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Everything posted by Sokar408

  1. So I'm self studying physics at gymnasium level, so that I can study at the university to become an engineer. However as so happens with things you have to do on your own, you run into roadblocks that, in hindsight, will look retardedly easy. I think I'm in one of those situations. On the topic of "Force" PLEASE keep in mind that I'm translating this on the fly, from Danish to English, so if something doesn't sound right, its probably me translating something wrong I am asked to: Surface area: 12 m^2 Wood tile: 5 cm high 1.9 g/cm^3 Concrete: 10 cm high 2.3 g/cm^3 Styrolit Isolation 25 cm high 75 kN/m^2 (Pascal) a. Calculate the gravitational force of the concrete and wooden tiles. Now I'm assuming this basically means, to calculate the weight of the concrete and wooden tiles. So basically recalculate the density from g/cm^3, to kg/m^3, and multiply that, by the m^3 amount of the wooden tiles and concrete. Is this correct? b. Hvor big is the maximum force, the isolation can withstand, when the applied force is evenly distributed? This would baffles me. I am already told that Styrolit can withstand 75 kN/m^2, which as far as I'm aware, is the maximum force it can stand. I'm not sure what I am suppose to do here. c. How many kg of furniture and other goods, can the floor withstand (evenly distributed). Here I am assume I need to know how much of a maximum force the isolation is taken up by the wooden tiles and concrete, and the left over is the answer. Since the formula stands that the area isn't relevant (I'll show why below) when only dealing with force, I can simply calculate the Pascal for the tiles and concrete, which I get to: Wooden tile: (1,9 g/cm^3 * 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm)/1000 g/kg = 1900 kg/m^3 Concrete: (1,9 g/cm^3 * 100 cm * 100 cm * 100 cm)/1000 g/kg = 2300 kg/m^3 The formula for force is P = P(gravitational force on mass) + P(Atmosphere = 101325 Pascal) = ÃÂahg/a = ÃÂgh (unit: N/m^2) So I get the following Gravitational force of Wooden tile: 1900 kg/m^3 * 9.82 m/s^2 * 0.05 m = 932,9 N/m^2 (Pascal) Gravitational force of concrete tile: 2300 kg/m^3 * 9.82 m/s^2 * 0.10 m = 2258,6 N/m^2 (Pascal) Total 3191,5 N/m^2 (Pascal) = 3,2 kN/m^2 (Pascal) That means that of the 75 kN/m^2 (Pascal), the isolation can take, only 3.2 kN/m^2 (Pascal) is used by the concrete and wooden tiles? This seems completely insane, and I must have something wrong here, but I can't figure out what. And if I add the atmosphere here, it'll just be way above it, and that is even more ludicrous. Please help.
  2. Implimenting RemoteTech would be pointless without some sort of life support as well, because otherwise all you have done is make sure people will use manned craft for everything. There is also the debate that not everyone would like it. I'm personally all for adding life support and implimenting RemoteTech, because both are things I refuse to play without, but I have to stay objective and admit it might not be for everyone. Ofc adding both to the difficulty settings, allowing people to turn it off, might be a great way of having our cake, and eating it too.
  3. I deleted the ATM mod, reinstalled it, and added an exception to the TextureReplacer folder, and the problem has completely disappeared, so as assumed the TextureReplacer and ATM doesn't seem to like each other. I'll try and replicate the issue, and if I'm successful I'll add the output_log.txt (My apologies for forgetting it), and put a screenshot to show the issue.
  4. PC rig: CPU: Core i7 4790K GPU: GTX 970 RAM: 16 GB I don't think its a hardware problem. Also just to be sure; there anyway for me to add exclusions and where is the cached texture data?
  5. I'm using Basic, but i only use about 2.3 GB ram, so it shouldn't be a problem. But I thinking deleting the cache could help, as I have since tried to make exceptions to TextureReplacer and EVE. Could you also please tell me exactly how to this, so I'm sure I'm doing it right.
  6. Yes, I get the same. Is there somewhere where I can delete the cache data?
  7. Alright, so I'm getting a white and red background and white and red Kerbin. It must be added, that the only mods in there so far, is EVE, Astronomers, TextureReplacer, and ATM.
