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Everything posted by Sardonyx

  1. First let me say, I don't think the new SAS is bad nor do I dislike it. I'm just doing some testing here. The old SAS will hold this ship almost perfectly steady in launch. I disagree that the RCS/Reaction Wheels are not strong enough. If controlled manually there is plenty of force to cancel the rotation. The new SAS undershoots the force necessary though. I think there's a happy medium where it can hold the ship in place by applying a little more force, but not just going between 0 and 100. It really is probably tuning a constant on the feedback controller. That said, all in all it's not bad and certainly better than the old one blowing through a ton of RCS fuel whilst shaking a ship to pieces
  2. I did a couple tests of SAS in 0.21 to see how it performs during rocket launch. Here's my results with videos. Test 1: Normal launch of the craft. SAS is enabled from launch. There are 6 reaction wheels, one at the top of each booster under the nose cones. In this test SAS is able to keep the craft on course. I keep the last set of boosters in place to destabilize the craft somewhat in the roll dimension. There is no input from me other than the gravity turn. Note that SAS is using some Roll correction to keep the craft stable. http://youtu.be/JXINZ7P6W6k Test 2: This didn't go as intended. It's similar to Test 1 except the booster separation stage goes poorly. When the second stage of boosters disconnects, it damages a remaining booster sending the craft into a spin and ultimately causing it to break up. I let the flight continue to see if SAS would correct the spin. Initially it does. However after the spin is damped, it continues to applies a massive over correction reversing the spin. I've developed simulators similar to this (ground vehicles) before, also using PID controllers to control HPR. I'm wondering if the game tracks rotation beyond 360 degrees or 2pi and is actually trying to unwind the craft through all the rotations that have occurred? http://youtu.be/eYFKu1xVdxk Test 3: This is very similar to Test 2 except I intentionally transfer fuel to a burned out booster to introduce spin. Again the SAS does correct the rotation initially, but continues full force over correction after the spin is damped. Toward the end I use RCS to stabilize the craft with SAS still enabled. Again I'm wondering if it's trying to unwind all the rotations that have occurred instead of moding the crafts HPR angle by 360 or 2pi. http://youtu.be/A-Nrt8zka0A The spin is introduced at 2:50.
  3. You're referring to the YPR ticks? They're orange for me. It's in coarse mode it seems.
  4. ASAS in 0.21 doesn't have reaction wheels built in. At least according to the description in game. At least for me, my 0.20 ships don't get their ASAS converted to the new reaction wheels when I brought them into 0.21. EDIT: I guess that depends on which ASAS you're using. The large one doesn't have reaction wheels it seems. The small one does have them.
  5. I don't think so, at least I haven't turned it on that I know of. The Yaw/Pitch controls seem to use double the amount of Monopropellant when activated and the ship moves effectively. The Roll is just very sluggish and no there's no visual indication from the RCS thrusters that they're firing, but the Monopropellant usage does go up slightly. Do you know the keys for fine control on / off?
  6. I've been playing around a bit with 0.21. It looks like rockets won't use RCS for rotation now, is that correct? With RCS on, when i press Q/E, the ship is slow to respond and there's no resource drain on Monopropellant or visualization of RCS thrusters firing. WASD still works for pitch/yaw, but it looks like roll is not working. Can someone verify? EDIT: scratch that. It looks like there is a very small drain on Monopropellant, but no visualization and the effect is very weak. Flying a large rocket is almost like flying one in 0.20.2 with no RCS.
  7. So I've been playing around with engines a bit and it seems some are more efficient at turning fuel into thrust. Is this actually the case or am I imagining it? Other than the additional weight of the more powerful engines, which changes the thrust to weight ratio, is there any other difference in the amount of fuel used to generate a certain amount of thrust of the various engines? Right now I'm only thinking about the rocket engines.
  8. Awesome the option was there when I just looked Odd, it didn't seem to be there last night Ah well it's working now Awesome ribbon app! Thanks for putting this together, Moustachauve. .,
  9. I found this game on the Steam Sale and it's quickly become my favorite thing to play. I love the fact that you can build pretty much anything you want and that you're free to do what you like. It really is a sandbox! In the past few days I've managed to put a station together around Kerbin and also a lander mission out to Minmas. I've read a lot about plug ins for the game. Are there any standard set that everyone uses? I've seen MechJeb and Kethane mentioned quite often. Are these commonly used or do most people play the vanilla game? I've been having a lot of fun with just the basic game, some of these things like mining resources sound pretty cool!
  10. 0.20.2 from the Steam sale and then the KSP store. For some reason I can't vote in the poll though
  11. Where is the option for signature? I didn't see it under Settings on the left side menu. Has it moved somewhere else?
  12. Hello, I just found this game on the Steam sale and I love it! My friend mentioned that if you purchase through the site they have older versions available and it's DRM free. So I went ahead and bought a copy on the KSP Store today too. There's only download links for 0.19.1 and 0.20.2. Is there a way to get a copy of 0.18.3? There's some space ship designs/mods from that version I'd like to play with. If not, is there a conversion program to bring them up to date? Edit: I just realized the ships are built in 0.17 not 0.18.3! So that's the version I would actually need to test them. Specifically I want to look at the Gallileo VI+ from StompThompson, but looking at the file it says 0.17 and the current version says it's not compatible. Thanks!
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