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Everything posted by Majiir

  1. As others have mentioned many times in this thread, you've probably installed Kethane incorrectly. If you have a similar issue, PLEASE read back for solutions. I don't release this mod without testing!
  2. I don't have access to a 0.21 development copy, so I have no idea. I don't know of anything likely to break Kethane. In any case, keep your eyes out for a hotfix shortly after 0.21 release.
  3. It's hard to tell exactly what's causing lag. What are your system specs? Do you experience lag at all times, only when scanning, only when mousing over, or some other circumstance? What native mouseover stats? Huh, I thought I nuked those lines. I'll have to recheck that. The likely cause of mouseover lag is the vector->cell conversion (which is done here but should have been skipped in favor of a lookup). Again, what hardware are you running? In my testing (admittedly on a powerful CPU) I was able to run hundreds of vector->cell conversions per frame without stuttering. I wonder if the impact is more severe on some CPUs.
  4. First, get rid of the "SeedModifier = 0" lines in each KethaneResource node. Those are only for legacy support for the Kethane resource. (The documentation had this bolded!) Second, color components are given in the range 0-1, not 0-255. Just divide each value by 255 and you'll get what you need. You may have other config issues in the parts, but if you fix those two, your KethaneResource nodes should work fine. Also, Kethane dumps a little bit of debug info to the log when it first loads the resources; do a search for "[Kethane]" in your output log. If it says it loaded X number of resource definitions and doesn't have any errors, it accepted your KethaneResource nodes. Otherwise it'll print an error.
  5. Yeah, maybe. Bear in mind that config nodes are case-sensitive. I saw you paste something earlier with RESOURCE, but Kethane doesn't have any all-caps nodes.
  6. That probably won't make it in because I'm trying to keep Kethane focused on resources. Mods like MechJeb and Lazor let you do something like this. Yeah, I was planning on doing this. It was just more trouble than it was worth for a first release. You should read the Kethane documentation: link
  7. Done. Not currently. That's a bit of a design issue. What kind of interface would even make sense? Fun fact: the title screen is not the same ScaledSpace. They're scaled by the same amounts but as far as I can tell, it was done more manually. That's odd. What graphics settings are you running at, including terrain settings? Fixed. I'll look into this. I heard something strange during testing but it seemed temporary. This is a known issue. Could you elaborate? Obviously it's hard to convey strobe effects in a screenshot, but could you screenshot an angle where it happens? Known issue. 0.7.1 is compatible with any version in the 0.5.1-0.7 range. Added to tracker.
  8. Give it another try. Upon further inspection it had nothing to do with EL.
  9. Delete MMI_Kethane.dll from KSP/Plugins and delete all Kethane part folders from KSP/Parts. Everywhere, or just one or two spots? I just found a place where the mesh clips through that I missed before, so I'll fix that in the next update. If it's everything, that's a different issue.
  10. You need to delete your old Kethane installation. Kethane is now installed in GameData.
  11. Kethane 0.7.1 has been released. The download link on the first post has been updated. This update fixes a critical scan data loading issue. See the 0.7 release notes for information on upgrading from any version other than 0.7. Changes in this version: Fixed a critical scan data loading issue.
  12. I'm not seeing anything Kethane-related. I suggest you experiment a bit and try it again with the hotfix coming in a couple minutes.
  13. Send me your KSP/KSP_Data/output_log.txt file. (Standard bug reporting procedure!)
  14. Someone reported an issue (which I've reproduced) where installing Kethane and later installing Extraplanetary Launchpads breaks the game. Installing both simultaneously seems to work fine, at least with new saves. It might be possible to upgrade 0.5.1-0.6.1 saves to Kethane+EL as long as they aren't first upgraded without EL. As always, make a backup! [EDIT] The user who reported the issue has confirmed that upgrading old deposit files will work if both Kethane 0.7 and EL are installed simultaneously. [EDIT 2] This is actually a critical issue that can cause Kethane data files to completely fail to load. It affects all installations. Hotfix incoming.
  15. If there's demand, I can make those colors configurable. How do you mean? The tooltip should only appear in the map view. It's meant to appear regardless of whether you have a scanner onboard. (You can also see maps in the tracking screen, where you might not have any vessels at all.)
