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Everything posted by cy-one

  1. Mhm, is there information about how much electric charge (or mj?) the antimatter tanks need? The big one seems to jump from 0 ec/s to 200 ec/s when it crpsses from 0.09 am to 0.10 am.
  2. Old and new version of my MISS - Minmus Industrial Space Station. The old one was assembled in Kerbin orbit and reached highly inclined 1500km Minmus orbit with about 31 m/s delta-v left. Built the first (decomissioned, due to instability problems after landing) kethane miner in orbit. Had enough delta-v after one mining-trip to but the station in a 0° 500km-Orbit. Did two more trips down to the surface (with the newer miner that's shown in the second pic) and build the replacement station directly in Minmus orbit. The new station uses about half the parts (new station + miner = old station w/o miner), without performing less well on the job. Damn that part-limitation... Would've loved to build a huge spacedock that seems "fitting" for larger interplanetary crafts. Ah well, can't have everything.
  3. Will the blimp allow surface attachments? I mean, not only attaching it to the surface of other stuff, but attaching more stuff onto its surface
  4. Sorry if that's a dumb question, but what is BXSS? I know BOSS, but nit BXSS.
  5. Awesome, Robojay. Edit: Reinstalling RT2 seems to have solved my problem.
  6. I have a major bug here, and currently no idea how to fix it. I have a network of 2x4 satellites in stationary orbit around Kerbin and high Minmus orbit. According to the mapview, all communication lines are still working. As soon as I switch to one of the satellites, the status to the topleft says "N/A" and the communication line ceases to exist. But I can still control the craft. In addition, no RT2-part seems to have RT2-functionality. The upscaled normal Antenna (something 32) is just locked. The stock folding dish (the stack one, not the radial one) has buttons to transmit data (i'm playing sandbox, btw), but again, no RT2-functionality. I did not reload the database or anything, just started the game and got into it. New vehicles on the launchpad also have N/A, no matter what antennas I put onto them. Any ideas?
  7. Feature Request: It would be awesome if we could change the value of the resources added to a welded part. If one wants to make "empty" parts, we still have to change the file and either reload or restart.
  8. I'm still on 1.3.10, but the changelog doesn't indicate a fix for this: - [Mods]-Tab, sorting "AddDate" seems to sort them primarily from left to right (or at least prioritizes the day over the month), which is... kinda meh
  9. @UbioZur, how can I add welding-support for a yet unsupported part? It should be a quite simple part , just a huge, flat cylinder (iirc without nodes). Of course, at my own risk I want to make a station-ring based on Wayland's Station Core-girder-ringy-thingy. Want to attack stock fuselage-stuff to it... But of course, I can't weld it.
  10. Speaking of bugs... It seems the RT2-Plugin kind of... "disloads" when one reloads the database via Alt-F12-Debugmenu. Did that (to switch SignalDelay from true to false), now only the stock-antennas have a menu, although only stock behavior (transmit data). In addition, top left (which is oddly still around) shows N/A.
