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Everything posted by Wesreidau

  1. Reason furthers wisdom, and petty sophistries further petty minds. Naming hurricanes after climate change deniers is simply personal attacks to insult one point of view. One man's stance about a climate science theory does not make him responsible for a weather pattern any more than one man's stance on germ theory makes him responsible for an epidemic. His individual actions might leave him responsible for some tiny fraction of the incident, but you cannot blame one person not covering his mouth when he sneezes for an outbreak of influenza on another continent. Would you have blizzards named after AGW backers? Their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions cause automobile accidents on icy roads, hypothermia, and frost on Florida orange trees. Those claims are just as nonsensical as AGW deniers being blamed for hurricanes. It is far better for everyone if unreasonable people are defeated with reason, rather than both sides becoming unreasonable.
  2. I'll just use anti-shield lasers. Seriously, what makes you think 'shields' are anything but a scifi gimmick to make space combat cool on television?
  3. Space warfare will be nuclear missiles and counter-missile lasers, with the occasional boarding action against ships and crews too irradiated and EMP'd to fight. Capturing enemy hardware lets you reverse-engineer and defeat it, after all. There will be no mirrors, cloaking, anything of that sort.
  4. I fail to see how ad hominem furthers the pursuit of reason.
  5. An Air Force base would be better for a classified mission, although both facilities doubtlessly have extensive security. This thing looks exactly like my heavy launch vehicle, as an aside.
  6. Demand-side economics might suggest there has to be a demand for anything to be made, but that's a stagnant line of thinking. You're putting the cart before the horse. The horse pulls the cart. There isn't a market for the Falcon Heavy today and there wasn't a market for electricity in 1800. But the supply, even on paper, of a rocket that can launch that kind of mass economically will bring about a lot of inventive thought. Someone invented the battery before they invented the carbon arc lamp.
  7. All life on Earth feeds on other life, and Man is a beast of prey. I see no reason to think it is different elsewhere.
  8. They aren't naturalized immigrants. They're illegal aliens NASA picked up, sent back across the border, and made come back with their paperwork in order. .neila drow eht no nup a si sihT
  9. Fission. You just have to build a spacecraft capable of withstanding the G's produced by that kind of engine. Since you're producing a constant thrust, you can engineer to a constant standard. I will say it seems easier to withstand a constant force than repeatedly getting hit again and again. That's the difference between slowly accelerating up to 60mph or just being hurled by a catapult. Environmental concerns are only of importance within an environment. You can start the NSWR after getting high enough the hippies can't scream at you.
  10. I strongly disagree. Minecraft can be played by an illiterate five year old. I've seen it done. There's no reading, no story, no settings, no typing, and most of the puzzles involve jumping between blocks. It is far more in the way of Tetris or Super Mario than it is X-Com or SimCity, two games nearly incompatible with a console.
  11. "You are easily irritated and your mother is of dubious repute." "My mother is a saint!" "You sound irritated, Q.E.D." Congratulations, you sought and got a rise out of someone and quoted Latin so as not to seem childish while doing so. Would you like a cookie? No? Then lets talk about the subject this thread is about, not your opinion of PC gamers or how witty you are. I don't see this game being successful on any console because of the GUI not translating well to a television several yards away from the couch. Trying to read humorous quips in the VAB will be an eye-straining headache, much as Morrowind's X-Box release was a whole lot of squinting at a CRT screen until you could see each color in the pixel making up the letters. Its not feasible for such a data-driven game to be ported over, and enlarging the font won't make the UI any more appealing either.
  12. I wouldn't say sad. Sometimes there's mock mourning and all my other little Kerbals walk out to the flagpole for a memorial ceremony, but I'm not -serious- about it. Its more like losing the queen in a chess match; it is significant in the context of the game.
  13. I try to keep all my debris in a deteriorating orbit, but might pick up a mod for a 'laser broom' to go around zapping all the strut connectors and decoupler rings I left lying around.
  14. I confirm that you can break those solar panels with a spitwad, or gently setting it on the ground while cross-eyed.
  15. Harbus "Death or Glory" Kerman, AKA "Screw You Ground Control" and "I'm Landing On The Moon Ascent Stage Or Not".
  16. Dwarf Fortress is extremely moddable. You have been warned...
  17. I loved IL-2 but the multiplayer was always rocky at best. War Thunder is a free-to-play game with modern graphics and a Full Real Battle mode that could use some more players... in case you wanted a flight sim. Its not as realistic as IL-2 but does strive to be an accessible yet realistic simulator.
  18. Time to air out the old fallout shelter for the inevitable gamma-ray burst...
  19. In your country, Lenin necros you. In Soviet Russia, you necro Lenin! Why do think he's still in glass box? And Germany, keep your weapons systems to yourselves. The last thing the US wants is a third dustup with an "unspecified European aggressor nation" that happens to hold patents on our guns. It was embarrassing enough with the Springfield / Mauser debacle. There are no 'urban warfare' jets possible. Helicopters are the best air support you can ask for in those situations because of their loiter time and precision, but they're also extremely vulnerable if the enemy has MANPADS or even WWII-era AAA. Drones have even longer loiter times and even if they get shot down, nobody cares. If we assume 'urban warfare' to mean counter-insurgency or counter-terrorism in a city, then drones are ideal because anti-drone systems are currently nonexistent on this battlefield. But if we are talking about conventional conflict in a city, it will be helicopters and jets. There really isn't much to improve on.
  20. Cut it in half with docking ports and assemble the vehicle in orbit. Oh yes, heresy, I know. On a side note, I would take that nose cone off the cupola so you can drive the vehicle from IVA.
  21. Use a crane-style rover and KAS to move structural elements together.
  22. "An RTG" is rarely sufficient, but I rarely use "an RTG". There is a point were the weight becomes prohibitive, however.
  23. So you're one of those people. The Joystick Master Race must cleanse the world of all heretics and half-breeds such as yourself. In due time. In due time...
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