  16. This may explain it. I'm also nearly blind without correction, so I'm glad to hear this!
  17. Kethane 0.7 has been released. The download link on the first post has been updated. This update completely replaces the scan map system and makes other scanning improvements. This update is only compatible with versions 0.5.1 and later. See the 0.6 release notes for information about upgrading from 0.5. Scan maps from earlier versions are not compatible with this update and will be ignored. Deposits will remain intact. Changes in this version: Replaced the rectangular scan map with a geodesic grid overlay. The overlay is visible in the map view and in the tracking station. Mousing over cells will show a window with that cell's center coordinates and a list of resources present in that cell. Scan data is now stored along with deposit quantities in the persistence folder. Saved maps indicate whether a cell has been scanned, so maps will automatically update (on scene reload) when deposit quantities change. Detectors no longer scan cells that have already been scanned. This means multiple detectors won't clobber each other, and detectors passing over partially scanned terrain won't make redundant scans. Removed the random variance on detector scan times. Moved the resource selector UI to the map view. Moved the scan sound toggle to the detector context menu. Added a toggle action for the generator. Fixed a major performance issue with the KE-X270 gas particles. The KethaneParticleEmitter module now supports particle colliders. Fixed an issue where converters would spam the output log with errors if no fuel tanks were attached. Thanks SpiritOffice for the patch. Removed Kethane deposits from Jool and Kerbol (the star). Detector sounds are now loaded through GameDatabase.
  18. Performance is probably no better, except for saving deposits (which is probably better since encoding a small array of bytes is a lot quicker than saving a bunch of images). If you have a specific performance problem, let me know and I can do something about it. If you simply observe the entire game slowing down with Kethane installed, you're probably just running out of RAM, and there's nothing I can do about that. For all intents and purposes, they're hexagonal. Technically, the deposits are generated the same way as always. Each hex looks at the very center and checks if there's a deposit there (using the old polygon system) and if so, the entire hex counts as part of that deposit.
  19. 0.7 is basically done. The map works, scans save, et cetera. (Have I mentioned it works in the tracking station, too?) There was a show-stopping performance issue with the algorithm for finding the closest cell below the vessel, but I spent some time with it today and improved its runtime by a factor of about a hundred. There's still a pesky cosmetic issue with scene changes, and then there's another little something I want to sneak in. Release will be tonight or tomorrow depending on how much progress I make there.
  20. You can absolutely add objects to the world without launching from the space center. You may not be able to construct entire vessels, but you can definitely load a model and place it somewhere without it being part of a vessel. The tricky part is making sure it gets recreated when the game destroys it, but this isn't terribly hard. I don't think you can add a new scene. However, you can modify the existing scenes substantially, so it might be possible (for example) to create a "second map view" or something along those lines. Unloaded vessels don't simulate. However, you can have some other component (like a class tagged with KSPAddon) access some basic information about unloaded vessels, and you can track more detailed information in your own code. So, in principle, you can do a lot; you just can't use the inbuilt methods for manipulating vessels. In particular, this means it's difficult to simulate resource flow on unloaded vessels. (You'd have to emulate the entire system yourself and come up with some way to merge the results back in when the vessel loads.)
  21. Very nice! Do you have any details worked out for plugin integration? Are you planning on making your plugin a hard dependency? Will you make use of existing KSP mechanisms (events, actions, config nodes, etc)? Something else entirely?
  22. Maybe Yep, VS2010. I use it for programming, but it also makes a good text editor.
  23. All of that is possible, and those are good ideas. It'll take a bit of time, though, because Unity's particle systems are much less flexible when working entirely through code. The only emitter I can manipulate is a mesh emitter, which means I need to manually (or procedurally) build any mesh I want to emit from. Right now, I'm using the Unity sphere primitive for the emitter. I expect the geodesic grid will be ready for release before I can do another dev stream. Maybe I'll do another stream on Tuesday and make it a weekly thing. Yes. The deposit will still show up, but the color will update and the deposit will appear depleted. I can add a check to make it more obvious when a deposit is really totally gone.
  24. I don't think this is Kethane-related. Others haven't had this problem and there is no "helloworld" text in Kethane. Make sure you downloaded Kethane from the first post in this thread.
  25. In short, no, there will be no support for legacy maps. The code has already been removed. The longer story is that the new scans will be stored in the deposit save file. The new scan format is a bitmask where each bit represents whether a cell has been scanned. (There's code for converting these bitmasks into cell coordinates and finding the deposits underneath.) So, if you were so inclined, you could build a tool that reads old 2D scan maps and converts them to geodesic grid maps. There won't be a texture saved, so you won't be able to just overlay something on an external tool. On the other hand, the bitmask is available, which means you get access to more precise data about what's scanned. At a future time when the codebase is more stable, I may look at import Shader "Kethane/AlphaUnlitVertexColored" { Properties { _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MainTex ("Base (RGB) Trans (A)", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent"} LOD 100 ZWrite Off Cull Off Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha Lighting Off BindChannels { Bind "Color", color } Pass { SetTexture [_MainTex] { combine texture * primary } SetTexture [_MainTex] { constantColor [_Color] combine previous * constant } } } }
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