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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. Banned for being a part of the Big Three. (If I remember correctly)
  2. Banned because I'm dreadfully tired and can't fall asleep.
  3. Banned for being halfway to the Herd. Turn back, or it will consume you.
  4. Granted. There's no way I could ever corrupt this wish. I wish someone else could corrupt that wish.
  5. Banned for bringing the scourge to this forum.
  6. Granted, but it gives you explosive diarrhea. I wish for free internet.
  7. Granted. It becomes the most horrible, offensive word that ever existed. I wish society wasn't so ridiculous.
  8. Banned for being Scottish and not Scott Manley.
  9. Granted. It kills you. I wish I had something better to do than stalk the forums all day.
  10. Granted. You suck at it. I wish I had a Felipe with me.
  11. Were you not a half-brony the last time I checked? Granted. The internet gets shut down, so now no-one remembers it. I wish Pokemon was still a thing as much as it was a couple decades ago.
  12. Granted. You get swarmed by people whenever they see you. I wish bronies would keep their stuff off of this forum.
  13. Granted. You try to rob a bank and get arrested. I wish for sleep.
  14. Granted. You are. I wish everyone worked together to biologically create a Mudkip.
  15. Banned for absolutely butchering the word "speaking".
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