  11. I have an issue here... I had a working network (4 keostationary sats, 4 small sputniks around mun). Build with v1.1 or something like that... Few weeks ago. Now I updated to v1.2.6. I had to use an old quicksave (also few weeks ago), because I messed up the first installation (the parts where missing, all satellites/ground vehicles disappeared). And while the map-view showed the connections in the first place, every vehicle I go to (including the 4 keostationary satellites) looses it's connections, all RT2-Parts are "locked", N/A in the topright, but I can still rename stuff. What's going on? I mean, I wanted to renew my Kerbin-network anyway (with the idea from page 47), but... The sputniks around mun also don't work, and I don't want to have to renew them, too
  12. Pleeeeaaase Porkjet, could you let us download some kind of... v0.3 of this? without animations and stuff, just the "inflated module?" I really love the design and would like to use it, even without an animation :3
  13. Heya, I built a new family of launch vehicles (to 100km LKO) after really being sick of my old design. The old design used heavy asparagus staging (19 mainsails), was ridiculously efficient (payload maximum somewhere above 175t, I didn't bother testing above that), but ugly as sin. And it always felt kind of... cheaty. This is my old rocket, the KSP-LVII After familiarizing myself with KW Rocketry, I came up with the following three-stage-design. It's quite simple an way less efficient. But it's a drawback I am really willing to take for the better looks Doesn't use asparagus staging. First Stage (launch to gravity turn, give or take): Boosters (6x ST-37 + Griffon XX) Second Stage (gravity turn to high atmosphere): SC-4 + Griffon XX Third Stage (high atmosphere to stable orbit): SC-2 + Wildcat-XR I placed one of the boosters of the old rocket into the payload fairings for size comparison. The new rocket only lifts around 135 tons, but it looks sooo sexy when doing that I did also make some smaller rockets on the same basic design (10, 35 and 75 tons), but one screenshot is enough Which of your own designs did your improve? Why did you improve them and if the new design has drawbacks, which ones? And why are you fine with them? Post your own stuff But please provide old and new screenshots of it.
  14. @Goldham Honestly, I don't know But as other things (like the munar base) will rely on it having power to be able to have a connection to KSC... Better safe than sorry. And those batteries don't weight so much anyway.
  15. Mhm, next time you load, do it in windowed mode, so you can observe the task manager at the same time. If you go too wild on mods, ksp.exe will run out of memory and crash. ksp.exe is a 32bit-program, and so it can only use up to 4 gigs of RAM.
  16. Oh shoot, I wanted to mark it as Mod Craft. Thanks for pointing that one out, -ty- m( That satellite is now used as ... I have no idea what the scientific correct word would be. It's in the same orbit as the mun and will be used as communication-satellite, providing the munar kethane base under it with an uplink to KSC. It's not in the munar influence sphere. (quite dark, sry)
  17. Heya :3 I'm just so very much excited about the amount of freedom some mods give you to express your creativity. Currently - for me - that means having LOADS of fun with Infernal Robotics and RemoteTech. I always liked the folding capability of real satellites and probes... And now I can do similar (or maybe: more! ) Love it! :3
  18. @ blubbermonkeys: Uhm, there's one right in the post... does the link http://i.imagebanana.com/img/qq3tr737/screenshot12.png work? @ Fox62: It is very eager to toppling over, but somewhere around 7.5 to 10 m/s works on Kerbin. But well, Kerbin has quite high gravity, so.. :/ It's just the natural drawback of such a tiny vessel. Edit: Well, you can't really go faster than ~5 m/s, because of lack of traction And that rover is tokyo (uhm, mun) drift king. So... it's quite stable, but really not the fastest bug on the mun. Edit2: On the bright side, it survives a crash at ~20 m/s (the back wheels popped... but IF you have a kerbal with you (I didn't ), that's not a problem.
  19. I so want a plugin that goes "beep beep" every time I press forward with this
  20. Well, not exactly "mega", but it's definately a rover... presenting: the "Ant"
  21. Heya, this started as "how small can you go"-project. The first iteration had no KAS-container (the rest is stock) and therefore provided no utility... Now this sweet little bugger might even be useful. Help with base-building by driving around small stuff (like pipe end points and such) to help in base building Edit: By public demand (whee, I always wanted to say that XD), the .craft-file http://www.file-upload.net/download-8243753/Micro-Rover.craft.html In daylight, it's pretty self sufficient with its two solar panels. The two huge batteries as well as one RTG should be enough for any night time operation. And if you find a reason to, this thing also drives by itself, as the box in the center is a Probodobodyne QBE. Maybe as a small science vessel or taxi whatever
  22. Maybe at a later stage. Currently, I want to concentrate on completing the basic frame of the ship. But would you have a screenshot of the shuttle? So I can see the size and style?
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