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Everything posted by Crazor

  1. The "click-on-another-window-then-doubleclick the AP flag" works for me, too! Amazing. Thanks everyone...
  2. I've reported it here. Please verify and add a comment if you are affected.
  3. As I said, the freeze was probably not related to KER... It's just what made me find out about this message Also, this happens frequently after a few takeoff <-> SPH turnarounds (I suppose it also happens after a few launch <-> VAB cycles): That's supposed to be the KER window!
  4. Since issues are disabled on GitHub, I'll report this here. I had a crash switching from the runway to the SPH, and while looking for the culprit, I found the following in the log: There are three other log entries after that, so maybe KER didn't cause the hang (KSP didn't really crash, I had to force-quit it), but I thought you might want to know about this.
  5. Just wanted to let you know that there are some old .dlls in the output folder in both of your branches over on github. Judging from the reported dates, they don't seem to have been touched in a while. Maybe you should better remove them to avoid confusion. Other than that, the current build from the first post is running fine over here.
  6. With numbers, do you mean the amount of science collected? I agree, that would be useful. If I figure out how to get a nice percentage graph or some other way to visually identify the progress in a glance, I'll add that. Regarding landed vs. splashed: I assume that you can't land on water and can't splash on land biomes, so what exactly do you propose?
  7. No Problem, GavinZac. Padishar, I managed to build the .dll from your master branch. Had some xcopy error 127, but at least Xamarin spewed out the Engineer.dll amidst some other stuff, so I copied it over to my KSP dir, loaded up the ship that gave me problems yesterday, and so far I'm happily attaching and detaching whole stages, fuel tanks, engines, fuel lines, and the delta v updates just as I would expect it to. I'll test it some more with different rockets and report my findings here.
  8. As I said, maybe it's because of the first problem I described, and it just stopped calculating while adding the fuel lines (and it stopped on me often yesterday). I always wanted to give KSP plugin coding a shot, so I'm fiddling around with a build system (on OSX) right now, and if it works, I'll try the new code Padishar pushed to GitHub. Don't want to install VS in a VM, but XamarinStudio/MonoDevelop should work, shouldn't it? Padishar, if you like, you can PM me a binary of the code you pushed, so I can see if it fixes the problems I encountered. @GavinZac: I'm playing KSP since .18, and have used older versions of KER which worked just fine. It's not because of funky staging, I'm pretty sure.
  9. I've got two problems with KER First of all, the dv calculation sometimes stops updating while building a rocket in the VAB. I add more stages, or more weight to existing stages, and it just doesn't calculate any new values at all. I might have worked around it once or twice by removing and rebuilding entire stages, but so far this happens rather annoyingly often. Second, and maybe related to KER stopping the dv calculations, is that it doesn't seem to care about my fuel lines. I expect the dv to rise if I add asparagus-style fuel lines and staging. Reading that the dv calculation code is being worked on right now, I'll eagerly await the next release. Just wanted to leave my report here, in case it is of any use.
  10. Thanks for your work! This is by far the most useful science tracking spreadsheet I could find. I updated it a bit, blacking out further experiments where they are impossible to conduct, fixed some spelling and formatting, added some missing biomes, ... Here's the link to the updated version Enjoy!
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