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Everything posted by Talavar

  1. OK, Im lost in a sea of information and links. "It's like I'm screaming out against soul destroying winds!" Can someone pass me the link to the newest version and status information on Experimental Interstellar?
  2. Gotta agree with this one. The water is pretty bland. The only thing I REALLY hate about the texturing is that you can see how repeating it is. I know its a pain, but masking with 2 layers could be a decent fix for this.
  3. Well that helps clear a few things up. Thanks Cpast.
  4. It's not so much the behavior of water for playing in it. but rather its all about the landing. Parts seem to get destroyed too easily.
  5. Also, keep in mind that the reason most liquids are near uncompressable is because of the fact that they ARE so dense compaired to gas, So once again, I think it would be fantastic.
  6. You have to keep in mind that Part calculation doesn't seem to take into account how much parts (face) is exposed to the wind. So actually, none of that really matters for the (physics) simplistics of KSP's engine.wind resistance of part facing might add too much physics calculations to the game per loop, and could bog down most typical users system almost to non-usability. So for this, I believe it would be perfect.
  7. You have to realize that water has the same basis as gas for pressure just denser. So basically, yes. It would solve all calculations.
  8. Not sure how it currently is set, but I have an Idea. Set water a specific atmosheric pressure. then use this. Quick and dirty basic so everyone can understand. ;Atmospheric pressure test ; Part check If physics check time = (number of set loops) then Hazardcheck = Atmopressure*(drag*DV) if Hazardcheck>Tolerance then Gosub (partfailure) ;Joint test If Hazardcheck>jointstrenght then Gosub (Partripsoff) If atmopressure>part boyancy then Gosub (partfloats) else continue this takes care of parts in the atmosphere as well when in water. Smaller parts would have less jointstrength than large parts because the attachment point is larger. in the same note though, smaller parts have less wind drag which makes up for it. Tolerance is the parts ability to survive which would be set accordingly to how fragile the part is. Solar panels would disintegrate almost immediately if not folded shut, whereas a Giant steel girder would have a MUCH higher Tolerance. This could also take care of the collision with water, which seems there is a calculation that runs when the ship part is ASL. however if this is already the current system, then the Water Atmospheric pressure is too great, as hitting the water at 14 MS (28.6364MPH) is too disasterous. However, I'm assuming this isnt implemented, because parts just aren't ripping off yet in the atmosphere. (Except solar panels being destroyed)
  9. .. I'm assuming this isn't the case since there is still an impact calculation on the water (which using the formula below negates such a need) However Steel girders tearing apart at 14 MS (28.6364 MPH) when hitting water seems a bit unrealistic. Gotta admit when you set a ship down in water, and it falls over and breaks apart, It kinda gets your goat. Let's not forget, Nasa drops fuel tanks into the ocean and they hit a lot harder than this without disintegrating, and go collect them afterwards. The calculation of (atmospheric pressure*(wind-drag*Velocity)) needs to be used on part stability other than just solar panels, Then you use the atmospheric pressure measurement for water. The problem takes care of itself. It's how I would have programmed it. ;Atmospheric pressure test ; Part check If physicscheck = (desired number of loops) then Hazardcheck = Atmopressure*(drag*DV) if Hazardcheck>Tolerance then Gosub (partfailure) ;Joint test If Hazardcheck>jointstrenght then Gosub (Partripsoff) else continue Smaller parts would have less jointstrength than large parts because the attachment point is larger. in the same note though, smaller parts have less wind drag which makes up for it. Tolerance is the parts ability to survive which would be set accordingly to how fragile the part is. Solar panels would disintegrate almost immediately if not folded shut, whereas a Giant steal girder would have a MUCH higher Tolerance.
  10. Launch your ship into 90 degree orbit. then burn prograde when you start getting to the side of the moon that faces kerbin. Conserves the most fuel. Check out this graph it may help. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25360-Delta-V-map according to this graph, You are short on fuel. this is of-course showing teh DV required to get there.. not sure if it will work well in reverse if you add the nodes getting to LKO. Assuming it takes as much to get into orbit as it does to break orbit, run it backwards and add the DV needed - 4500 to escape kerbins atmoshere.
  11. That is actually a perfect Fix for the water.. Just increase the atmospheric pressure to match the pressure of water. at 0 altitude and down.. Would have the same effect as flying into jool, you eventually float. Not much coding involved in it either..
  12. (For those who need a full tutorial) remember, Firing your rockets in the direction you're heading (pro-grade) Will Expand your orbit on the other side of the planet. Retrograde will do the exact opposite. So launch firing rockets till you get your orbit apoapsis to 100k (watching the map). Once you do that, Cut your engines. Then once you are at your apoapsis (highest point in orbit) turn pro-grade (the direction you are moving) and fire them again until the other side of your orbit is also at 100k.. Remember pressing x will cut your engines instantly. If you pull up your nav ball in map mode, you can control your ship while looking at the map. After you achieve a stable orbit (100k or so) click on your blue orbit line in map mode around 70 degrees before the moon and use the delta-V slider and add Delta-v till the hypothetical shows you encounter the mun.. This will add a burn node and a target reticle to your Nav ball.. once your (time to node) is 1/2 of your calculated burn time, Start your burn facing the reticle on your navball, and cut it off when the Yellow DV indicator is empty. Now you wait a bit.... Once you are halfway to the moon click on the moon in map view and focus on it. Check where your orbit is. If it's colliding with the moon, then fire your ship facing (right) of your orbit path. It will only take a slight amount to move your orbit to a different path, so go easy. Get it to where you are just passing the moon instead of crashing into it.. Once you enter the moons Sphere of influence and are at the muns Pe (periapsis node) , Turn your ship retrograde (Facing away from teh direction you are moving) and fire your engines until you achieve orbit around the moon. Congrats, you have just completed a Homan transfer to orbit of the mun.
