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Everything posted by GentlemanJack

  1. Broken attachment nodes for interstellar engines? http://imgur.com/w1Hm8aZ
  2. Uhh, I have no idea. I don't think I have any fixes installed. My thermal VAB helper also isn't popping up when I click it. Another bug with interstellar? Maybe I've installed the mod wrong.
  3. I've been trying to place air intakes on my planes but every time I select any kind of intake, the game basically breaks and I have to restart it. Parts become unusable from the list to the left and every-time I try to load that file with the intake parts on it, it breaks the game once again requiring a restart. The craft file name also changes to "Vehicle Name". The reason I'm posting this here is because I've Googled this bug and a few threads seem to say that interstellar is the problem. Anyone experienced this bug before?
  4. Ik this has nothing to do with interstellar. But science data that is stored in the Mk1 lander can is not letting me take it. I right click the part and it just says "No damage"
  5. I have a nuclear reactor (3.75m) in orbit around Kerbin that supplies my beamed power network. It's been running fine for a while but now all the sudden every time i go to do a manual restart it goes right back to the decay heating instantly. Is it because of the Actinides buildup? They are currently at 1106 and whenever i go to reprocess them at the science lab, nothing happens.
  6. The bit that needs to be put in the cfg for it to "work" is already in the cfg. Still not working
  7. Anyone? It says in the config of the parts that it's already collectible but it doesn't seem to be in-game.
  8. How do you make the science from Magnetometers and Seismic Accelerometers collectible?
  9. Right, thanks. I dont use the forums much other than for asking for help .
  10. How do i get the version that is working, in other words, what's a sig?
  11. Okay, thanks. Took a break from KSP like 4 months ago and now im back. Gotta get up to date on mods and this new update
  12. Fixed the data not collectible problem but not by changing the configs. Changing them still didn't work so what i did was (with the help of KAS) grabbed the accelerometer and boarded the capsule with it on my back. It put the data on the accelerometer into the capsule and the thing itself dropped to the ground lol
  13. How do i make the accelerometer data collectible? I looked for the "dataIsCollectible" line in the part config and looked in the interstellar folder as well. Both are there but i still can't collect the data. This is really annoying.
  14. Just installed this sweet jewel and i gotta say, wow. I love all of the new textures. Especially for the atmosphere bodies. Jool and Kerbin are my 2 favorites but what's with the Mun having a fog layer? I can't see the blackness of space at all when on the surface. Same with Ike. Is there anyway to turn that off?
  15. How do i make probe capsules coming from other mods (AIES, NovaPunch) compatible with remotetech? It just says local control as if i have kerbals in it and so antennas are pointless.
  16. So do i dock the fins pointing towards the other docking port's fins? Or do i have to have the fins facing away from the side it's being docked to?
  17. Does anyone know how to check what docking ports are compatible with the apas 69? I've tried the stock medium sized docking port and the apas itself but no luck. Really need this for my space station.
  18. Currently, the probe is still in the Kerbin system, further than the Mun but closer than Minmus. I have it pointed at one of the sats in orbit and that sat has its dish pointed at the probe. For now, i'll always have connection but i'll have to wait till i have line of sight of the sat in orbit. Once i'm further out then Dres, i'll point it at Kerbin.
  19. There seems to be a problem with pointing dishes at bodies in space. I have a probe heading to Eeloo to do some science while passing high over it, then making a correction burn to get back home. Problem is, pointing my huge unfoldable dish at Kerbin doesn't seem to give me connection. The high range dish comms around Kerbin have both an omni antenna and the unfoldable dish as well so it's not the problem with the satellites back home. However, pointing the dish on the probe at specific satellites DOES give me control. The problem is i only brought one dish, hoping to be able to point it at Kerbin and be fine. If i try pointing it at a specific sat, only that sat receives the signal meaning when it goes to the other side of Kerbin, i either have to repoint the dish or wait for it to emerge out of the other side. This is very annoying
  20. Is there a patch or any way to collect the data from accelerometers and the magnetometers? Deadly reentry doesnt like them sticking out the side of my ship when coming back down to be able to retrieve the science lol
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