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Everything posted by Belial

  1. So.. now we can start putting roids in orbit and setup bases/stations on them?
  2. Finally got the Mun Science Lab Back !
  3. Look at the bright side, you can still dock moar elements together in the meantime ! I recently found a new love for docking maneuvers, and in fact it will make me sad when 0.23 comes and sends my space station in carrer mode to oblivion ^^
  4. Ok I reloaded and for some reason now F4 does the trick. Thanks this is solved.
  5. Thanks for the reply, Tried that as well. I forgot to mention that Im in target mode EDIT : and I DO see it on the Navball.
  6. Hi there, Im trying to dock to some previous ship I left up there but theres a major problem. Despite the fact that said ship is targeted in orbit view, I cannot see its target marker when I get close to it in staging/docking view. I tried reloading, restarting, looked into Imputs, browsed google, but nothing seems to be working. It goes to the point that when Im ready to get close at rendez-vous point I finally see my target in 3D, but still not surrounded by any icon. Whatever the distance. Any idea on what I'm doing wrong?
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