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  1. would give you a good reason to learn to dock too as you'd need missions to send the samples up to the station
  2. That's no Mun, it's a space station
  3. KSC 2, on the little island, you can get into the tower now
  4. only had a small go on the patch so far, just about able to get an orbit of kerbal, unfortuantly for jeb, that's as much as i can do. Poor fella is now stuck in kebal orbit till i can get enough research to mount a rescue
  5. well the actual title of the update is "KSP Weekly October 15 2013"
  6. i went completed my rescue misson of the 2 stranded kerbals on mun. Got back to Kerbal, deployed my chutes, and the landing module that i forgot to put chutes on flew off into the ground............. learning steps........ 1 outta 3 kerbals surviving isn't that bad Edit: strange, i went to recover my surviving kerbal and it sent me back into space like it never happen (not even near a quick save) so they all survived \o/
  7. my mission to Mun with my new launcher went without a hitch well untill my Kerbal decided to get a better look at the new mun now i'm no rocket scientist but i may need that part on the floor............
  8. finally completed my first ever dock, attaching a hitchhiker to my new "Unity One" space station. the return trip went well until i miscalculated my return burn, ended up over the mountains west of KSC and time accelerated too much so didn't have a chance to launch my chute. first casulty of the Space Program
  9. i declare this latest patch........ A SUCCESS! Edit, enjoy that pic, i then proceeded to undock my ship with no rcs installed and ram off a solar panel trying to head back to kerbin
  10. yeah too much of a headache to figure this out, back to 0.20 till a fix is out
  11. so remove the ASAS all together? so for a rocket like that should i have any of the controls built in bar RCS? also what are Truss? the scaffolding?
  12. Another video test to see if it helps devs/users out this is my satellite launcher from 0.20 rebuilt for 0.21 with the Adv SAS included. this rocket had no trouble getting into orbit last patch As you can see it has no trouble for the first 15 secs of launch then it falls apart (literally) notes: yes i forgot to strut 2 rockets to the centre rocket yes i forgot to add my rcs boosters
  13. ok new test complete. used the same basic design as my sat launcher without the sat (so obv not as top heavy) but with the ASAS on the top of the command module and it does handle alot better, still spins in stage 2 but i'll try without torque now Edit: nope disabling torque made it worse
  14. already tested that, and it's a negative good buddy
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