Aha! Finally! I have been very keen in submitting a ship for the new series however time has never quite been on my side.... So without further delay! I present you with, Xenophobia
Approximately 309 parts with stager Approximately 164 parts in orbit Frigate Class Ship: Armed with 6 standard reloadable torpedoes Company Name: HelixRobotics Originally Formed by a group of young and brilliant kerbals from a simple family scrapyard business. These Kerbals were always short of money and the push needed to get them into high places, but that never stopped them. Being eager and resourceful they could build what was needed with half cost and half the resources making them the middle mans favourite business for parts and ships hulls. Due to the ever growing war between Hanland and Spiritwolf HelixRobotics has had a plentiful harvest and has finally made it to the big leagues as a force to be reckoned with. Xenophobia is the first full sized ship fully developed by HelixRobotics, its intimidating and strange shape earned it its name. its mission, to explore the reaches of space and determine this prototypes capabilities. HelixRobotics has no interest in the politics and wars so long as they can carry on their way of life. Of course, Xenophobia is controlled, at least to an extent, by person although it can act individually if signal is lost. The company of HelixRobotics are young and have always struggled through life despite their brilliance. They are not beyond making a decision and choosing a side, more likely, The side against all odds. A unique feature about the ship is that it is drone controlled, for HelixRobotics could not afford to loose a brilliant mind, they are simply too valued. The drone can detach from the main unit and refuel and or control other ships it is docked to due to its AI. however, This makes the central unit quite fragile a single well aimed missile could destroy it easily. now unfortunately....I never got the chance to do as much testing as I would like. It can quite easily make it to orbit with some fuel left in the stager. I would wager it can quite easily make it to laythe as well, however I couldnt test it in time. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would be kind enough to do some test for me, I dont expect someone to try get it to laythe, however...please, test out its shields and weapons. blow holes in it. Alas here is my problem...even on the lowest settings, my computer runs this game at 3-4fps (it was a horror to record)....making getting this thing into orbit TIME CONSUMING! not to mention its lags itself apart sometimes. all the footage you have seen has been increased by 2-4x speed. I find myself almost quite literally in the same circumstances as my Role Play Company....I just dont have the power to make something much bigger than that or to fully test it. I do however, plan to update this design a little so, expect to here of future improvements. Email to Macey: Coming soon Ship file: Coming soon Planned Ship improvements: Better Drone Control: Not Completed Better Armour: Not completed Upgradeable: Not Completed Cheers