  8. For some, as of 0.90 I get extraordinarily long loading times with this mod. It has never been a problem before though. I am only use EVE and Astromoners Visuals atm.
  9. Basically, is some parts more performance demanding then others? The reason I ask, is that I'm always so anxious about making things, because I'm afraid the turn out will be impossible to use, due to low FPS. Now my computer is a relatively high end machine (CPU: Core i7 4790K. GPU: GTX 970. Mobo: MSI Mpower Z97. etc.), but I once tried to download one of Overfloaters planes, to test in with FAR (Which as expected, didn't go well xD), and my FPS tanked to unplayable levels. Now in that case, I'm assuming FAR is the cause, making more demanding then stock (assumptions, I have many), but beyond that, is there parts I can use without too much fear of FPS tanking? Is physicsless parts less demanding? Questions questions questions! xD
  10. Very nice mod (I find myself saying this waaay to often to you)! Love the bubble animation particularly. I would like an accelerator of some sort though, or some way of knowing where I'm trajectory other then the visuals. If this is already there an I failed to notice it in the trailer, then feel free to point at laugh On a side note. Do you have any places on making the bubble formation and collapse a bit smoother, and add alternative audio effects? Also like others have said, the size of the bubble. Why did you decide no to scale it? Would be amazing it adding more energy (negative energy xD) would allowed for a bigger bubble
  11. So basically it should work out for the better Cheers for the feedback guys
  12. Alright, so I have been thinking about getting up a Linux OS with the sole purpose of playing KSP in 64 bit. The idea is, that by doing that, I'll have able to comfortably use all the mods I like. Now heres the question: Considering a lot of mods intentionally disables 64 bit, like FAR (I know there is a mod to unlock it), does that mean, that it simply won't run on a 64 bit KSP client, or that 64 bit doesn't provide any benefit for that particular mod? In either case does that mean that setting up a Linux OS to play KSP 64 bit is pointless? Overall my question really is, is the assumption that getting up Linux OS to play KSP in 64 bit, will provide a substantial benefit for performance and lack of RAM issues?
  13. And again Roverdude does it! I have high hopes for this, and knowing how reliable Roverdude is, I'm sure my hopes will be met and exceeded. You are a true asset to this community man, keep it!
  14. Ahh yep its a memory crash. It means above 3.8 GB of RAM use and then crashes. Is there a way ask ATM to selectively reduce some textures more then others, or is there some other way to reduce RAM load without reducing the textures any further then the standard ATM settings? I have heard about this DDS texture mod, but I know nothing of it. Could this help?
  15. http://www./view/9kocl2w8jjs8erb/output_log.txt Here it is. Sorry for not providing it earlier, I didn't know about this one
  16. The title says it all. Every time my game crashes when I try to revert launch, or when I'm in flight and try to return to the Space Center. Does anyone know if any of these mods conflict? ActionGroupsExtended Asteroid Recycling Technologies Active Texture Management B9 Deadly Reentry Editor Extensions EVE Extraplanetary Launchpads FAR Fine Print Infernal Robotics Karbonite USI Kolonization Systems KAS Kerbal Alarm Clock KW MechJeb NavBall Docking Alignment Indicator Precise Node RCSBuildAid RemoteTech SCANsat StageRecovery TAC Life Support Tech Manager (For KSPI, however I haven't added it yet) TextureReplacer Toolbar Trajectories Transfer Window Planner TweakScale Wauw, that was a mouthful I'll also add a crashdump for anyone understands it (I don't obvious). http://www./download/0l70ry2aianekel/2014-11-11_184552.rar
  17. :'( Bahamuto you are a blessing and a curse. You simply won't stop making mods I can't live without, and then leave them on the shelf. Why you so good at modding?!
  18. Its very hard to fault this list. Personally I'd move RemoteTech to gameplay because without it, I simply can't enjoy the game anymore. But I do realize that is a subjective preference.
  19. Hopefully they'll get the game on to Unity 5 as soon as possible, so pre-beta. Given the acclaimed upsides of the update, it'd be hard to argue against it.
  20. That B-2 is one .... .....! EDIT: I understand the censoring of *itch but why is "S E X Y" censored?
  21. They grant uncertainty, though I suppose you could say that the "yet" on the topic in the OP hints at it coming in the future.
  22. Is there any plans on adding the ability to add completely new nodes?
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