that struck me as similar to the pic from the signal - had me thinking for a while. I hope this gets expanded on.
  4. I’ve been playing this game for what seems like years now and it never fails to entertain. The usual flights seemed to be getting a bit routine for me so today I tried something bigger, sending a new experimental ship to get a 3 kerbal crew back home to Kerbin from a base on Pol (never managed a return from one of Jool’s moons before) and I’m not going to lie it was the most fun I’ve had in a game in a long time. It was such a difficult flight (for me at least, even though I used mechjeb) so many little accidents kept happening and there always seemed to be a critical fuel emergency keeping me afraid I couldn’t get from one maneuver to the next. When it was all over it was all very rewarding in a way that not many other games are – like when I landed on the Mun for the first time. During this one mission I needed to switch between ships more often than ever before, dock 4 times, aerobrake on Jool 3 times and Kerbin once, Jeb rode an external command seat through Jool’s atmosphere during an aerobrake ( he didn’t really need to do that - it was his choice) Lots went wrong like how the lander kept sliding around on Pol, the external command seats attached to the lander exploded when attempting to dock back up with the main ship (ejecting the kerbals kilometers away – I found them by accident when switching ships) my ship ran out of power when Jool blocked out the sun near a maneuver, and etc. The game always seems to stay fun, and I wanted to commend it for that.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. I have tried Romfarer’s lazor mod before (including the yellow transfer lazors) to transfer fuel before but the options in the engineer subsection are new to me. Between that and TAC fuel which seems to at least have a “balance mode to transfer a resource such that all parts are the same percentage full†I should be set. The crew of my base on Pol also sends their regards - This is the ship that’s supposed to get them home, assuming they stay put in the external command seats stuck on the side of the lander.
  6. Hi First time posting but I seem to be having a bit of trouble with one of my designs and could use some help figuring it out. The idea was to have a two part ship made up of the ship itself (screenshot 1) and a fuel section (screenshot 2) Both were separately launched then docked in orbit. Screenshot 3 is what it looks like when assembled. I wanted to keep the ship light by making the fuel supply as module and disposable as possible. When tested on the ground, there was a passive transfer of fuel from the fuel section to the ship (screenshot 4) and everything worked as intended. When it was launched however the passive transfer effect was gone and the only way to move fuel around was by manual transfer. (screenshot 5 - fuel is now draining from the tiny white tank) Is there a way to get the passive transfer effect from screenshot 4 when the ship is launched in two parts? Mods even? Cheers. 1 3 5 http://img30.imageporter.com/i/02166/xp69t2onsd3y_t.jpg' alt='xp69t2onsd3y_t.jpg'>
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