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Everything posted by Sokar408

  1. I'm actually trying to completely remove some fuel from parts. How would you go about that?
  2. Definitely a most have, given everything works ofc I'll keep an eye on this (my shuttle dream is one step closer!)
  3. Yea it does seem to be a bit complicated, but that is only due to poor tooltips. I love complexity though so "lite'ing" things isn't my preference. It does bother me a bit though, that pretty much everything in Interstellar is available in the VAH. I understand the reasoning, as not having it would make conventional builds a lot more appealing, but at the same time, it seems a waste to add so much complexity for no real reason. All that said though, if I could only pick ONE mode to play with, it'd be Interstellar, and that says a lot!
  4. That would be lovely Also Wave. Does your experimental version represent fixes/upgrades that will be present in the upcoming version of Interstellar, or is it merely your own take on things you think should be changed?
  5. So on github, the folder called FNPlugin is the uncompiled WarpPlugin.dll? Is so I'm guess I have to find the file in there, make the change, then somehow make the FNPlugin compiled into a DLL. I haven't done this before, so if I'm completely off, will free to help care my ignorance (oh and how the hell do you "compile" it?)
  6. The only way I have ever improved workflow on something is with a schedule and a planned approach. However this also tends to kill the fun a bit, as you restrict yourself, and when dealing with hobbies, it tends to be most fun when done at ones desired pace and interest. Given that and you already sound like you are getting a bit tired of it, I don't really think there is a way, that is unless you, unlike me, love schedules and restrictive plans (since you haven't done it this way until now, I'm guess not) Do it the way you like to do it man, and if you need help I'm sure (I hope) there are people here with the skills and interest to assist you
  7. I can not for the life of me locate a FNNuclearReactor.cs file. How do I fix this, and can it be done with ModuleManager? Furthermore, is there a way to add or remove a resource from a part in VAH with ModuleManager, so I don't have to directly change the files.
  8. How strong is the KAS Strut compared to a normal strut? I have used them for a bit now, and I don't see to get much of it
  9. I have been missing around with the reactors to try and figure out how to use the refuel and fuel swap options. I noticed something a bit off. When I switched from UF4 to ThF4, the reactor loaded up 4000/3000 Thf4, and when I started the reactor up, it went down to 3000/3000. But instead of putting the 1000 remaining ThF4 into the storage tanks, it simply disappeared. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong? Also, what is the reason being Helium3 not being produced outside active vessels?
  10. I see no part mods supported by the mod. Does that mean that any part from a mod not listed will be free?
  11. I have experienced some problems with the 3M fairings. Basically it seems like the fairing sides are not flexed, and they are sliding ever so little apart now and then. I thought it my be the stuff inside oscillating into fairings, but on closer inspection this is not the case. It looks weird, but as for what drag effect it has I can't speak to.
  12. Its a simple yes. Infact all the readouts should be available in the stock game. Its always bothered me that it wasn't, considering how important they are to running an effective space problem.
  13. I am fully aware, but for the added challenge I'd like to have to mine all of it, like Uranium, Thorium, and so on, as it would make setting up bases worthwhile. I'm not saying the mod should change, not at all, I just asked if there was a way for me to add that challenge for myself, beyond the slightly immersion breaking "I just won't use it"
  14. Is there a way for me to make specific resources in Interstellar, none accessible in the VAH. Atm I'm thinking about starting to mine resources, but the fact that I can just get it in the VAH is very offputting. I'd like to modify it so that only a few (or maybe none, haven't concluded that yet) are accessible there, forcing me to go looking for the others.
  15. Alright I have been reading several pages now, with many different "hotfixes" and what not. So I'll be yet another one of the people asking. What hotfix do I need to add to get this working consistently with 23.5?
  16. I had done exactly this.. only I didn't know it. I clicked it by mistake in PrecisionNodes
  17. I know I ask a lot of questions, but I just can't help myself! This mod is so amazing, and seem to leave so many things unanswered. For example, and I think I asked this before though I can't find it again; What is the range on the Gamma Ray Spectrometer? In the VAH, Thermal Nozzles and Turbojets and even Plasma Engines, has the exact same values lists, except for the maximum MW they can use, and their weight. However when used there seem to be a difference. How can this be? And if its just me over seeing something, then isn't there just a ton of parts that are obsolete?
  18. Absolutely fantastic mod! I can't see myself playing ever again without it. I landed for the first time on Duna today with this mod on, and it totally changed the experience. I do have a question though. The city lights seem to be flickering under mountains/terrain now and again, as if its a flat sheet set at an altitude where some of the actual terrain pops over over. Have I missed some settings up or is this intended?
  19. I am ofc focusing the CoM. What happens looks like the same situation, as when you have a rocket that is too long, and once it starts shaking to one side, trying to compensate just makes the oscillation worse. I guess I could try fewer engines. I was using 6 nukes though, which given the size really shouldn't be too bad. I think its the torque forces that is causing the shaking, but I sense RCS isn't really the way to go when trying to maneuver an asteroid
  20. Alright so I sent up a vessel that ended up encountering an E-class asteroid while still have 8.4k DeltaV and as expected when I struck it head up, it went done to about 270. However it would still have been enough if it wasn't for the fact that as soon as I turn on the engines, the whole thing starts shaking wildly. I even brough 60 struts with me (KAS), reloaded the quick save, strapped every single one the the vessel (evenly ofc), and it helped absolutely nothing. The vessel stroke free 1 side of all the struts after the shaking got too bad, and end up ripping itself apart even though I desperately shut down the engines. How the hell do you guys do catch these behemoths?
  21. What is the range on the Gamme Ray Spectrometer? Also is there plans to add UI displays of transmission angles and stuff like that?
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