  13. The reason it is set simply to two threads is beacause of the way the system is set up. From my understanding, You can't run the same module executable on multiple threads. There are 2 modules, one for physics, and one for everything else. Therefore splitting into more than 2 becomes virtually impossible, unless the algorithms for physics were split into multiple files, from which they could pitch calculations back and forth between them.
  14. Has anyone gotten a mission to rescue a kerbal anywhere other than Kerbin? Or is the only place they get stranded in Kerbin's SOI?
  15. IF and when your other ship is eccentric to kerbin after encountering the mun, Boost to match the ships periapsis height. Only AFTER you do that do you do your plane change. Either way your going to have to be at that orbit height, and it takes less fuel to plane change the higher you are in orbit. Once you do those two things, click on your orbit right at the targets peri node and play with delta V to figure out how much thrust you need to rendezvous with your target. This is all assuming the mun encounter doesn't whip your original ship out of Kerbins SOI.
  16. I do a mixture of Science and Career, Therefore my funds are always sitting closely to a million. You can't always work for someone else! Just Make sure you take missions that are oriented around what planet you're headed to, that way you always have some cash lying around.
  17. As was stated before, You are using .23 .. simply updating to the newest version adds ALOT of stability. and will probably take that shake right out of all your ships/stations.
  18. I think Something is wrong with the poll.. Career 34 91.89% Sandbox 7 18.92% Science! TM 5 13.51% Multiple Choice Poll. 91% + 18%+13% = 122%? 122% Of people on the forums voted on this! lol...
  19. Always a good idea to set the bar high, then fall slightly short! However, I think you're settin the bar somewhere close to Jool.. lol
  20. I've managed to land one asteroid of each class at KSP base. Not sure of the tonnage of each one. However, Since my ship build was a bit unorthodox, they usually crash when I tried to land, but still had my asteroids sitting around just chillen.. lol .. I Do have to say there is a Danger in ejecting an asteroid over the KSP pad when your trying to land one.. If you eject the asteroid, and it has a piece connected to it which is considered to be "debris" It will unload (If you've reached your max debris count) at 2.5k just as all space debris does and TAKE YOUR ASTEROID WITH IT!.. lol.. "Now, I know I dropped that giant asteroid around here somewhere...hmm"
  21. Yes, I find it's MUCH easier to pull them then to push them! just remember, your tail has to be long enough to keep your thrust from hitting the asteroid.. otherwise youll just sit there, thrusting your butt off not going anywhere, looking stupid.. lol
  22. Just last night. I sent Bob,Bill, and some Noob to Moho. I built a ship with 15,000 DV thinking they might make it back.. well.. they got there and had just enough to maybe make a small orbital jump to the other side of the planet.. So being the nice guy I am, I decided I'd rescue these 3 kerbals. SO I set up another ship with 18,000 DV and a hitchhikers capsule("surely that's good enough"), SO I'm caosting in alongside of Moho, at about 2300 meters getting ready to do my deorbit burn of 3500 DV, and "there, off in the distance... WHAT IS THAT?!!!" Turns out there was a rather LARGE mountain jutting up into my orbit.. I got closer and closer, I'm gonna miss it, IM GONNA MISS IT!!" .. nope... the very tip of my ship caught the tip of the mountain, sending shrapnel, blood, spit, and guts all over the opposite side of the mountain... Back at KSP headquarters, I once again built another ship, this time fully automated (NO KERBALS ONBOARD!).. this time with a DV of 21000. DEFINITELY GOT THIS ONE!! So i swing back in around Moho, Start to make my landing when all of a sudden, I realized "I'm coming in a bit quicker than I thought.. SO I quickly start my deorbit burn punching it to the max trying to line myself up with the ship below.. getting close!! CLOSE!! 45 MS right next to the kerbals I'm supposed to be rescuing.. Imagine their disappointment seeing their return ship home disintegrated after being stranded on Moho for about 3 years... So once again I start mounting up for another return.. and low and behold, this time, I STICK THIS ONE! 30 meters away! So all my kerbals get loaded onboard and we start the trip home.. I fire up the engines to do my burn to return to kerbin.. We get into orbit, and I start my Burn to return home.. GOING, GOING, GOING.. $%%^%^ ... 200 DV short....... This ofcourse sets them floating in free space about a Million clicks from kerbal.. SO back home I ready an interceptor.. When they finally come swinging through, I rendevous with them using a (not small) amount of fuel. So im lining up with the ship, matching up speed with target, something goes haywire and I end up thrusting into the other ship.. This sends it tumbling and blows up part of my ship... Finally after my next attempt, I get them all loaded on my ship, and tote them back to kerbal orbit.. the problem this time, I have atomic engines and a TWR of about 81.. and of course I FORGOT CHUTES! SO once again.. I launch another small ship with 8 chutes, and ARM hook on it and attach it to the front of my rescue vehicle.. I start my decent to KSP landing pad, blow all my fuel and pop the chutes.. coming down... 8.2 ms.. Finally It hits the ground, and my main tank explodes sending my hitchhike canister back into the air a bit.. I watch in horror as they crash into the ground.. Killing all of the kerbals I had been trying so hard to rescue for hours on end... Well... Atleast they died at home, I guess... lol
  23. It is generated Text. It says Absolutely NOTHING. But it does it so well! lol
  24. SInce I can never seem to hit the center of gravity just perfect, and the asteroid always seems to start to turn while I'm pushing it, I either A) Make a really long nose, to provide more leverage to keep the ship from turning while pushing an asteroid, OR I make a long tail, and pull the asteroid with free pivot turned on. Anyone else have a different approach?
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