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Everything posted by Sokar408

  1. I made some small radiators attachable via KAS. However after attaching them to a satellite (you know what happened...), the waste heat doesn't seem to go down. Anyone else has tried this, or know what could be wrong? (the increase the radiators give to the wasteheat limit works though, so the part seem to be correct attached) The way I did it was simply adding these lines in addModule.cfg; ///////// RadialRadiatorzzz2 /////// GRAB { stockPartName = RadialRadiatorzzz2 evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.35) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 10 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False attachSendMsgOnly = False } Is that the correct way, or what am I missing?
  2. I made some small radiators attachable via KAS. However after attaching them to a satellite (you know what happened...), the waste heat doesn't seem to go down. What gives?
  3. How do you calculate even positions of say 6 or 8 satellites in a circular orbit?
  4. Lots of the screenshots and the download link is currently broken
  5. I do not no, like I said, clean install, with clean mod straight from the rar. NathanKell I tried to recreate it today (deleted the game folder yesterday, made a new one today), and for some reason the effect lessened now. Its still there but its barely noticeable. However after adding the rest of the mods, it appears just as clearly as before. It is very strange. I don't know if its related (properly not), but also with a fresh install, and only Deadly Reentry and FAR, I seem to go a shorter distance straight up, then with those mods and the rest I use in there as well, despite to my knowledge, nothing but FAR is suppose to change that. I really don't know why it comes to noticeable with more mods, but effect, while less visible, is still very much there without any other mods.
  6. I might be misunderstanding you, but as already established Deadly Reentry will cause this REGARDLESS of any other mods. Guessing, from what I know about the typical situations in which these these effects are suppose to show, the problem is that Deadly Reentry makes the game think that the vehicle is going both slow and fast, at low altitude. Normally the shockwave will only happen if your vehicle is going slow enough not to heat up too much, but also deep enough in the atmosphere for there to be a very significant drag. Why this happens, or how to fix it I don't know, but Deadly Reentry didn't use to this back in the day, (I think I jumped straight from Deadly Reentry 3.7 to 4.x, due to not playing for a while) so it must be a recent change that is causing it.
  7. Regardless, its not how its suppose to look, and it doesn't make sense that it does. A fix would be nice
  8. Impossible. As I mentioned, I tried to download a fresh install of KSP from Steam, and ONLY adding a freshly downloaded version of Deadly Reentry and FAR, and it still happend :/ Then I tried with just FAR, and the problem went away. Then I tried with just Deadly Reentry and it came back.
  9. You know the shock effect you get when you are at a very low altitude and going rather quick. The effect reminds me of the shockwave you see on planes in RL going supersonic. That effect always plays at the same time as the reentry effect (the flamy red one), which it flash between the white shockwave and the red reentry effect. I have no idea is anything but a display fault. I'll try and get a screenshot, and i'll effect the this post in a few min when I got it, just in case you are still unsure. Alright so getting a screenshot of this problem is hard, as every frame only has either the reentry or the shockwave effect, switching rapidly between frames. I took two pictures of the two effects. Now imagine everytime you reenter, it switchings between these two effects every or so frame.
  10. I still have the problem of getting the shock effect at the same time as the reentry effect. This only have happens with Deadly Reentry, even if its the only mod, so it has to be one responsible. I have tried completely clearing the install of the game, redownload the mod, and its still there. I assume it must be something in the config file. Anyone know what to do about it?
  11. I apologize if this has been asked before. But do you intend on making an orbital construction platform, and/or scanner parts aswell?
  12. The main mod is in, at least in my opinion, in desperate need of model rework, so this is perfect. Any plays on adding more? On another completely separate note. I haven't played the EL mod much, but I have noticed there are several launchpads, and only one of them looks like something that took more then 30 secs in Maya to put together. Are all the launchpads the same when it comes to function?
  13. Could we get release notes with each update? I don't really have the time to play these days, but I love to keep up with the mod developments
  14. Oh yea Active Texture Management Though to my knowledge all this does is compress the textures of parts, so I don't thats the problem
  15. Oh dear... A lot xD. Beyond UI mods: KerbalJointReinforment Kethane Ferram RemoteTech2 B9 KW KAS KSP Interstellar MagicSmokeIndustries Kerbal Engineer I think thats it. I haven't had a problem running these mods together before, including DeadlyReentry which is why I'm so dumbfounded
  16. For some reason when I reenter kerbin atmosphere, I get the reentry effect flickering between the fire one and the wind resistance one, instead of switching over from one to the other depending on speed. Is this a bug with KSP, DeadlyReentry, or has this been done on purpose? If so how do I fix/change it?
  17. This might be a hilariously stupid question, but I'll dare it anyway. Does this reduce the part count, or is it just for covering them up, and making it easier to create aerodynamic rockets?
  18. Being a viewer of Manley, I simply assumed there was a problem with RemoteTech and 0.23, given that he keeps talking about how he has disabled it
  19. Has anyone compiled a list of community fixes for RemoteTech2 yet? I have been dying to play KSP, but without remotetech its just too bland :'(
  20. So nobody knows what and if his working on it. Its a shame, but having a currently inactive YouTube channel with 42k subs, with many regularly spamming me for content, I surely do understand and respect his situation. Has anyone else who is more mod accustomed then me, compiled a fix list though? Surely the great minds of this community has self updated most things
  21. What is the reason for this mod not being updated yet? I have been reading pages back now and I can find nothing. Has the author given word, and is there the necessary fixes up from brighter people the me, to work around the lack of updating? Thanks in advance for any and all assistance
  22. Really glad to see someone working on this. What has kept me from using this mod is the extremely.. lets just say "simple" models used so far. Keep it up! :*
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